• Sakura Princess & Moonlight Prince
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    Sakura ichigo
    hair color: light pink with some yellow highlights[2 highlights]
    eye color: aqua blue
    skin color: peach color
    age: 14
    a freashmen in highschool
    Bio: lives with her uncle on her mother side, her parents are gone/missing.
    knows little of her father and herself.works hard at school, does'nt have any friends because people think she is a freak,
    worry about everything, and can't defend herself. and is kinda overemotion and short temper and kinda clusmy at times,
    and likes to sing,and like gardens.

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    Akira ulquiorra
    hair color:blue black
    eye color: blood red
    skin color: white
    a prince of the moonlight country
    Bio: skill in swordsmanship and magic,travels alot, and is rude
    and does'nt show emotions, short temper,thinks he can control everything,because
    he's a prince but does'nt like to show off,likes to fight very tough bad enemies, and somehow
    like to be very over protect over things that he loves.disobey his parents and anyone who is trying to
    boss him or tell him to do something,like to make his own rules and law, and like to break rules.plus he is
    like a daredevil.

    Ch.1 thus the story begins

    every life is a story that is unfolding, waiting to see what will happen,for one story will unfold
    right before your very eyes.
    it was early in the moring, there was still dew on the grass, and the birds are starting to wake and sun was rising, standing next to the lamp post
    with a umbellion, waiting for the bus to arrive, was a girl, wearing a school uniform, thats white and blue, it was raining light, the girl's hair was light
    pink with some light yellow highlights, her eyes was stareing into the trees to see the sun shine throw them. her eyes were aqua blue color.
    and her name is Sakura.

    Sakura:{phew} when will the bus come, it feel like every moring the bus comes late or something, grr. iam soo boried,hmm.

    finale the bus have arrive, to pick up sakura. the bus door open and sakura got into the bus and walk to the very back seat of the bus.
    because everyone on the bus does'nt like sakura because they think she is a freak.For no reason at all, so she sat there quiet until she
    got to school, she went throw the day like any other day at school,To her she get her stuff stole and called names and being blame and some how get in trouble for something she did'nt do
    sometimes this stuff happens to her, well, today is'nt the same, for today she got a new teacher, her old one have move away, and the class is still the same
    , thorwing paper balls, chewing gum and sticking under the desk, or putting it in other people hair, or copying paper from other students or cheating and sleeping
    in class, but today people avoid her more, and less name calling, anyway as the day went by, sakura got boried and started to write a poem, about a fairy tale,
    she have heard when she was little, about the prince and princess in love, during the blood wars of okami[wolf] saga, it was a perfect fairy tale with a beauty ending,
    after writing the poem, her teacher ask the class to share what they wrote, her teacher call her out to read her poem, but the class was'nt happy to see her up front reading what she wrote,

    sakura:uh.. i wrote a poem bout a story i have heard when i was little, it was bout a prince and princess in love during a war,

    "my heart blossom in the spring"
    "for my love is a breeze in the wind,"
    " this war is driving us in saddness"
    "my pain is no more in this winter"
    "for my dear okami[wolf] take me away"
    " into the sakura[cherry blossoms]garden under the moonlight of the forgotten"

    sakura finish her poem, but the class boo her because they thought her poem sucks, after that sakura just keep quiet till school was out.When she got out of class and walk down the hall towards her bus stop
    she found out that her bus left her behind.

    Sakura:great can this day get any worse?

    then it rain

    Sakura:great that just what i needed "-_-"

    sakura started walking home, it was a long walk from her school to home it was like 12 miles or something like that, plus she forgot
    her umbella,after 2 hours of walking,she stop to take a break, she was walk along the road where the woods grow old, her house is a mile away[it takes 30mins to walk 3 miles,so it took her 2 hours to walk from school to home, 3miles every 30mins in 2hours, a hour is 60mins/do the math]
    while she was taking a break,she was sitting on a rock, looking around, then something caught her eye, she got up and walk over she found a hidden path,

    Sakura:wow i found a shortcut, hehe maybe i can get to my house in like 10mins or something like that, haha "^_^"
    sakura quickly pick her bag up and started walking down the path, it was a small narrow path she was walking on, she keep walking till, she was in a wide gap in the path,she stop and look around, this spot
    was the only part of the path that was wide, the rest of the path was narrow, there was a odd feeling in the gap spot, she waslooking around until she saw what appeared to be some sort of station, it look to be a male angel of some sort holding what to appear is a mirror, old with vines growing over it and there
    was something written on it, but the leaves were covering it and it was getting dark.

    Sakura:somehow this place gives me the creeps i got to get going,

    sakura quickly ran off,after 30mins she finely got home, she was late,after getting in the house,Her uncle, the only uncle she has, that she is living with, came up to her and talk to her and asking why was she was late.

    sakura:the bus left me and i had to walk home,

    her uncle is name Kurama London, and she be living with him since she was 5 years old.

    Kurama surprised k i understand, dinner is ready to be heated, iam going to be in my studies.

    Sakura surprised k kurama,

    kurama is only 23 or 24 years old.
    sakura quickly had her dinner and went up to her room,
    and laid in bed thinking and wondering bout that odd space in the middle of path,
    why was there a station, was there old ruins or something?