• "Danielle? Do you love me?" Mike asked. He looked into Danielle's sweet brown eyes. Her eyes reminded him too much of the others in the past. All of them had brown eyes and blond hair. All of them were skinny. Danielle smiled.
    "Why do you ask love?" Danielle replied. Mike looked away and sighed before taking her pale little hands.
    "Just want to know." He responded, still looking down. Danielle moved in closer and curled up in his arms, her head resting on his chest which moved up and down with each unsteady breath.
    "Of course I love you Mike. I just wish i could get to know you better. You never open up." Danielle said her eyes beginning to close.
    "Well tonight I can tell you. I'm not who you think I am. I'm not a loving and perfect boyfriend. I'm not a girl's dream, im a nightmare." This caught Danielle's attention.
    "You're MY dream Mike. I'll love you until my dying day." She said with a smile. Mike moved one arm back and reached into his jeans pocket.
    "Than I guess you DONT love me anymore." Mike said. Danielle looked curious for a moment than gasped. He reached forward with a shining blade in his hand. He heald her down with his other arm and brought the knife down. Her blood splattered for a moment than flowed down, staining her white dress. She didn't even get the chance to scream. He wiped the blood on her, leaving hand prints on her pale doll-like skin. He carved her name and the date into her side then allowed her to slip lifeless to the floor. The deed was done, another one bites the dust. He smiled at his thoughts then left the room without another word...