She looked out of the clean window, and looked down upon the lawn. Across the green wretched hairs sticking up from the earth, all messy and wild, was a human. Or something like a human. Maybe not even close to a human. Well, there definitely was a human like figure there, standing on the soon to be dewed in-a-couple-of-hours grass. She stared down at the dark, mysterious looking figure just standing there; not moving an inch. She began to wonder who it could be. Her eyes went from sharp, crystal yellow-green eyes to a faded yellow color that was quite hazy. Her mind then began to wander. She put her elbows on the bottom of the window, and put her hands palm-up and set her chin down upon her palms, and almost fell asleep. But in fact she was not sleeping, she was daydreaming. She knew her daydream stance quite well actually, and nobody else ever seemed to really notice her. It was like she was in her own little world when she did this. Like time came to a sudden halt, just for her to fantasize. It was weird, very weird. She never quite understood as to why it seemed that way, but she always blew it off for some reason why. She continued to watch the dark human-like figure, and she kept thinking about it: Of who could it be. It kept dwelling on her mind, crawling and eating through her mind like a Tomato Bug’s head eating through a dog’s stomach. Her eyes quietly began to drift off, and her eyelids started to close more now. Lower and lower her eyelids sank, until there was yet a slight gap left to show a slight crescent of her yellow-ish eye color. Then she began to fantasize without a disturbance in her mind and life.
“She looked down upon the darkening figure that stayed out of the shadows, and within the growing glow of light and dark boundaries, right before the light that was in her bedroom that shown through the window, and right after the shadowy night, that’s only furnace was that of the Moon’s illuminating glow. She kept looking on down at the figure, when suddenly it moved. It raised up its right arm, and waved its hand at her. And then the word, “Hey,” came out of nowhere from somewhere. She quickly looked up and around her, looking for where the word could have came from. She finally looked down upon the dark figure, realizing that it probably came from it. She kept staring down the figure till it began to move again. It took a slow step towards her mother’s house, where she was living at of course, for she was only seventeen. After its first step, it stopped, and the figure moved a little, but she wasn’t quite sure how it moved. It was too shady and blotchy looking so much that you couldn’t make of its small movements without some of them being your vivid mind’s imagination. After looking at the figure and studying the figure for some time now, she decided to test the figure; and along with that, she would test her courage. “Hello…?” She asked quietly, while staring at the figure. There was a quietness that suddenly became quite loud somehow. Eerie quietness that was so loud and strange, that you could finally make out an argument that was quite violent sounding, from blocks away. Suddenly the dark figure rushed, walking over to her house, and then climbing up the old fire escape. (It was a case of emergency that her father had built unto the house, due to the fact they were temporarily remodeling, and the second story top, still had a huge fire-hazard problem. So, just in case, and fully knowing and mostly hoping, his young seventeen year old daughter would not take advantage of the situation, he built an escape ladder for her just in case.) The being quickly climbed up the fire escape, and then she ran turning away but alas, the being had grabbed her shirt by the tail, and turned her around roughly, breaking and busting the buttons off her shirt, and ripping open her shirt on the front-side, revealing her bare skinny stomach and her naked breasts covered by her entrancing lacy bra, (That her mother hates her wearing!). She was then terrified and amazed at what she saw when she had turned around from the being grabbing her. What she saw was a mess of red hair just hanging in front of her. But then she realized that this mess of hair was also connected to a neck, which was connected to bare shoulders, and an arm. Well that’s all that she could see. Because that’s all that was above the window sill, the rest hidden by the building. She looked down upon the clawed hand, holding her shirt, and then she gently moved her shaking hand, that was shaking from surprise. She moved it to touch the clawed hand, that’s nail dug deep into her white shirt. As she touched the milk-white clawed hand, the word, “Boo!” suddenly came from out of somewhere! The girl was shocked to death almost, and the fear of surprise just jolted up her body from her heart, then she fell to the floor, and hit her head bounce-fully on the red carpeted floor. And as soon as she opened her eyes, after she had closed them due to hitting her head roughly on the floor and the pain being excruciating, she had passed out and darkness covered her mind and sight.
Later, she woke up, and the lights were off in her room, all she could see was blackness all around her. She tried to move but she realized, that she was stuck by her hands. She looked, but all she could see was the darkness there, instead of what she was looking for. She moved her fingers around and soon discovered there was something tied around her wrists, holding them together. She felt it a little more around her wrists with her fingers with their limited movement, and found out that she was also was tied to the bed post where her head usually rests at. She began to move and struggle again, only in succeeding in wiggling her captured body around. Suddenly she began to feel pleasure, sexually erotic pleasure coming from her crotch. She slowly began to feel more and more pleasure, coming from her crotch, and felt it washing over her entire body, with sheer agonizing pleasure. It kept growing and growing till it was so immense, she began slightly moaning, and suddenly, she felt a hand near her crotch right on her stomach. She looked, and saw a somewhat illuminated milk-white hand, holding almost trying to grasp her stomach, as if trying to hold some imaginary unborn child. She then heard a laugh. A dirty laugh, a maniacal dirty laugh actually. She kept her face and head and body frozen in terror, as she listened to the laugh again and again in her mind for some uncontrolled reason. She then with her mouth slightly gapped, began to look up from her stomach and the hand to where the laugh had came from. She expected to see a face. And all she heard was the laugh in her head as she reached her gaze to where the laugh had came from. She just saw darkness. Creepy, eerie, lingering, shadowy darkness. She kept staring, just almost spaced out entirely towards the darkness that befell her sight. “AOIAOAIAOAIA!” She yelled, as she saw something horrific, beyond her mind almost that she could imagine! She saw, two pink eyes. Two heart pink eyes, with pupils made with deeply-patterned scarred and engraved seeming hearts. Though they were small hearts, they were still heart-shaped pupils. Very beautiful, you could see the blood still around the shape of the hearts where it was cut into at. She stared at the beautiful pink eyes. Just staring, and seeing no reflection of herself in the pink eyes. She stared at the beauty, until she felt something wet splatter on her thigh, her wet conjulation-covered thigh. It felt cold but warm. She wondered what it was, but then after awhile another droplet from somewhere, fell on her other thigh, that was also wet, but not as conjulated on. She then heard a noise, it sounded like a crying, saddening noise… She looked towards the pink, heart-shaped eyes, and looked upon it awhile more. She then finally saw and realized that tears were forming at the bottom of the eyes. She realized that this being or at least these eyes, were crying. Tears dropped one by one, faster and faster. ‘Till a puddle of salty tears, covered each of her thighs. She kept staring at the unknown pink eyes, until she asked, “who did that to your eyes…?” The eyes then closed once, and then opened once again. “Y-Y-You, d-d-d-d-d-did th-this t-t-toooo….. M-M-M-M-Me…..” She then suddenly began to cry uncontrollably, and she unbearably began to softly wail and she wept. It was so shocking what she did to people, and what she wanted them to do. She was a horrible person.”
Her eyes opened in a quick half-blink, and she moved back and gasped, as she pulled her head off her palms. She then began to slowly wake herself up and get drawn into real life again. As she pulled herself out of her fantasy world she noticed something suspicious: That figure was still there; just standing there. She stared at the figure, then suddenly the dark figure began to move some and then took a step forward. “Hello???” Someone said or the word did come from somewhere. As the darkening scary figure took another step forward, she finally broke down in tears and said: “I’m sorry! I didn’t know it would hurt you so bad!”
“I’m sorry!!! I just, didn’t…. know…!”
“What on Earth are you talking about? I don’t know what on Earth you mean by that, but I- Oh! I think I know what’s wrong with you!!! Were you… Fantasizing about something again?! You got to stop going into those trances! Sheesh, I swear! You’re like Schizophrenic or something. Please stop doing that please? Pretty please?” The figure whined and asked her. The figure stepped forward once more, and then took another step, and another step… Until she looked from her tears and then gawked at who it was… “Oh! Rodger! It’s my beautiful boyfriend Rodger!” She screamed at the top of her lungs! “Shhhhhh!!! Keep it down, everyone’s trying to go to sleep. It’s at one o’ clock or something in the morning!” Rodger, the mysterious, dark figure whispered loudly. She then began to smile, as her boyfriend, in all dark clothing, with a burglar’s mask on his forehead, with his shining sapphire necklace. Ran up to her, climbed swiftly up the ladder that was there, and then clung to her window sill. He then grabbed her by the back of her head, and pulled her face to his, and passionately began to make out with her. He began to moan sexually, and put his hand up her shirt, and he began to fondle her breasts delicately. She became very aroused, and very quickly too. She soon began to groan to him sexually, then he began to push his way into her room. They began to walk over the bed after he had climbed into the window, kissing her. They walked to the bed, and began to have hot seventeen-year old horny sexual activity and they began to do dirty sexually strange things towards one another. After the hot intimate time with each other. The girl, Emerald, began to snuggle with Rodger, and fell fast asleep and very quickly entered into slumber. As they were snuggling, with their eyes closed, Rodger’s eyes suddenly peeped open. He got quietly up, and then slipped away from his supposed love’s arms. As he slicked off the bed, with his mighty stealth, (without moving a single piece of bedding on the bed), he began to stretch quietly in the darkness. His loins and up and down and below, were all slightly muscular, and all over his body it was the same; slightly muscular. He began to stretch with his dark red auburn locks passing over his eyes slightly, and his body so tight, thin, and muscularly erotic. With his slight abs, generally expanding with his stretched vertical stomach areas and chest areas. And most importantly, his sexy body covered in shiny sweat. He moved away with his dark shirt off, and crossed over to her dresser. He gently placed his hands on each and every one of her memorable objects, and personal toys she had decorated across her room. He carefully picked them up now and then and caressed them, but some he molested with his hands. He then speededly and carefully opened her top dresser drawer, and began to dig through her things within her dresser. He dug, and dug, and dug, and dug, but then he finally stopped rummaging through her private things within her top dresser drawer. Then he pulled out of the drawer and lifted up into his hands… A small wooden box. He shook it some gently though, and then he reached into his back pocket, and pulled out a little kit of tools. He quickly set down the box and worked on loosening the lock, and then opening it like it would be normally opened. He then finished it and stopped as he heard it click open. He opened it and quickly snatched what ever was inside of it, and then held it inside his hand. He picked it up within his dark, fingerless gloves, and held it up to his face: It was jewelry. It was pricey looking jewelry, and it was quite a lot of it, and it was quite a treasure obviously. No wonder why it was locked within a chest. As though it was locked into her chest, into her heart. That is how close she was to this jewelry. Even though she may be that close to her jewelry; he still took it. It was beautiful jewelry: There were shimmering sapphires, rustic rubies, amazing amethysts, optimistic opals both ebony and pearl, and terrific topazes. In ring form, necklace form, bracelet form, anklet form, earring form, and other forms of jewelries as well. After he pocketed it all, he speededly and quietly pranced some ways to the window, hopped over its sill, and then climbed down the ladder, then just ran off into the darkness. As he passed by, he crossed the three layers of his life again: The robbing point, the escaping point, and the vanishing point. The robbing point is the house, the escaping point is when you reached when the light fades off into the darkness of the night. And the vanishing point is when you have escaped and when you vanish and camouflage into the night.
The End.
- by Demon In Your Womb |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 11/13/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: "Her Mind"
- Artist: Demon In Your Womb
- Description: This is a short story I wrote. It is about a giurl and her life.
- Date: 11/13/2010
- Tags: mind girl thief fantasy demonvampire
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