• G was a cool dude. He ate his tacos and chilled under traffic lights and he was just awesome. He was also a detective. He solved a mystery once. No one else asked for help because they were poor people who weren't chill enough to shell out a hundred.
    One day Lolo the toucan walked into G's house. "Yo bro, I got a mystery for you," he yelled, because toucans yell a lot.
    "Aw sup Lolo," G said, walking out of the kitchen.
    "Bro I gots a prob," said Lolo. "My main man Richard ain't nowhere in sight, and neither is my cash. I thinks he was kidnapped and my moneys was stolen. You willing to help out, bro?"
    G thought for a moment. "Naw," he said finally. "Too mysterious for me."
    So G and Lolo went to the shoe store and spent the rest of the day trying on shoes.