• "Me and Ikuto will go after the president, you two go to the computer room under the house. I'm sorry, but you'll have to figure out the rest on your own, even our best shapeshifters couldn't find out much about how to get down to the computer room." Nala said. I nodded my head and patted the gun on my thigh (like Laura Croft) to make sure it was there. I didn't like to sing to defeat my enemies too much so I always kept a kinfe and gun close when I could, sometimes even a scife. "Let's go" I grabbed Titan by the arm and dived into an open window some idiot left open. "Uh, where do we go from here?" Titan asked. "This way" I pointed to the right of the light orange hallway It had round lights hanging 2 feet away from the ceiling. Windows lined the wall every 5 feet. The floor was made of brown carpet. "Um, so, Where's the computer room?" Titan asked. "Like Nala said, it's underground. We need the password and handprint from one of the workers here." I answered. "So we need to capture a worker so we can get into the room?" Titan asked. I smirked "Not exactly" I said. I made a right down another hallway that was lined with wooden doors instead of windows. I made a right to a metal staircase. It circled the walls and looking down, all you could see was darkness instead of the end of the stairs. The railing was wet from that days cleaning of the house. "That looks like a long way down" he said. "Yup" I agreed. "I think I know a faster way to go down" he said like a lightbulb just went off in his head. He jumped on the railing, sat down and blasted off down the staircase. "That looks like fun" I thought. I sat down on the railing both my legs on the side with stairs, and blasted off a bit faster than Titan. Titan was a small dot in front of me that kept getting bigger and bigger. I looked down, it was still pitch black. Titan was 1 floor lower than me. He was suprised as he saw me jump down to reach the last floor. He jumped down after me. Titan reached the ground before me. Making barely any noise as he landed on his halfway paws. Changing back into his normal form, he caught me in his arms. "Thanks" I said. "No problem" he said and let me down. I opened the door by cutting most of the wire in the handprint panel. "Nice" Titan said as the door swung open revealing a huge master computer, and two dudes who looked like they were about to pee their pants.

    Next, Shadow of the day 37