• All I saw was Tony and Charlie walking towards me if blood red eye and cannines longger than they shouldd be. This cant be happening. Was this a dream? Please let it be a dream. I closed my eyes. I opened my eyes. It was a dream.
    I stood up and looked around. It was dark. I looked out the window. It was raining. I saw clouds, black clouds, all over the sky. I loved when it rained. I love the rain. In the town of Salem it rains all the time.
    "Jamie your up?"I turned and saw Tony. "Yah."I said. He stood there for awhile then finally said, "Umm are you going back to sleep I can leave?"He said. "No your fine." I said. I walked back over to the couch and sat down. I leaned my head against my hand.
    Thats when I looked up and saw someone outside the window. I quickly got up and ran outside. The persons shadow started to run. I chased after the person. I saw Tony not far behind me. As I was running I slipped and fell down. I fell on my hand and hit my head on a rock. "Oww!"I yelled. Who was that person?I cant believed I let him get away.
    Not to long after. Tony was at my side. "Are you ok? Your head, it's bleeding."He said. "He pulled my hair away from the cut on my head. He looked at the cut. "Tony it's ok I'm fine."I said. "Just help me get up."I said.
    He helped me stand up. I put one hand around his shoulder and started to walk back to the cabin. As we were walking I saw another persons shadow. "Tony. Do you see that?"I whispered. He looked quickly and nodded.
    We stopped walking. He helped me sit down. The shadow was still there. Tony looked and was quickly had hold of the person. "Who are you and what do you want?"He said in a snarl. "Please Please dont hurt me."It was a mans voice. "What do you want?"Tony asked again angrily. "I wanted to turn that witch in."He said with a chuckle.
    I looked at him. "Yah in town some men of the town council no about you from your recent activites. So some people are looking for you. And when they find you there gonna have a the first witch trial in 100 years. And when they say guilty your going to die. So you can kill me or let me go cause you going to die." He said. I felt a tear go down my face. I was angry. I stood up and walked over to Tony. I said a spell. The man screamed.
    I stopped the spell. "Why do they want to kill me?"I asked the man angrily. "Same reason they did long ago."He said. I turned around. My back was to him. "Go head Tony."I said. "What!? You know what you can go to hell witch.."He cut off. I heard his neck snap.
    "Come on lets go.''Tony said. He said. And we walked back to the house.
    As we were getting closer to the house I remembered my head. It was still bleeding. I felt it on my shirt. We entered the house. I went to the restroom. I got a towel, put some water on it and put it on my head.
    "Whats wrong?"I turned around and saw a lady. "Who are you?"I said. "Charlene. Im friends with Charlie. They know I'm here. Um.. do you need some help with that."She said. "Sure"I said.
    She walked up to me. She put her hand on the cut. And she was doing something. When she removed her hand I put my hand on my head. It was just a scar know. "Umm Thanks. How did you do that."I asked her. "Im a healer I can do all kinds of things."She said.
    I walked back to the couch. Charlene went to her room. And Tony was out trying to find any more people.
    As I walked into what seemed to be a living room I saw Charlie. "Tony told me what happened. Cant beleive they would want to try and bring up the trials again."HE said. "The only thing Im wondering is that how did they know it was me. I was always careful I never used my power unless necicarry. How did they find out?"I said.
    Huh. I thought. We both sat there. "Jamie. Im going to ask you something that had nothing to do with whats going on. Are you still in love with Tony?"He asked. I wasnt sure about that. I was in love but everythign is different know. but I dont know. "Ummm I'm not sure about that anymore."I said. He nodded.
    I started to think was I. I mean I dont know anymore. I remember when I was. But to many things have happened how could I be sure now.
    "Charlie are you still in love with Mia?"I asked him. "Yes. Yes I am, I will always love her but I moved on but I will never stop loving her." He said. Wow. I wonder if he will ever love anyone else again?
    TO BE CONTINUED.......