• tab I was running. I didn't know where or why, I was just running. As I was running I glanced to my right, running next to me was a woman and she seemed pretty pissed off. Actually, she looked like she was ready to kill.
    tab She was extremely pale, almost as if she was an albino, with long, dark red hair that went down in between her shoulder blades. She was about my height, around 5 foot 8, and built like a warrior. She looked as if she could beat you to a pulp and look good doing it. She probably would have been extremely attractive if not for the look on her face. It was a look of such such animalistic fury that I got scared and had to look away. That was when i noticed our surroundings.
    tab We were racing down a long, dark hall with a lot of sharp turns, like a labrynth or school hallway, which are basically the same thing, both are meant to trap people and make them lose all hope of escaping. Judging by the light coming in the windows that were at every few feet it was night outside and it was a crescent moon but that didn't stop me from seeing the walls.
    tab The walls, which I assume were once dark blue, were now painted a far more gruesome color. They were covered from ceiling to floor in blood, and it was fresh. Then a realization hit me, I had seen this hall before, fairly recently too. I just couldn't put my finger on where though.
    tab We turned around a corner and found ourselves in a large, square room with two other exits than the one we just came from, on straight ahead and one to the right. In the center of the room, silhouetted by the light coming from the sunroof, was a large, shadowy mass that seemed to twitched every few seconds. The woman stepped forward as if to see the shadow better, but when she did, she stepped on an empty water bottle. I'm not sure if you've ever done this but if you have you know it creates a godawful sound that could wake the dead. Actually that statement wasn't too far off.
    tab The shadowy mass broke apart and formed into a dozen indivdual humanoid shapes. Then, they stepped into the light. I was right in saying they were humanoid. Actually. they appeared to have once been human. They looked a lot like zombies. They were humans that were in an advanced state of decay, pieces of skin and muscles were falling off, some of them had bones showing. However, that was where the similarities ended. I generally think of zombies as slow, unintelligent and all together not dangerous. In this case they were definetly not zombies. That an intelligence in their eyes that was scary. Then, they charged toward us with a speed that could beat any human's, let alone a zombie's. Though they were fast, the woman was faster.
    tab Almost instantly a baseball bat appeared in her hand. This confused me at first. Not only at the sudden appearance of the baseball bat, that I know she didn't have before, but as to why she would use a baseball bat against the undead in the first place. Then she attacked and I had no doubt in my mind as to why she used a baseball bat.
    tab She hit the first zombie (for lack of a better word) so hard in the face that it knocked it's head clean off, which then went spinning into the next zombie, snapping it's neck. The first zombie's body instantly turned to dust when she hit it. Then she brought the bat down on the second one's shoulder, turning it to dust. After taking care of the first two she started her deadly dance. She flitted through the remaing zombies, striking blow after blow, leaving a trail of zombie dust in her wake. The whole thing happened so fast that if I had blinked I would have missed it. I know, I shouldn't have just stood there watching but I was too dumbstruck to act. Besides, I think she handled herself just fine without me.
    tab After she finished off all of the zombies she walked over to the center of the room and stood looking down on what the zombies had been crowding around. I walked over to see what she was looking at and the sight almost made me sick. It was a human skeleton that was picked, mostly, clean. I looked at the woman to see her response to this sight. She had a look of such pure sorrow it almost made me cry, she obviously knew this person. I was about to console her when there was a noise down the hall to the right. She snapped her head to the right and she lost all remaining color in her face.
    tab Down that hall was the silhouette of another monster this one, however this one was different than the others. It's entire upper body was a giant, misshapen mass with two arms and two legs sticking out of it. The two arms appeared to be carrying something shaped like a sarcophagus. This new monster was far slower than the others but it exuded much greater power. Before it could reach us, we fled through the exit across from us.
    tab This time we moved much faster, the bloodstained walls passing in a blur of red. We quickly reached another large, square room like before. This one, however, had no exits. We turned around to leave but somehow the monster had caught up to us and was just walking into the room. It stepped into the light and I saw it clearly for the first time.
    tab It's upper body wasn't a misshapen mass like I thought. It was like a normal zombie except that it had a giant hunchback, and not just a hunch but a tumor-like thing, he looked like the hunchback from 300, zombiefied. He was carrying a giant golden sarcophagus. I expected him to attack us but he just walked right past us with out even glancing at us. He walked to the exact center of the room and set down the sarcophagus standing up. He started muttering something under his breath as he undid the latches. There were seven latches on it so it took a little time. We both stood there and watched as he did this, wondering what he was up to.
    tab He finished the last latch and the sarcophagus started to glow. Right then he looked at us for the first time and smiled. I felt a wave of cold fear wash over me, I knew that face. When he smiled at us it made something snap in the woman. She let out a fearsome roar and rushed at the monster, but it was too late. The sarcophagus burst open releasing a bright golden light that consumed everything and then, nothing.