• Diary Entry 1

    I run from them, they run from the beast. That is how it is, how it always will be. There are 9 of them now, one of them was killed when the beast emerged from its lair. I run from them, they run from the beast...

    Diary Entry 2

    I keep running, straight from one day into the next. The beast is faster than they are, my hope is that when it catches up with them it will slow down enough for me to make my escape. I just hope there is enough of them to slow it down.

    Diary Entry 3

    I don't really know where I run to. I just run, that is all there is for me. The beast has caught up to them, they are reduced to eight.

    Diary Entry 4

    It seems like all I do is run. I grow tired of it, but I can't afford to stop, if I stop, or even slow down, they will catch me, and the beast will catch them.

    Diary Entry 5

    I try to avoid signs of life, I don't want others to fall prey to the Beast. They are getting closer, I can hear their shouts of anger and fear. I can hear the beast to, the horrible sounds it makes as it moves across the land.

    Diary Entry 6

    I passed through a village today, I yelled and screamed as I went through, trying to warn them of the horror that was in my wake. None of the villagers listened, they all must be dead by now. The group that pursues me has been reduced to 5. The Beast picks them off one by one.

    Diary Entry 7

    They are all gone, only the BEAST remains pursuing me. I can see it now, the most horrible thing I can possibly imagine. All my dreams and nightmares gone horribly wrong.

    Diary Entry 8

    The unimaginable has happened, I have to stop. I have come to a cliff, the bottom of which is covered in rocks. The horror of the BEAST looms behind me, a rocky doom lies ahead of me. Caught between death and oblivion, I have run out of choices. I can die or be killed. The BEAST has paused, as if waiting to see what I will do. I don't know what the BEAST will do with me, it may eat me, or maybe it would crush me or rip me apart. We have both stood motionless for what seems like an eternity, the BEAST and I.

    Diary Entry 9

    I have made my decision, I slowly turn my back on the horrible beast, and throw myself of the cliff. The beast howls and screams, it seems angry at my decision. I smile as I plummet toward the rocks below, I have denied the beast whatever pleasure it may have gotten from killing me. It doesn't scare me anymore. I can finally stop running...