• He's not really a myth or a legend. He's like a story, much similar to Robin Hood. Very different
    ideas of how to deal with evil though. He not only fights off the thugs in the darkest parts of Neo Verona but slowly damages Montague's rule. Making him an outlaw to his enemies and a beloved hero to the citizens of Neo verona. With his long red cape and dark crimson hat, he mocks the Carabinieri and Montague himself. But why? Where did he come from, and why does he defy Montague? This is why we do this, this why I shall tell you the tell of the green eyed, orange haired, and young Henry.
    Henry has an unusual name for Neo Verona but his mother was like that, unique. Henry is the same, he is unbearably handsome and Neo Verona's most eligible bachelor. He is also Leontes Montague's most trusted friends because of his unusual bravery for a Noble man and excellent swordsman ship. Making him the perfect candidate for being Montague's air to becoming the Prince of Neo Verona. Only, nobody knows his real name is Henry but is simply known as Evanly Slanro DeCarlutee. But Henry is about to step into the life of Isabell Paris and her daughter Rynga Paris.