• There was a boy named Nick, there was a girl named velicity. Nobody seemed to see Nick, but velicty was a shining star. Nick loved his star, though she never saw him. She didnt even know he existed. Every day she would come to school greeted by an army of friends, nick was greeted with silence. One day Nick walked in and his brown eyes met her blue eyes, he was stunned by her waves of beautiful brunet hair. she quikly looked away before he could wave, and so his days went on. every day he saw her beautiful form walking the halls to her next class. Another cold winter day as he drove home from school in his old grey Sable, he saw her walking through the crunching slush. her masscara was running down her face, there was a bruse on her cheek. the though that somebody did that to her filled him to the rim with rage. He pulled over bye her and rolled down his window, she looked at him and he had a hard time getting the words to leave his lips "V-Velicity?" she nodded he asked "what happened?" she said choking on her words "Nothing you should w-worry about..." he figured that she had just another bad day, he had thoughs days often. but he always pulled through when he got home to his parrents. He drove home and on the next day saturday he had plans to finaly man up and drive to her house and ask her out. he drove to Wal-Mart and bought one red rose tied with a blue ribbon to match her eyes. he drove to her house in the snow, and parked in front of her house. he took in one big breath of cold air and chilled him to the bone, he picked up the rose and strode up to her door step. He rung the bell once, twice, a third time and nobody came. He sighed and thought "maby their just not home today." he walked back to his car, and drove home, the entire time watching the rose on his dash bord. the two days later he arived at school, no Velicity...people were crying everywere, people sat on benches with blank and glossed over eyes, others cryed. he walked up to a student he didnt know who and asked "What happened?" and the girl handed him a paper it read "Last night 15 year old teen gos suicide. her final words say 'If your reading this you are also looking at my hanging body. I wish somebody would have notised the pain i went through every day, then maby this wouldnt have happened. but im sorry i couldnt take life any longer, its just too much on my tired soal. and if you did attempt to help me...thank you, but some times your just too late.' Her name was Velicity Craft, she was found hanging from her door frame at 2:32 PM on saturday." nick just fell to his knees amid the croud. if only he could have just opened the door he could have saved her...He attended her funeral. and he brought the whilted rose with its blue droopy ribbon still clinging onto the stem, he set it on her coffin and it was no more. he stayed there all day unable to move, finaly he drove home in the middle of the night, he drove past her house and he burst into tears he went home and his life was never the same. and so every day untill the day he died at a ripe age of 82 he left at her grave one red rose from Wal-Mart, with a blue ribbon to match her eyes.