• She sat there crying as the memories fled to her head. She couldn’t be this weak. She knew she was stronger than this. Her mother’s words came back to her as the tears blurred her vision. “Never trust any one, they may seem safe but there’s always a dark side.” Her mother taught her how to be an assassin ever since she could walk. She’s always loved that word… it was the first word she said. When she was 6 she could kill some one with a knife in 5 seconds, by the time she was 10 she was as flexible as a cat. When she would kill she would always wear white. She loved the way blood looked on white. As she got older she was as silent as a mouse and as fast as a cheetah. When she was 14, her mother told her about the plain to kill the B.A.A(bad a** assassins). A group within their own building… they have been killing random people but before they could take them on, one of the B.A.A. found out. They killed her mom and took every thing the meant some thing to her. Her moms last words where “Go Guinevere.” She couldn’t help but laugh at that moment. Even then her mom was protecting her .Guinevere was her name from birth but that wasn’t what she was called… She was Alice