• The door craked, I crouched behinde the door with my pencil. The door flung open and hit my head, ''awww.'' I fell back landing on my butt. ''Oh, Katy. What a funny kid you are.'' Mason said helping me onto my feet, ''I'm not a little kid. I'm 17, where have you been for the last 10 years?'' He laughed, ''I've been following you around.'' ''Right. Very romantic.'' I said in a girlie voice, ''Don't be mean, get dressed I'm taking you out for your birthday.'' Mason brushed blond hair out of his face, his blue eyes looking playful. ''Ok, not with you watching.'' Mason smiled, ''Well, now that you mention it....'' Mason has had a huge crush on me ever since I was seven. ''Fine. watch me.'' Mason eyed me as i pulled a blank tank top over my head. He stood behind me with a worried look, ''How many vampires did you kill last night?'' ''Not many, bout ten. I went to a club, partyed with a couple of cute ones, then stake through the heart.'' I smiled, but Mason didn't. ''What now? Mase, I'm fine. With my locket I'm so safe.'' A smile spred across his tanned face, ''Well...not so safe around me.'' I laughed and pushed past him on my way out of my room. ''Hey, Come back!'' Mason called from upstaires, ''Uh, no thanks.'' I passed Mia in the dining room, ''Hey, What's up?'' I shrugged, ''Maybe I'll go down stairs to the gym, Mason wants to take me out for my birthday.'' Mia leaped out of the chair she'd been sitting in, ''Well go with him. You do nothing, ever. Every night you go to vampire bash parties, They are so not safe. But why do you kill vampires for a living? Because on your Seventh birthday your little mummy was killed by one? Big deal. She's dead, she's not coming back. Oh and that necklace your mother gave you, i did some reshearch on it.'' Wow, that was an amazing speach, not. ''Mia, that was very heart touching. ******** off.'' She laughed, ''You just don't get it little princess, Your not that great. You may think you are but your not. I could kill more freaking vampires then you.'' ''I'm sorry Mia that your not that great, Maybe its just a family gift.'' Mia stiffened, ''Of course, blood whore. Because I go out every night and have a vampire drink from me.'' Mia said walking away, ''Oh and Katy, you can be ********.'' I smiled, ''Okay Mia, thankyou for the birthday presant.'' ''Cat fight, huh?'' Mason asked on his way down, he walked over to the fridge and pulled out a coke. ''That, was funny.'' I slapped Mason on the arm, coke came out his nose. ''Ah! Gross.'' ''Ohh, sorry about that.'' he handed me a towl. ''Yeah and when I said I'm taking you out I mean I'm taking you out. You are not going to the gym today. Today at 12 you are officaly 17!'' ''Goodie.''

    The night air swayed trees this way, then that way. I decided to walk to the bash party incase Mason or Mia figured my car was gone. I wasn't meant to be going out today, because mason had said ''you are not to KIll any vampire today, its your birthday. Have fun.'' Well sorry Mase, It's my birthday. I'll do what ever the hell I want. I was going to a bash party, let me explain. A bash party is a vampire party, they invite humans, or humans invite themselfs. Then at midnight, vampires chose their midnight snack. Which would be a human. Half the party want me, well hey, I would want me too. I have my brown hair in a loose bun, Black heels, and a black dress that stops at my knees. On my right leg was a rip that went to my waist, then ended with a black bow. It was only seven pm. I had a pencil like stake in the back of my heels, a wooden bullet gun at the back of my bra. I was ready for a vampire party, oh and don't forget my locket. A guy named Alric opened the door, he had shoulder length hair and black eyes, half the girls here fell for him. ''Hey, Katy.'' he said taking my hand and kissing it, he was a vampire. ''Well, hi Alric.'' He led me through the crouded hall. This place scared me sometimes, the hall had blood red walls and the lounge room had black walls. This house was stollen, sort of. Two teenage girls lived here five years ago, one night the vampire's came and tourted the two girls, as rumors go on people belived they were witchs. The vampires that stoll the house plan the bash partys, I think they've started to relize there's a vampire hunter coming to the partys. The vampires never even thought twice before thinking it was me, they think I'm a pathic little human enjoying the bash partys and having blood drained from my body. Well hey guess what, I'm not that pathic, I've been procting David Hills ever since my mother died. David Hills is a small town outside of Winnipeg, most of the vampires live here, the old vampires. These vampires were the first ones in canada, they're 9456 years old. ''Well Katy, your quiet.'' I smiled, ''I guess I am.'' ''My dearist brother is coming to town tonight, I asked him to come to the party. Do you think he'll show up?'' Alric said, WHAT? More freaking vampires!? Damn it. ''Who knows.'' Alric smiled, ''Katy, little Katy. Why would someone like you be here with someone like me?'' ''Alric,-'' ''Pretty necklace, girl.'' Said a strong firece voice behind me, stiffening I turned around to look Quil Manson. The most oldest, powerfulest and strongest vampire in the world. And the father of Alric and who ever Alric's brother is. He ripped my necklace off of my neck. As my mother always said ''Don't show how scared you are.'' ''My mother gave it to me, I was seven. She died.'' Quil laughed, ''Its very pretty, How'd your mother die?'' He asked, ''A...ahhh A vampire.'' I whispered, ''What was her name?'' ''Um, Kelsey Light.'' Quil stiffened, I felt like standing up and slapping that evil grin off his face. ''Can I have my necklace back please.'' I said sweetly, He through my locket on the ground. ''Thankyou.'' I smiled, ''How....about you go and hang out with dear April over there and at midnight I'll come find you, Okay?'' I nodded, crap. Alric had chosen me. That means, I'm going to die, tonight. April had red hair and baby blue eyes, she comes here everynight. Like me, but she isn't like me, she can't kill vampires. Now if they think I'm pathic look at April. She has bite marks on her legs, arms, neck and on her belly. She loves coming here, April is very emo. She wears everything black, She even has black strips in her red hair. April has belivied in vampires her whole life, I think she's eighteen. Her voice sqeualed with excitment as i walked over. ''Almost midnight, you like nice. Has anyone chosen you?'' She said looking up from the vampire she'd been sitting on top of. He was tracing her bite marks, His name was Quinn Redfern. He had Blond hair with red stripes and green darling eyes. ''Uh, yes. Alric chose me.'' I said leaning agaisnt the wall, ''What? Alric! He is so cute. (April turned to Quinn) not as cute as you.'' She smiled, He laughed. The big grandfather clock ticked loudly, ''See you round Katy.'' April said, Quinn leaned in close to Aprils Pale face. April closed her eyes and moaned as Quinn bit here. I tured and hit a hard, cold chest, ''Alric.'' I sighed, ''Lets go little princess.'' He pulled me into a blood red walled hall. My breaths came out in gasps, I'd never been this scared. Alric pushed me closer to the wall, our noses almost touched and I could feel his warm breath on my face, Alric leaned down and kissed my neck. I gulped down a painful sob. ''Oh, your scared?'' Nothing came out of my mouth, no words put together, It was like talking was impossible. Two spikes touched my neck, for a second it was painful than it was harmless. When Alric finished with me i felt dizzy, I tripped on my feet as I started walking towards the door. A hand grabbed my wrist, I moaned, ''Let me go.'' I stumbled, ''please.'' Whoever grabbed me, wouldn't let me go. I pretanded to fall, I took my heels off, inside of my heels layed that Mini stake. ''Don't Katy, Its me. Mason.'' My vision came back, I was sitting in the blood red hall, and slumped againest the door. ''Lets go, before they figure your a hunter.'' Mason picked me up and carried me to the Red mustang. ''How come you never dress like that for me?'' Mason said laying me down in the back, ''don't talk. My head is pounding!'' ''ok-'' ''SHUT.THE.HELL.UP!'' He nodded and closed the door. My eyes closed and I fell into an exhusted sleep.
    Chapter 2
    ''Good morning, blood whore.'' I groaned, ''Stupied Mia is that you?'' ''Oh shut up.'' Mia said throughing a pillow at me, ''You'll be late for pre school.'' ''Shut up, Mia.'' ''I packed your lunch.'' ''Mia, Don't you know what shut up means?!'' I said kicking her off the end of the bed, ''Don't you know what freak off means?'' I laughed, ''That didn't make scence because your in my room and do you mean ******** off?'' ''Oh, naughty Katy. Your grounded, you went out with your friends and don't even come home. No computer, no car no nothing for a week.'' Mia said playfully, ''Shut up b***h.'' I smiled, ''No serisly, Katy you'll be late for school.'' ''Oh Mia, Seroisely get lost.'' ''You know Katy you are such a b***h.'' ''Totally Mia.''

    ''Well, Mase. You couldn't have choosen a crapier high school?'' I said as I climbed out of the car, West Brandon. This school looked more like a castle, like in those movies from 1864. Moss covered half of the windows and the front lawn barerly had grass. My converse squised in the moshy mud. ''Well, you see Katy, this was the only school that would take you. The only Boarding school anyway.'' I turned to Mason, half yelling. ''Boarding school! Are you kidding me! Mason! Why?'' He bit his lip, ''didn't you wonder why you packed a suitcase, oh and not to mention the four hour drive.'' He smiled and hooked his arm through mine and stired me towards the moss covered Castle of hell. ''It won't be that bad, Katy. For one month, I'll come visit.'' He smiled and pulled me into the boarding school, ''So that explains why Mia was so happy this morning.'' I said grumpily. I stomped inside to a halt, ''This way.'' Mason opened the office door for me, the lady at the counter told us to sit down for a minute. She had short blond hair and green eyes. ''So why are you sending me? Of all people in the freakin' world its you? a**, oh and don't forget your seventeen, too.'' Mason laughed, ''Yes, Well everynight you disappear. When you come home your in a wrack. I can't do anything about, like you said I'm seventeen, too. So here you can't be getting out every night.'' I lowered my voice, ''But Mason people like you need me. People need me. I'm the only vampire hunter in this damn city. You will regret sending me here.'' I muttered, at 9.30 a man with gray hair came out. He had blue eyes, he wore a white shirt with a pale pink tie. ''Hi Miss Light. I'm Mr. Luca, I'm the princable.'' ''I know I read your tag.'' Mason kicked me, not hard enough to make me cry though. Mr Luca looked at me and turned towards Mason. '' And this is your sister?'' I laughed, ''God no, he has a ******** crush on me. That would be so wrong.'' Mason smiled, ''No, sorry. Katy is trying to get me in trouble so she can leave. Not happening Katy. She is right though, I am not her brother, I'm her legal gaurdian.'' ''Okay, nice to meet you. Katy can skip today since she is new, she may go to her room, unpack and look around.'' Said Mr luca, ''That's wonderful, thank you so much for taking her, it was very hard looking for a school.'' ''Your welcome Mason.'' I stood in the corner, arms crossed across my chest. Yes I was acting childish, but Mason had no right to stick me in a Boarding school. ''May I speak with Katy before I leave please?'' Mr luca nodded, Mason pushed me out of the crouded office. ''Katy, great why to start off. You can be such a b***h sometimes.'' ''Well Thank you Mase for being an a*****e.'' I said hugging him, ''Goodbye Katy. Be nice.'' ''Love you Mase,'' I said sarcalistly and stuck my finger up at him as he climbed into the mustang. I was towed to my room, I had to share with somebody? ******** no. ''Uh sorry, I think you have the wrong room, miss.'' The lady at the counter shook her head, ''You being a b***h to the princable was bad, but you can't be a b***h to me. And you can't damnade me to do silly things for you.'' Wow, ''How old are you?'' I asked not caring about her little speach. ''None of your Damn bees wax.'' She said throughing my stuff on the bed, She unziped the bag and took out my Ipad and Laptop, and my PHONE! ''********! what are you doing?'' I said running towards her taking my stuff from her pale hands. ''Don't speak like that. It's bad manners.'' Laughing I said, ''and calling me a b***h is good manners?'' She laughed and took my stuff out of my hands and walked out. ''Dinner at six, lunch at twelve and other then that you can just starve, and by the way my name is Richelle. I am the vice princable. I have the rights to punish you and kick you out of here, understand?'' I nodded and was an inch away from pushing her out of the dorm. Without another word she left. By 11.00 I'd finished unpacking, I had put my clothes in a black dresser, bathroom s**t in a pale cupboard in the bathroom above the mirror and all my stakes in a box under the bed. Sighing I left the room and went wondering around the school. There were ten dorms down on my left side and ten on my right there were also ten rooms. And not to mention across me, which adds to FORTY dorms on just this one floor. So on every floor there are forty rooms and there are fiveteen floors that adds to...''Holy s**t.'' I muttered, 300 hundrad rooms.wow. I took the stairs down to the lobby hoping to make time skip faster, but it didn't. It was only 11:15 and I was starving. I walked beyond the lobby and found class rooms, they all held kids in them. Then further then the class rooms was the kictchen, I smelt food in the air. Potato skins? Chicken? Poking my head in the kitchen I saw chicken wraps, potato skins, chocolate fuge and cookies. ''Excuse me, but you aren't meant to be in there.'' Said a childish voice, turning I saw a figure not that taller then me with black hair that curled around her chin and blue eyes. The girl wore a pink sweater and denim skinny jeans, she looked the complete opistit from me. I had brown hair that was always pulled back, chocolate brown eyes and I aways wore black. She looked bright and happy while I looked bored and dark. ''Uh, huh? And I spose your meant to be in class?'' She smiled, ''I slept in, I was up past cerfew with friends. I'm Becca, by the way.'' I nodded, not wanting to tell her who I was, it didn't matter I hope I'd never see this chick again. Instead I sighed, ''Im, Katy.'' ''Great, come on I'll show you around.'' Becca grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the great smelling kitchen. ''This is the computer lab.'' Then why take away our labtops if there was a computer in here? The computers were pretty new, they were flat screens and each computer had a black key board with a mouse. ''There are forty computers, Um... every weekend each floors come down here for their free time. The windows were tinted black so you couldn't see out. Which I found silly, some kids like Becca needed there sunshin. I laughed at my silly thought. Becca kept blabbing about the school, then, finally she pulled me towards the exit. I stiffened in joy, ''outside.'' I said, Becca laughed, ''Yeah, its not that great.'' Yeah it's not that great? are you kidding? It was wonderful, the bleachers were covered in moss (surprisingly) and the football field was as all crappy but further then that was a grave yard. This time it was me towing Becca towards the grave yard. ''Where are we going...katy?'' Becca finally asked, she looked afraid and childish. She also looked pretty young. ''To the grave yard, is that okay?'' She nodded, I noticed that it was very cloudy and misty out here, there wasn't even a hint of the sun shining today. '' Why are you interested in the dead? Of everything here its the dead?'' Becca muttered, I laughed. ''Yes Becca, I'm a freak. But isn't it beautiful?'' ''I guess. I'm hungry and its lunch can we go, please?'' As Becca said that I realized I was stavring, ''Yeah, before I starve to death.''

    ''Becca!'' called a vocie behinde us, ''Who's that?'' I whispered, ''That is Chelsey. She's my number one best friend!'' Becca said pulling me towards the girl, she was a lot like Becca, with her brightness and horrible fasion. Chelesy had blond hair with blue eyes, she was wearing blue shorts and a pink tank top. ''Hey, Oh gym today sucks! You have to run 10 laps around the football feild then do 20 push ups then... Who's this?'' Chelesy said turning her attention on me, ''This is Katy Light, she is new.'' Chelesy nodded, ''I realized. Oh, so what room did you get?'' She asked, ''Uh...30A. I think,'' I said wanting so bad to leave and get lunch. ''What? That means your in my...room. Great,'' does this girl already hate me before I hate her? Huh, pretty clever. ''You know what I already like you Chesely.'' I said nastly and walked away. It was like a buffut! They had dessarts, salads, meats, Burgers, pizza, tacos, drinks and veggies and fruit. I grabbed a tray and took a salad, taco, piece of pizza and coke. ''Wow, you must be hungry. That's a lot of food for somebody like you.'' I turned and saw a guy, yeah just a guy. Nothing special about a normal high school guy. ''Are you saying I'm fat?'' I said, taking a bite of my taco. ''What? No. Your body is fine, just, well half the girls here have an apple for lunch and that's it.'' ''So your not saying I'm fat but your saying I need to eat an apple every god damn day in this hellhole?'' He smiled and shook his head, ''I'm Adrian.'' With a sigh I put my hand out for the second time today, ''I'm katy.'' Adrian had raven, black hair and blue-green eyes, ''Was it that hard to tell me your name?'' Adrian asked with a muffled laugh. ''No.'' I whispered, ''Well, I need to go.'' He said starting to walk away, ''See you 'round Adrian.'' I muttered, Becca came skipping arcoss the room. She had an enormous smile plented on her face, ''Why hello again Katy, Who were you just speaking too?'' Becca asked in a high piched voice, laughing I responded quickly, ''Nobody. What your my mother now?'' She slid into the chair arcoss from me, ''No, just that Adrian Knight is the hottest kid in school and he was talking to you!'' ''Well, he couldn't resist my looks.'' Becca smiled her shy smile, ''He likes you, all the guys do. They keep looking at you, their girlfriends will soon have to chase you down with high heels.'' I laughed at Becca's statement, ''I will beware of teenagers with high heels, thanks for the heads up. Anyway's I hate to leave you sitting here, but I need to go. See you soon Becca!''

    Chapter 3
    I walked down the empty hall, exploring, nothing really impressed me. Just medals for football, Cheerleading, (cause this place really needs some cheer) soccer and swimming. I kept walking down the hall and heard a new set of footsteps, then the smell of booze hit me. Who allows people to drink here? As I round the courner I smack into somebody's chest, ''Aww.'' I moan, I'd landed flat on my butt. ''Stop your moaning, It didn't hurt that much. Why would someone as sexy as you be hanging out in the abandoned hall? Huh?'' ''Well, hey, I'm not on the football team.'' I say studying the new face, the dazzling new face. This new face had bronze, wavy hair and the same green-blue eyes as Adrian, he seemed to be the one that smelled of alcohol. ''Uh, chick, are you ok?'' The guy asked shoving his hands in his pockets, ''Yeah, I'm Katy Light.'' It suprised me that I was the one offering my hand this time, ''Yeah, Well I'm Darcy Denette.'' Darcy smiled, ''Where 'ya heading?'' He asked, ''Uh, just, you know...looking around.'' Was it true Katy Light being nice for once in her life around a guy? Yes! ''Well, hey let me show you around.'' I nod, ''That sounds sweet, I feel kinda weird just wondering around by myself.'' Darcy showed me around the school, he would sometimes smile while it was quiet. ''What are you smiling at?'' I ask, ''You.'' He says, ''What about me?'' I damnand, Darcy laughed. ''Well... your pretand to walk around and looked interested in this dump when you know you really would rather die.'' The funny thing was his right, this place bores me so freaking much! ''Well, you don't follow school rules!'' I added, ''What's that got to do with this?'' He asks, I give a quick shrug. ''Nothing.'' The bell rings through the hall, ''I gotta go, see you around Katy.'' Darcy says , walking away. My heart flattered, jeez his hot. This sucks, I have nothing to do. I went towards the cemetery again, nothing was as interesting as dead people lurking around the cemetery. Just in case I ran up stairs to my stakes, who knows, maybe I'll run into some vampires. In the cemetery the wind wooshed the trees swiftly while the clouds hid the sun. Nothing but a dark, misty day, I was about to leave as I saw a figure leaning against a tree. I tiptoed towards the stanger and saw a girl. She had long, dark hair, green eyes, a nose peircing and she seemed to be very pale. But she wasn't a vampire, I could tell by here tears. Those real tears, I skidded to a stop. ''Are you okay?'' She looks up at me and screams, not a terrifed scream but a scream of hate, a scream saying ''Go the hell away'' or something like that. Then I noticed, she had a bite mark on her neck, ''s**t.'' I whisper, ''God damn it,'' I add. ''Shhh, Look I'm here to help, What happen?'' I ask taking a careful step forward, ''Get the hell away from me. I don't need you ******** help.'' At least I know there are vampires here, ''Can I ask you something?'' The girl shurgged, ''Okay, Do you belivie in vampires?'' The qusetion suprised her, she looked up, her eyes had a look of pain in it. ''How do you know about vampires? And, yes.'' ''Well, I need to know. What happen to your neck, if you don't mind me asking?'' The girl broke down and started crying, ''Have you been bitten by a vampire? Why do you know so much about them?'' She asks, ''Because, I kill em. Little bastards don't deserve to be walking the soild grounds of earth. Don't you agree?'' I say kneeling down to become eye level with the girl, she nods, ''I can't remember anything except being bitten by a vampire. I can't remember where I was or who did it, whoever did this to me said, 'You won't remember!' and god damnit! I'm sorry I can't help you.'' I nod in understandment, ''That's fine. How old are you? Do you attented to the crappy school behind me?'' ''I'm 17 and yeah, sadly I do.'' I smile, ''Well do you won't me to take you back?'' She shook her head, ''I need to do something. Thanks for your help, and sorry I screamed at you.'' ''Doesn't matter. See you around, I think.'' ''Yeah whatever.''