• As the sunrose over the slowly expanding thick forest, the residents in Dewdrop Village woke from a good night's rest. Male adult and teenage fairies steeped out of thier small huts to begin the day's chores. Amonth the men was one teenage femal elf, the only elf residing in Dewdrop Village. She was in charge of cleaning cuts and wounds. The group of forty fairies and the single elf made their way to the working fields. It was the males' job to find broken off twigs and small stones for their families' fireplaces.
    "Foam!" came a voice. Foam, the female elf, turned to see Amira flying towards her. Amira was one of the few friends Foam had. Some of the fairies feared she would try to overrun their tiny village.
    Amira's rust colored short hair floated around her as she came to land beside her. Foam's long, teal colored hair blew a little from her face. Since Amira was a year younger than Foam, she was a bit shorter than Foam.
    "Good morning Amira. Did you sleep well?" Foam asked politely.
    "Yes. Did you sleep well?" she replied sweetly. Foam nodded, making her hair wave. Amira figured that most of the fairy girls envied Foam's beauty; that's why they were rude towards her.
    "Would you like to help gather fruits and berries? I heard the Lunar Festival is tonight," Foam asked, indicating the small basket she was carrying.
    "That's why I'm here! I figured you mmight need these." Amira pulled out a pair of gloves from her blue dress pocket.
    "Thank you! I knew I was forgetting something!" The two friends laughed. Amira held the woven basket as Foam pulled on the gloves. Just as she was about to hand the basket to her, they heard a voice calling: "Foam!"
    Said girl turned to see a rahter skinny fairy flying towards her fast.
    "What is it, Marona?" The female fairy shook her cherry blossom hair from her face and smoothed her green short dress.
    "The Council wishes to see you," Marona answered quickly.
    "About the Lunar Festival, correct?" Foam asked; Marona shook her head.
    "One of the Council Members found a male teenage elf. He claims to know you!"
    Foam's face went pale.
    "I'm sorry, Amira! I must go!" Foam and Marona raced towards the Council Hall.
    *****Main Council Room*****
    "I'm here with Foam as you requested," Marona said stiffly.
    "Thank you, Marona. Please go help Amira gather fruits and berries," Council Member Starr said. Starr was the youngest, yet wisest, of the Council.
    "Is it true what Marona said spoke of?" Foam asked anxiously; Starr nodded.
    "If you know him and claim that he's calm, he won't be executed," she said with a staright face. Foam nodded in agreement. Starr snapped her fingers and a fairy knight facme forth width a tied up male elf. His eyes grew wide when he saw Foam.
    "Hello Clearven."