• Okay, so after a lot of confusion, Komuro slaping his forehead, and me nearly fainting, we ended up dowstairs in the kitchen sitting at the table. "How did this happen?" I asked. "What do you mean?" My dad asked, green eyes a bit confused. "How are you two still alive? I remember seeing you two die when the plane crashed." I said. They looked at eachother, as if about to reaveal a secret "We nearly did." my mom said truthfully. "But, just before we did die, we were bitten." my dad said. Before I could open my mouth, my mom quickly said "They were vampires." That shut my mouth. "They saved our lives that day. We left their house a couple days later." she went on. "But, how come it took you years to finally find me?" I asked. "Remember, we were half way across the world that day." dad explained. "And your father is terrible with directions." mom sighed. That caused some snickers. "Hey! We made it here didn't we?" dad said defensivly. "Yea, years later." I pointed out. Dad blushed with embarresment. Mom rubbed dad's shoulder but looked at me "So, what have you been up to these last couple of years?" she asked. 'Crying over the fact I thought you two were dead!' "Nothing much." I said instead. "It doesn't look like nothing much!" mom said, winking at Komuro. We blushed simeultamiously (I think my spelling bad T.T) "M-mom!" I nearly yelled. My mom laughed. "So, I suppose you're the man dateing my daughter." dad grumbled at Komuro. "Dad!" I hissed. "If you do anything, and I mean anything, to make her unhappy, I'll bash your head in!" dad yelled. Komuro looked afraid "Dad!" I said, embarresed. Dad had pretty big muscles due to his regular excersizing. It was one of the things my mom loved about him, but she mostly loved his personality......most of the time. All of a sudden, my eyes got all misty and warm tears sprang from my eyes. "Mai?! What's wrong?!" My mom and dad asked. I shook my head "It's just...It's just..." I looked up and smiled "I really missed you guys!" They smiled as tears also sprang from their eyes "We missed you too!" they said, came over and hugged me. Komuro and his family left the kitchen, seeing this was a only-them kinda thing. We cried there, and, for the first time, it wasn't because we were sad.


    Now, the low down of the rest of my life. After that, my parents moved back into the manchine. When I turned 18, Komuro made me a vampire and we got married! -AIEEEE! 0////0- We stopped our aging after the honeymoon. We've been living our lives that way ever since. Well, me and Komuro did move out and get a new place too. It's not a big house, but not a small one either. Well, I geuss that's it except for the title. It was named black moon because my parents "died" when the moon did not show, therefore, a black moon. It was also a "black moon" when they came back, and when Komuro changed me into a vampire. Well, that's it.

    The End.