• Days have past by when major stuff has happen but now a story tail coming around about a Monsters haunting people.
    A man drives thru the night near a bridge til a headless horseman comes by with rocket launcher and ends up shooting the car.
    Master Husseem says: Ok this is getting insane, I get a news paper about a exploding car and no one knows what happen.
    20 says: Its near halloween so who knows what the demons are really planning near this time.
    Master Husseem says: Here's this some person had to go to a place that takes care of people that are psycho and they thought this person was crazy for getting bite by a vampire then in the psycho room there were reports of people getting biten by a vampire. then the workers freaking saying they saw all the patents as vampires. some of the workers dont wanna work near the place.
    20 says: that just happen this week?
    Master Husseem says: Yes that one did for this week but idk if it connects to the killing that happen out near the bridge.
    Big Phil says: Oh wow a Hunter was going after wolfs. he said he was lucky he took a picture then left when he saw a werewolf that dresses as a vampire that also has horns as a demon.
    Master Husseem says: Why do i have that feeling its gonna be one of those days.
    19 says: oh here this A College student is freaking out cuz three lady strippers invited him to a small place then they turn as three witches and tried to turn him as a frog but when he was as a frog he lucky he came near a place that princess kissed that frog and it turn him back to a college student. tell me this aint a fairytail.
    Master Husseem says: We need to find this stuff out and see what we are dealing with. 19 and 20 will find out about the vampires. big phil and his bodyguard will find out whats near that bridge. Big mac and small dog will find out about those three witches. and Ned and ted can find out about that Were vamp demon. Some of you have these task.
    20 says: This just sounds kinda of funny but how are these things happening.
    Jason says: Remeber the Joker the Tricker, he was the evil demonic clown that has played tricks on us back in the day.
    20 says: now I remeber but how do we know its him doing this stuff.
    Jason says: Has to be who else would try making this stuff happen.
    Big Bull Dog says: How is Big Mac gonna deal with three witches all that comes up his mind is sex. Im sure he gonna buy his way in for that.
    Master Husseem says: I dont know who Joker the tricker and as for Big Bull Dog you can come with your gang to stop these three witches.
    While they all split there ways to find out lets see what gonna happen.
    19 says: This is nuts going to a hostipal to find vampires
    20 says: Master Husseem thought it be good idea to have only robots doing this.
    then they walk in the building saw bunch of vampires playing poker.
    19 says: Now this is odd
    20 says: They all playing poker, when do we ever see vampires do that.
    Vampire1 says: Welcome boys wanna join too play. You lose we get to kill ya.
    19 says: what if we win.
    Vampire1 says: We let ya go.
    meanwhile that is going on lets see what big phil and his bodyguard is doing.
    Big Phil says: Idk what we are waiting for near the bridge to find something.
    Phil bodyguard says: Unless this is deal with a scary story.
    Then they saw a Headless horseman with a rocket launcher then the horseman see's a teacher.
    Phil bodyguard says: is that a Headless horseman and a School teacher.
    Big Phil says: That guy needs a nose implant.
    Phil Bodyguard says: This is becoming very weird.
    while they are seeing what is going on lets see what the gang up too.
    Big Mac says: Hell yes we are at the strip club hello ladies any of you ladies wanna have a piece of me.
    Small Dog says: Lets hope he dont end up saying that too the witches.
    Big Bull Dog says: why us doing this, we all know what Mac gonna do but where does this all add up.
    Princess says: I can never find my prince.
    Big Mac says: Hello Princess im Prince Chocolate. Im from a royal castle called Sexy Pimp Place.
    Princess says: Ya don't dress like a prince.
    Big Mac says: Im under cover.
    Big Bull dog says: Sorry Princess but Big Mac is not a prince he full of it.
    Big Mac says: You Fool don't call your royal highness not a prince.
    Small Dog see's a prince walking in yawning. then small dogs gives the wtf look.
    Small Dog says: Has anyone fine prince Sleepy.
    Big Bull Dog says: Small dog no joking around damn it.
    Princess turns around seeing the prince.
    Princess says: Oh my he is handsome, sorry boys but I found my prince.
    Big Mac says: Damn it you guys always ruin the fun.
    Big Bull dog says: keep it in your pants chumbo.
    Then three ladys walk in.
    Big Mac says: Forget the princess ill have those three sexy ladies, Hello Ladies im agent Big Mac.
    First Lady says: Wow didn't see you three boys here before.
    Big Mac says: Thats why we don't come around much.
    Big Bull Dog says: Sorry ladies im a married man but just looking out for my bro Big Mac.
    First Lady says well I say this small dude and Big Mac comes with us to our strip house.
    Big Mac says: I love this job.
    meanwhile that's going on lets see what Ned and ted doing.
    Ned says: There are nothing around these woods
    Ted says: Keep your eyes open. There something big around here.
    Then a Were vamp demon comes.
    Were Vamp demon says: Taste full creatures. welcome to ur death.
    unknown man walks in. that calls him self the Story Teller Demon.
    Story Teller Demon says: Welcome my friends to my Halloween storys.
    Ned says: Are you the head of this whole thing.
    Story Teller Demon says: Yes I am but Let me tell you boys something. This is just the beganing. I got more storys to tell.
    while the gang at the strippers house they turn into witches.
    Witch1 says: Now you boys are gonna feel what its like to be frogs.
    while the horseman going after the teacher. phil comes out of the car.
    Big Phil says: hey headless freak come to daddy.
    Teacher says: Your gonna risk your life for me ill drink to that.
    then the teacher drinks something that started turning him into a crazy person.
    Phil Bodyguard says: Holy crap its Mr. Hyde.
    Big Phil says: Hey horseman you friend just turn into mr ugly go get him first.
    while thats going on lets see about the bots.
    19 says: Well look at this we beat you guys now tell us who leading you all.
    Vampire1 says: Count Dracula turn me into this.
    20 says: Count Dracula are you kidding me.
    19 says: isnt he a vampire from the early 1900's movie
    20 says: Jason mite be right we could be dealing with a clown or something else thats making this happen.
    while thats going on back to the story teller demon.
    Story Teller Demon says: What story should i tell you guys.
    Angelking says: You should tell them the end of the story where the angel kills the demon.
    Story Teller Demon says: But that wouldnt sound like a fun story at all.
    Angelking says: No but it will end your games.
    Then Angelking uses his powers to attack the demon book. then the demon starts burning and the three witches turn into ladys that had no idea what happen. and the vampires turn back to humans and the headless horseman turns into just cloths on the horse and mr hyde to a statue and the were vamp demon into a wolf.
    Angelking says: thanks to you Ned and Ted your little machine thing had me tracking you guys down. you guys found the main demon so it was my job to take him down.
    Ted says: Now what.
    Angelking says: lets all go home.
    while everyone back see what happens.
    Master Husseem says: Let how was the trip.
    Big Phil says well we say mr hyde and horseman then the horseman turn into cloths and hide turn into a statue.
    19 says: we were playing poker with vampires.
    ted says: saw a were vamp demon and the head master til angelking took him down.
    Big Mac says: I got myself a Date with three ladys.
    Then everyone looks at big mac.
    Master Husseem says: Im glad everything finally stopped it was getting very crazy with all this going on. You wont believe what just happen to me. I met the ghostbusters.
    that ends the episode.