• They tell me to do things.
    Terrible things.
    I try not to listen.
    But it's hard.
    Go on, Starlen. Shoot him. He deserves it.
    No! I won't! It isn't right!
    Do it, Starlen. You'll feel better.
    No! I...I won't...
    You know you want to.
    But I won't.
    DO IT!
    Stop! Please, stop! I can't-!
    I told you you'd do it. Now run away, Starlen. Run away from here, and never get caught.
    But...I didn't mean to...
    Run. Now.
    I hate the voices.
    They have told me to do things that have gotten me arrested.
    I try so hard to ignore them, but I never can.
    It's like they're controlling my thoughts, my emotions, my muscles and nerves.
    But they've never wanted me to kill before.
    Now I have.
    And I am just going to sit.
    And wait.
    Wait for the police to arrive, arrest me, and put me in jail.
    You can't control me anymore.
    Get out.
    You'll be sorry, Starlen. Very sorry.
    I doubt it.
    I can't be any more sorry than I am now.
    Sorry that I ever listened to you.