• One Star
    ONE DAY in the galaxy there was a hero so strong he could not be defeated then a horrible incident happened his super strong partner was in sealed in a magical orb called the one star. Thegaijinn five years later the orb was discovered by the hero’s grandson which went in to him and he had the amazing power of the orb.
    Hello GAIJIN . WHAT DO YOU WANT GREY . SAID GREG . I WANT A REAMACH. NO . SAID GREG. FIGHT ME !!!!!! SAID GREY ANGRLY FINE lets go grey I know I’ll win said GREGORY . Then the orb the one star activated and he came out. The warrior’s partner Edmund came out to fight and evil Timmy arrived to help Grey and the battle was on!!!!!!!!!!
    Then soon after Greg put the hurt on grey the hero’s partner attacked him but he sensed it just in time and dodged it. Man this guy is strong thought Greg. Timmy started helping the mystery guy then greg sent a exploding blast and his team quickly came ANDREW AND ANDRE ATTACK THEM AND HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Sure thing greg so ANDRE PUCNHED evil timmy and rushed to help Andrew fight that creepy dude. Then greg regained his energy and stepped in too see his friends hurt he exploded with anger. And rushed in to punch the one called EDMUND. YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EXCLAIMED GREG. I’ll Make you pay as he beat the snot out of Edmund then Andrew Andre and Greg fused and became the true hero called Angro.I am neither one of them I AM ANGRO!!!!!!!!!!. Man this guy is strong is he the one thought Edmund. No he can’t be the one Gregory-senpai fortold I must see him before times up said Edmund aloud. You know my grandfather well that dosent change a thing you hurt my friends now I’ll hurt you said Greg. Well see-ya kid I’m gone bye-bye as he teleported away.

    Man I must find senpai before I’m caught said Edmund. Senpai its me. What it can’t be my student Edmund was incased inside the one star said Greg-senpai. Well all I know I fought a kid named Greg and said you are his grandfather. Well I am Edmund and he is the one so he must of unlocked the one star. Huh whats happening to me cried edmund. He is powering down and sealing the one star and he dosen’t even know it. He can free you but he needs to train so tell him. How do I tell him. Well telepathically of course he’ll listen or just say sorry and you didn’t know he was the good guy got it. Yup see you later senpai.


    Well what was that all about Said Andrew. I have no idea but I don’t know how he knows my grandpa said Greg. Well maybe he must be some long-lost family member said Andre. Man did you see that!! No what said Greg. That!! Oh. ROOOOOOOAR. HOLY SNAPPLECRAPPLE!!!!!! SAID ANDRE. DUDE help. AAHH ANDREW!!!!!! EXCLAIMED ANDRE.TAKE THISSS!!!!.THEN ANDRE EXPLODED WITH A TREMENDOUS BLAST WHICH HIT THE LIGAR IN ITS STOMACH AND MADE A HUGE HOLE. Damn Andre that’s some power you have inquired a mysterious voice. Huh, who said that. All in do time. Andre thanks said Andrew weakly. Greg why didn’t you help out. Well I decided to let you guys fight your own battles. Well we should find you a hospital said Greg. I'll go find one for him stay here with Andrew Andre. I'll be back soon yelled Greg as he sprinted off. So you want to be stronger said the mysterious voice. Yes, said Andrew, more than anything. Well come with me you too Andre. Where are we going asked Andre. To the Temple of Blue!! Meanwhile......... Man where are the doctors in this town said Greg. Andrew is fine he is in the Tower of Blue said Edmund as he appeared from thin air. How do I know i can trust you. Well you don't, but me I'll take you there.