• tab Katrina Nale looked up at the her new home. In truth, she really didn’t want to move. Her Mom, like other parents, moved because of their jobs, so there wasn’t really any choice. The house was well sized from this perspective. Perhaps it might look better inside.

    tab “Mom,” Katrina said, grabbing her bag, and opening the door to the car, “I’m going to go look around.”

    tab Mom loved where they lived before ,and she knew they would have trouble adjusting. She knew Mom also left Arizona because she disliked Dad’s parents, but Katrina couldn’t really blame Mom .Grandma and Grandpa treated Mom like scum off their shoe. It really had been awhile since she had seen them….

    tab “Okay then,” Mom replied nonchalantly getting out items, “If you go anywhere far just remember to take your phone.”

    tab Looking around the house made her feel slightly empty. It was probably because of the house. It was sort of boring looking around at the rooms empty. They really were starting their lives over again…. New high school, new home, new job, and maybe new friends.

    tab Katrina took one last look at the white walls before retreating into the backyard. It was long and spread out into the forest. From the point where her backyard ended and the point of entering the forest she couldn’t see the end of where the trees stopped.

    tab Was there a forest in Arizona? Katrina thought as she entered slowly, looking down at all the small bugs crawling around. They weren’t very different from the usual bugs you would see; ants, centipedes, beetles.

    tab Walking deeper in Katrina, tried memorizing the way back. Hopefully she wouldn’t get to lost. It was getting darker, the more closer she got to the heart of the forest. The only light she could make out from where she left was gone, and the tall tree leaves, covered most of the afternoon sky. The sun would probably set in a couple of hours. Katrina consumed every detail, of the tranquil place, sitting down at the first clearing of light entering the forest she’d seen. She lied down, and gently listened tried to everything in the forest. Fluttering of wings from birds soaring into the air, gentle chimes of nearby ponds, and a soothing sound of the breeze showing everything was in harmony, despite the slow chaos, about to come.

    tab The butterflies danced from each vibrant flower with the bees following close behind. Her mind was lost in each detail and slowly she drifted to sleep, and Katrina knew she found the perfect home away from home, or perhaps a secret place to herself.