• A Package Is Not A Package

    The doorbell rang, dad answered the door. His face lit up immediately. It was the package he was waiting for. He was so happy he jumped straight into opening it. The he called his two young sons down to see what he had received.
    Joey came down first. He had only just woken up so he was frustrated at his father at first, but then the smell of foam peanuts filled the air and he knew there was something waiting for him. When he got downstairs he was overjoyed to find a pirate ship in his living room.
    He swam out to it and yelled for someone to invite him aboard. A rope latter was lowered to him and he climbed onboard. Once onboard he was greeted by a crew of scurvy pirates. At first Joey was scarred, then he became excited. He told them tales of his journey all over the seven seas, fables of all the treasures he had discovered. The crew was overjoyed to have such an experienced pirate on their ship. They even made him captain.
    Joey led the pirates all over the world, pillaging many towns, and defeating many enemy pirates. One day a most wanted pirate “Peg Leg Larry” heard of his almost historic feats as a captain, and decided to find him. He searched for 6 days before finding his ship. He hopped aboard and challenged Joey to a duel. Joey was worried, but to proud to back down. He accepted the challenge trying to sound over confident.
    They each took out their pistols; walked ten paces, then turned and shot. There was a loud BANG then all fell silent. Joey’s entire crew staring with unshakeable intent, then Peg Leg Larry fell. The crew was so happy with their captain that they through him a party. The party lasted a few hours then Joey became hungry, so he set a course for home. He landed his boat, climbed onto shore, and walked into the kitchen for lunch.
    Just as he sat down to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich his mom had prepared for him, his brother Tony had just finished eating. Tony was eager to get his turn with their dad’s package so he ran straight to the living room. There he found a spaceship.
    He climbed into the cockpit and prepared to blast off. Tony hit a few buttons and at first the spaceship just hovered a few feet in the air, then Tony pulled a leveler and the ship blasted off. He switched over to warp drive and flew straight out of the Milky Way. Tony was in search of some action. After a few days of flying he came across a planet that was not on his map, it was undiscovered. This is just what Tony had been looking for. He flew down and landed on the planet.
    Once he landed he put on a space suit and began his exploration. He found the plant life to be extremely out of the ordinary. Most plants were beautiful but some housed thorns and other dangerous defenses. The animals were less interesting to him. There was only one species and it looked very similar to the cat he had back home. He decided he had explored enough and decided to go back to his ship.
    He began to hike back to his ship but he soon found that he was lost. He wondered around for hours until he found a cave. He decided to camp there for the night and search for his ship in the morning’s light. It was very dark by the time he had set up camp. He began to hear the soft step of an almost human like creature just outside of the cave.
    Tony quickly grabbed a rock and prepared for a fight, but the creature just smiled and left. Tony was confused but his stomach was growling and he could almost hear his mother shout “Dinner” in the back of his mind. He searched around the cave for something to eat but came up empty handed, he slept without food. That morning he found his spaceship, tony felt slightly foolish for not seeing it earlier. It was a mere 10 feet to the left of the cave.
    Tony was starving that morning so he flew straight home. It was already getting dark by the time he got there. He landed his shuttle in the living room and ran to the kitchen where dinner had been made.
    He and Joey went to bed not long after for they were both exhausted from their travels. They woke up the next morning and both raced to the living room, disappointed to see it empty. They searched around the house but could not find their vessels. Then Joey noticed something outside the window and called tony over. At the end of their driveway Joey saw a sunken ship; Tony saw a spaceship that had been hit by quite a few meteors, both out by a few trash cans and recycling bins.
    They were both sad, and became almost depressed when a giant green monster came and gobbled up their ships. They ran to their mother and told her their tales. As Joey told his story he saw a lot of his first mate in his mother, tony saw the alien that was just outside his cave. Tony even saw his cat as one of the aliens.
    After their tales had been told their dad walked in. He asked them if they had seen what came in the mail. They told him what happened. He laughed and led them into the Family room where a brand new flat screen TV was mounted on the wall. Tony and Joey thought this was almost as good as a pirate ship or a space vessel and sat down to watch cartoons.