• "Let's go to the library and find out. We can search 'handsome artists' on the computers." Sabra giggled. The two rushed out of the diner and Sabra called her friend Tyler, who picked them up in his truck and drove them to the public library.
    "So, what exactly are you two researching?"
    "Sexy artists," Adabelle smiled. She loved feeling the breeze coming in through the open window of Tyler's jeep. Her long blonde hair swirled around her head, but she didn't mind. The fresh air felt nice.
    "The library computer's aren't for porn, guys!" Tyler grimaced.
    "Very funny," Sabra slapped his arm lightly from the front seat. "We're trying to find a replacement art teacher for Latgie."
    "Oh right, Mr. Denson died, didn't he? I heard they already got a new teacher, though." Tyler said.
    "They did, but she sucks." Adabelle said. Tyler chuckled at that.
    "She can't be that bad," he shook his head. "My sister goes to Latgie, and she's never had complaints about the teachers."
    "Maybe because she doesn't take art. She's a jockette, Tyler; she has gym class all day." Sabra rolled her eyes.
    "True. Well, have fun! Here we are!"
    "Thanks for the ride!" Adabelle smiled.
    "No problem," Tyler winked at her. Adabelle and Sabra ran into the library and headed straight for the research section. Sabra sat next to Adabelle, who logged into a computer and opened Google. Adabelle typed in "artists who live in California." There were over 37 million results. Sabra sighed.
    "I doubt this is going to help much. Maybe we should search for musicians? They're artists, too."
    "Alright. Hey, do you know any bands that grew up here?" Adabelle asked.
    "Nope. Well, I know some members of My Chemical Romance live here, but they're on tour. And that's a long shot, anyway."
    "Hmm. Anything's possible!" Adabelle went back to Google's home page. My Chemical Romance, she searched. The first entry was Wikipedia, and the next was their official website. She clicked it. "Cool. I think I've heard them before. Where in Cali do they live?"
    "LA, I think. Forget it, though. They're way too famous." Sabra shook her head.
    "Sabra! You told me I was being pessimistic? Let's just email them."
    "Alright...Well, the singer is Gerard. Gerard Way, I think, and he's a wonderful artist. He did cover art for their 3rd album. He wrote a comic book or something, too."
    "Cool!" Adabelle opened an email to Gerard's fan email address. Dear Gerard, she typed...