• Chapter 1: My first day

    As I walk to school I can only imagine the people there. Being one of the top rated schools in the country, I must be in the lowest level of smarts at that school. Ho, I almost forgot to introduce myself, I’m Jacob Johnson, I was just accepted into a very high standard high school and I don’t ever remember asking to go. But this is my lucky day, just case I am one of the most famous fighters in my side of town doesn’t mean I’m at all intelligent. I have to step my game up if I want to at least pass.

    I can see the school I’m supposed to be going to . . . its BIG. I’m just guessing, but it might have 4 floors in the first building, two buildings have 3 floors it seems, and six buildings had 2 floors! This is the biggest school I’ve ever been to. As I walk in to the front office, the smell of air freshener hits my nostrils and nearly makes my eyes water from the intense scent.

    I walk up to the desk that is in front of me and the man standing there is about 6”4 since I’m about 5”10 and he is towering over me. Seems to be a solid wall of force with his muscles bulging out of that suit he is warring. I studded as I spoke to him. “E-excuse me sir. I’m here to become a student at this school. My name is Jacob Johnson.” The man seemed to look down at me and crouch to reach the keyboard to type my name in the system. The man reads the computer and says out loud “Blond, male, 5”9, 190 lbs., hazel eyes, Caucasian, Intelligence level: 1020, Physical level:” The man’s jaw drops as he reads on “5-5028!” He clears his throat and hands me my student ID. He points me to the door behind him and pushes me to go.

    I walk to through the door and look around at the empty school yard. I look around and ask my self out loud “What’s going on?” The moment I said that I hear moaning from in front of me. A girl was walking slowly to me and she seemed to be badly beat up. I ran up to her and asked if she was alright. She did not respond. I asked her again and no answer. This is not good I thought as I backed up. As I backed away she seemed to crack a smile for a second. I stopped and looked behind me. No one was there, I looked up, no one, I kept looking and I could not find anyone. I looked at the girl and she started to move closer, “if you value your life I suggest you stop if you’re joking.” I told her, but she kept coming. I’m done playing I thought and reached in my back pocket and pulled out two black fingerless gloves. The gloves where in really bad condition with a whit cross was painted in the back. I put the gloves on and put up three fingers. “If you don’t stop by the time I hit zero, you will regret it.”

    I told her as she continued to come at me “three” I starred the girl down. “Two” I put one finger away, I watched her walking pattern. “One” I put another finger down; I looked her in the eyes. “ZERO!” I put my and into a fist and waited for her to get within my fist range. She put her mouth near my fist and in one motion I pulled my right fist back, took a step forward, and aimed at her stomach as I punched with my left. I could feel my hand push her back. She slide about a foot away and curled up in the feudal position as she made a littlie cry.

    As I stood up I looked at the girl who was down. I took the gloves off, put them in my pocket, and went up to help. I kneeled down to her and could see she was in too much pain to tell me to go away. I decided to ease her pain by putting her to sleep. I put my hand on the colure bone and pinched the alert nerve witch put her to sleep. Her body unraveled itself allowing me to lift her and take her to the clinic.

    When I dropped her off I walked to my class and found that the class rooms were pretty big as well. Why would they make such a big school I thought? But before they noticed I was standing there watching I tried to open the door, but when I turned the knob the door would not open. I must have made some noise case when I looked inside again they where all looking at me. I stood there dumb founded for a few moments and tried it again, nothing. I looked back inside to see if there was another way in and I saw a student hold up his ID. I pulled mine out and looked at the door knob and back at my ID. Then I noticed that there was a line engraved into the door knob. I put by ID on the top and swiped it. I heard the sound of a door unlocking and when I tried the door knob again, it opened.

    I walked in and not a second too late I heard “May I help you?” I looked at the teacher who gave me the look like she was not happy with me. I looked at her and said “I’m a new student, Jacob Johnson, ma’am.” She walked up to me and got right in my face. Looked me up and down and turned around. She took a couple of steps away and when she stopped she kept her back to me. “Grab me.” She said briefly. I was taken off guard and I asked without thinking “What?” “Grab me, anywhere you would in combat.” I looked at her and looked around to see if she was joking; the students didn’t think it was funny. “Grab me as hard as you can.” That sparked my memories; grab me as hard as you can basically mean I know martial arts in taunt talk. I walked up to her stopped right behind her I wrapped my hands around her and I grabbed her breast while yelling “POP FLY!” They felt like D size bra. I heard her gasp as I did this. She lifted her leg up and kicked me in the gut to make me bend over but when she went for an axe kick to my head to end it, I blocked her kick with my forearm. She looked at me and I smiled at her as I twisted my arm around to wrap it around her leg and threw her to the door. She hit the wall then hit the floor, after a moment she just stared at me. I figured this would be a good time to act like I was on a TV show, so I stood there, letting the light from the window shine on me with my head down and with my right hand in my pocket. “What do you say to a.” I pause as I lift my head to look at her, “friendly little fight, shall we?” of course she said yes and we were out side in a moment.

    We stood there staring each other down as the crowd around us was making growing larger and making bets. My hearing focused on the crowd to try and hear any information about my opposite. “I’m betting 10 bucks on the teacher, there is no way the rookie is going to beat the martial arts/boxing/judo advisor.” So many fighting styles, but can she control them I thought as I continued listing. “My moneys on the teacher, her combat practice and endurance give her the advantage.” Combat practice? She must be an Ex-solider or something. “The Teacher is going to win, her physical score is the highest in the school and-“a voice stopped him “WAS the highest. This kid has about 200 more physical points then on her, but her mental score compared to his is like a rocket scientists to a new born.” At that moment everyone stopped talking. I guess there waiting for the fight to begin. I focused all of my attention on her now. She seems to be very skilled and have incredible power over the students. I should go all out. I took my hand out of my pocket and put it in front of me. I looked at her and said “Let’s go.”

    She dashed at me with incredible speed but to me going all out, she was in slow mode. She tried to come at me with an uppercut palm strike but I dodged it easily. She looked at me with surprise. I stepped to the side and put my right hand behind my back. “I’ll block and parry every strike you throw at me until you hit me.” I felt the demon inside me awaken at that moment. “But you better hurry, I get uneasy when I am getting attacked and don’t fight back.” I said with a dark look in my eyes. She stood up, got back into her fighting stance.

    She got mad at my last comment and ran right at me with a side was axe hand, I ducked away from it and I goose she thought I wasn’t expecting a spinning side kick to follow, but I grabbed it and wrapped it around my arm with ease. When I looked right in front of me I saw purple panties and I said “Ho, purple panties, that’s new.” She got upset at that comment and kicked me in the chin and broke free of my grasp.

    When I stood up I rubbed my hand and said “you know your legs are incredibly smooth.” She really didn’t like that comment and she ran at me with full hatred in her eyes. At that moment she lost at that moment. Too angry to use judo, thoughts too clouded by hatred to use martial arts, and trying to use boxing with her legs is a fail. I knew I had to finish it.

    When she got close to me I told her “I’ll end this now.” And before anyone could blink, I had my hand on her throat choking her. I lifted her up in the air, let her go for a quick moment, and while still air-born I gave two jabs to her ribs, side kick to make her flip in mid-air, a front kick to keep her air-born a little longer, grabbed her ankle, and threw her to the crowd behind me who was stunned at the fight.

    I stood there as the crowd checked to see if she would still fight, ho how she wanted to. She got up walked up to me and looked me dead in the eye while holding her side. She opened her mouth and before she could say it I said “no I don’t want a b*****b from you.” With a smile on my face, her face turned blood red from that. “Serially though.” I started. “You get too angry too easily, I use your fighting styles on you when you lost it. Martial art requires self-discipline and a calm mind, judo requires a balanced body, soul, and mind, and boxing requires focus. You had none of those near the end so you lost. You need to clear your mind and practice the basics of martial arts again.” I put my hand on her forehead. She found this as a perfect time to use a cheap shot and kick me in the groin, thank god I always where a steel cup. She hurt her foot more then she hurt me.

    She jumped around holding your foot yelping “owe owe owe owe owe.” For about ten seconds. She looked at me and then looked at my pants as I tapped where she kicked I said “Steel cup.” And you could hear a ding as I tapped the cup. She slapped herself on the forehead. I walked up to her though and slapped her in the face so hard she fell. She looked at me with a shocked expression. “Dirty shots are hits with no honor that I can not respect. I am a man of honor, respect, and pride. And if you lose one of those at any time, you are not allowed to use martial arts in front of me.” I tuned around and said “try to earn that honor back as fast as you can, cause next time I see you use martial arts, I’ll break your legs.” I walked away from the crowd, walked up to the school fence, and jumped it. I walked away and saw that an adult was walking in a limped motion; I was in no mood to joke. So without warning I dashed up to him, gave him a side kick to the right rib cage, a left hook to the face, grabbed his neck, picked him up and slammed him into the ground. I looked at the body and walked away. Then I heard a moan.

    I looked at the man on the ground and saw that he was getting up. And not only that I saw a large bite mark on his left leg. The blood seemed to be dry but with that injury and the slam I gave him, he should not be able to stand up, but he was.

    He started walking towards me; I knew I had to stop it from getting near the school. Snap, I told my self. The man started to walk toward me. Snap, I told myself again as the wounded man opened his mouth. SNAP, I told myself one last time. The creature got in my face and I knew he was going to bite me.

    This . . . this zombie.