• No matter how many deaths that I die, I will never forget
    No matter how many lives I live, I will never regret
    There's a fire inside this heart and a riot about to explode into flames
    Where is your God? Where is your God? Where is your God? ...

    Ok, I'm running from the light, running from the day to night
    Oh, the quiet silence defines our misery
    The riot inside keeps trying to visit me
    No matter how we try, it's too much history
    Too many bad notes playing in our symphony
    So let it breathe, let it fly, let it go
    Let it fall, let it crash, burn slow
    And then you call upon God
    Oh you call upon God

    - 30 Seconds to Mars ft Kayne West


    It is dark, very dark. Yuuki stands clutching her sides, afraid. The one thing she was truly frightened of now was the dark, the idea of not knowing, not been able to see. She shivered as the place got colder and colder.

    She opened her garnet eyes wider, trying to see more.

    Don't be afraid… Yuuki chan.

    Was that her mothers' voice? She turned her head side to side, looking for someone else, yet she could not see beyond her own nose. She though she was over nightmares, now that she was a nightmare. A Vampire. Bloodsucker, overruled by passion.

    Don't be afraid.

    Someone was talking to her, but she did not know whom. Those calm tones were not her mothers. Her mother was dead, gone, buried under the ground.

    With me.

    Then suddenly a door opened and light crept in. A younger Kaname stood by the door, his hair messy as always and as handsome as ever. Yuuki smiled and moved closer, however she saw the twinkle of fear in his eyes. His face seemed calm, but Yuuki could always see through her brother. She was the only one who knew him. He often thought he was protecting her, although the reality was that she was protecting him and giving him something to life for.

    "Yuuki, come on hurry" He outstretched his hand.

    Hurry Yuuki chan; don't let go of him.

    She took his hand and smiled at him. The fear had left his eyes and they stared into each other. But then Yuuki felt a tug on her back. She was ripped away from her Kaname.

    "YUUKI!" He screamed in agony as she consumed by darkness, falling to his knees arms outstretched, unable to follow. His light switched off.

    It takes Yuuki a second to realize she is safe. She pants heavily, looking around. She feels something on her stomach and sees that Kaname has fallen asleep on her. His soft chocolate coloured hair spreads over her nightshirt and his pale face is like a porcelain doll. So delicate and breakable. Yuuki looks around again, placing her hands in his hair; and sees that they were not even in bed. She had slept on the Sofa, while Kaname was half on her and half on the floor. A chessboard lay open beside her. She looked out the window as the first hues of Twilight shone through.

    Kaname groaned as he woke up from his sleep, the first thing he saw was Yuuki and he smiled.

    "Time for school."


    A wolf howled in the distance, it's' song full of mourning put a shiver through Kains' body. Unlike many other vampires, Kain did not view wolves as a bad omen, but that howl was so full of emotion it probably would have made even the dead uneasy. He also had never heard a wolf howl like that, anywhere near a place full of vampires. He moved towards the window of his room and stared into the distance, the sky was a pale pink colour with darker shades of purple slowly taking over. Dusk was falling over Cross Academy and soon the Night Class would leave the Moon Dorm to go to the Main School building. He was still unsure to why Kaname and Yuuki Senpai had decided to return to the Academy, because it is a place where Zero Kiryuu would surely find them.

    He sighed, the sound of the wolf still haunting him, and looked over his shoulder, his mahogany eyes shimmered finding where his cousin lay. Aidou was still asleep in his bed, half a Pocky hanging from his mouth, his blonde hair stuck up all over the place. He was snoring lightly. It seemed inevitable that they would be sharing the same dorm room again. Dorm Leader Kuran would not be impressed that Aidou was still in bed, sleeping off his Pocky feast from the night before.

    "Hanabusa, wake up."

    Aidous' brilliant blue eyes lazily half opened and scanned the room for his cousin.

    "Just a bit longer… someone as delicate as me needs their rest…"

    "Aidou, I would advice you listen to Akatsuki… and I doubt you are as delicate as you would wish." Kaname Kuran stood in the doorway, fully dressed a smirk forming on his face, his eyes glinted and his face suddenly hardened.

    Aidou immediately sat bolt upright and sprang into the bathroom, with speeds that Kain had never seen him use before. Aidou would not dare to cross Kaname Kuran intentionally, and he did not particularly want to be punished so early.

    "Hmm, I see that some never change." Kaname frowned and moved into the room. He could sense something was bothering Kain. "Akatsuki, is something the matter?"

    "It was nothing Kuran Senpai… merely a wolf howling in the distance. I… I have never heard a wolf howl around a place full of vampires before."

    They heard a loud crash from the bathroom, but carried on talking. Aidou had probably only just fallen on the floor or walked into the door again.

    "You were not the only one that heard the wolf. I can see though, you do not believe them as bad omens, like most of the other Aristocrats do."

    Suddenly Aidou pounced out of the bathroom, fully dressed, but his hair was even messier. He closed his eyes and waited for Kaname to acknowledge his actions, but there was only a chuckle. Aidou opened his eyes to see Luca sneering at him.

    "Never learn do you, Hanabusa?"

    "Shut up. You are worse."

    "What is that supposed to mean?"

    "I think you know better than I!"

    "Well you still insist on sneaking Pocky in Dorm Leader Kurans' room, he doesn't even eat it. Yuuki-sama does!"

    The two began walking off towards the main entrance of the Moon Dorm. Kain sighed, he was tired and they still bickered like children. He moved towards the door, and paused to look out of the window again. The atmosphere slowly began to change around Cross Academy.

    Kain shook himself and walked out of the door. He was greeted by Yuuki-sama, who was yawning; her hair fell about her face as she stretched her arms upwards. She saw Kain and immediately shut her mouth.

    "Evening… I mean Good Morning Akatsuki."

    "Morning, Yuuki-sama. Had a good sleep?"

    "I didn't really sleep. Kaname made me play chess with him for most of the day, and then we had to see the Headmaster."

    She stifled a yawn. Yuuki had presumed that she would not be as tired as she was at this time in the day. She had spent most of her time awake at night when she was human, patrolling the grounds of this very Academy. A job that Headmaster Cross now took with pride, although he didn't always do it particularly well, leaving her to clean up the mess. She smiled at Kain, she was pleased that he had begun to see her more as a vampire than a human, unlike some of the others how still had problems remembering to call her Yuuki-same. Although she would prefer them not to call her that as it seemed weird. She saw Kain as a close friend, someone who she could trust. Yuuki and Kain had taken on the roles of making sure that all in the Moon Dorm ran smoothly, but they mainly broke up the fights between Luca and Hanabusa. Yuuki had also begun to see Kain and Luca becoming closer.

    "I heard a wolf earlier, and I don't think I was the only one… some of the others maybe scared."

    "Hm. I heard it to. But wolves are nothing to be afraid of; in fact they used to wonder in the grounds of the Kuran Manson..." She trailed off.

    Yuuki and Kain began to walk to where everyone else was waiting to exit the dorm.

    The other vampires began murmuring to each other, and the air was full of dread and fear all caused by the single cry of the wolf.

    "I wonder what it would be like to be a wolf…" Kain thought. He pushed his fingers through his orange hair and moved next to Luca and Aidou who had finally stopped bickering.

    Yuuki stood next to Kaname. She held his hand and immediately felt happy and safe. His eyes shimmered in the light and he smiled at her, a smile that spoke of the relationship they shared. But Yuuki could detect something else in his eyes. She saw dread. Kaname knew that Yuuki was able to see through his calm charade he put on, so that she would not worry as much. Know that she was a vampire he could tell her more than he could, when she was human. But there were still some things he couldn't yet tell her… things she would have to find out by herself.

    He had made a difficult decision, but he knew that both of them needed to be back at the Academy, even though he could be putting her in more danger than he had intended.

    He had reset his chess board, but this time there was a new King and Queen, and he was but a knight. This time Yuuki was a pawn, useless until she made it, to the other side.

    He smiled, he knew he could count on them to help him protect her. She was too precious to them, for them to sacrifice her to the depths of despair.


    This is the first Chapter of my fanfic. You can find more here :

    Juniper113 FanFic Page


    All Comments accepted and appreciated heart heart 4laugh 4laugh 4laugh