• she got that lazy eye, and that's just how he liked 'em.

    she was the sort of girl who brought manga magazines to school and talked paganism over lunch. frizzy hair and unironically thick glasses, with a chubby little body to boot. the butt of all the jokes, the last one to be picked for class, and needless to say- very, very awkward.

    Travis didn't care. Travis, heir to the janitor throne, had found his consort and maiden in the form of a cute little tard named Samantha.

    Samantha was in the shallow end of the slow classes, and that's how Travis had met his delicious little nymphet- cleaning up puke.

    There she was. Sitting in the back with her nose in "To Ride a Silver Broomstick"- surprisingly high level for a 6th grader, to be fair- wearing a hot topic tee shirt and too much makeup. Beside her sat a violently ill child with a very flat face.

    It was love at first sight.