• Always Too Careful

    Serena's P.O.V

    I still need to call Jami and tell her that I can't go to the movies with her tonight. I can't go with so many single guys going. I can't make the same mistake my dad made 18 years ago. I thought as I headed toword the main library at the local collage. I just needed to get away from my dad. He was in one of his drunken spells, as usual, when I came home. I didn't want to get hurt again for studying in my room or for not getting him more alchol, which I can't do because I'm only 18. When I walk in to the hall that leads to the library I see a gigantic group of girls all huddled around in one spot yelling. Then I see Him. The guy that I had Heard about from one of the girls that go here. She said his name was Jason I think. I didn't really care about stuff like that so I really didn't pay that much attention. He was wearing a Beatles t-shirt with the sleeves cut off and some torn jeans. I really didn't see what the other girls saw in him he just looked like a oridinary guy to me and yet they were all asking him to go out with them. He had a huge smile as he walked through the crowd of girls. I just turned toward the doors to the library not even noticing the way the girls all of a sudden got quiet.


    The next day Lizzy, my best friend who actually went to this collage all day, came up to me and asked if I had a death wish or somthing."Liz, I have no clue what you're talkin about. I came here after school to study cause my dad is getting bad again, and I didn't want to get hurt. Why is that a problem?" "Well, Serena, it's a problem because you just walked away almost laughing at Jason when you were going into the library. You've heard of Jason, my friend Lacy told you about him the other day remember? He's the one that the girls here have a 'fanclub' for, and you dissed him in front of all of them! The 'fanclub' girls are wanting to skin you alive for that so you better watch your back 'cause if you don't you will get hurt and I mean it won't be just a twisted ankle type thing like it was in sixth grade, I mean they would probably break both of your legs if they get the chance. So promise me you will be careful ok?" Lizzy said in such a rush that she was completely out of breath after she finished.
    "Fine, I promise that I will be careful. Happy?" I said. Like I'm not careful now. I thought but didn't say aloud. Lizzy was just trying to keep me safe like she had all these years. I knew she meant well, but it still aggravaited me that she thought that I couldn't take care of myself.As soon as I'm done with high school I'm getting out of this town and getting as far away as I can from it and not coming back ever again. I thought. "Sorry Liz, but I have to get to my next class. I'll either call or text you tonight after I get done at work, ok?" I asked, trying to put as little sarcasm as I could in my voice.
    "Fine, but if you don't call or text me by 11:00 tonight I'm going to call you, got that?" She said, acting like she always did when she was worrying about me. "Fine, you've got a deal." I said, rolling my eyes. We both started laughing. Then Lizzy gave me the same warm hug she always gave me when things were getting bad for me. "Serena, you know I just want you to be safe, and if your dad gets too bad you can stay at my mom's house. I'll call her and tell her you might be coming. Do you still have the key we gave you?" Serena asked. "Yes, Liz, I still have the key, and I'm gonna try to stay at my house tonight." I said showing her that the key was still on the chain she gave me the key on. " But if he starts hurting you again you better go to my mom's ok? I don't what happend last year to happen again." She said shivering at the memory. I held my chest and still remembered the pain of getting shot. " Well I'm going to class now. See you later." I said wanting to get away from the memory and the topic all together.