• It wasn't his face that surprised me though. "You-you have cat ears!" I yelled. He immediatly woke up, sat up, and hissed "Calm down! Shut up and calm down!" Something slowly wagged behind him. "And a tail!" I yelled. He covered my mouth with his hands "Shut up! You need to shut up! Now breath. Just, breath." he said in my ear. After a while he let me go. I immediatly grabbed his ears. "Yes they're real, and now they hurt." he said, rubbing his ears. "What in hell?" I was too tired and confused to yell anymore. "Ugh! I was really hopeing I could tell you, later." he sighed. "Really? When later?!" I hissed. "Pfft, like later.....later." he said. "Okay, um, why don't you just tell me everything now?" I asked. "Um, okay. I am from another world where humans and and animals share the same soul. Man, I am hungry!" he said, about to stand up. I pulled him back down "What?" I said. "Well...." his voice faded. "Spit it out Yoichi!" I yelled. "Allright! Well, there's this other world where I'm from and...well, have you ever seen 'The golden compass'?" he asked me. I nodded. "Well, our our spirits our like combined with an animal. Sort of like on 'Golden Compass'. But, our animals can't change, we have most of their attributes-" I cut him off "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, I have cat ears, cat tail, I have good balance, I love fish, I can see in the dark, you know, stuff like that." he explained. "Really?" I asked. "Uh, yeah, you have an evil look in your eye." Yoichi said. "I'll be right back." I said. My dad grew some of the cat n** plant near the kitchen window. I piked some and brought it back. Yoichi began scratching his nose when I came near. I sat next to him. "Where did you go?" he asked. "Just to get this!" I said and took the cat n** out and put it in front of him. He immediately started grabbing at it with stars in his eyes. I kept putting it out of his reach. He ended up tackling me to the floor. "Did you just unhook my bra?" I asked, getting pissed. "No, it wasn't me." he said. "Than who-" I knew who. "Neechee?!" I nearly yelled. "Well, Neechee is my soul animal." Yoichi admited. "Well, it does make sense." I said. "What do you mean?" he asked. "When I was first carrying Neechee over to your house, he kept trying to put his head in my shirt." I said. "That's why I felt so happy that day! I thought it was just because school was over!" Yoichi said. "So, you're both perverts?" I asked, although I already knew the answer. "You bruise me, Sayomi. You really do." he said. I rose the catnip, his eyes were immediatly glued to it. "You want this?" I asked. He nodded quickly, it took all I had not to crack up. "Then, go!" I said, and threw the catnip which he immediatly went after. I sat up, and saw Neechee behind me. I picked him up "You little pervert." I muttered, than put him back down and stood up. "You gunna keep playing over there or tell me the rest?" I asked. He looked over at me "You are truly a devil." he mumbled. "What was that?" I asked. "N-nothing!" he said and came over to the couch where I was sitting. "Um okay, to continue, each person has a differant animal. The people with a certain animal have like their own city or country, with a priest or priestess as their repersentative, ruler, you name it. It's like a royal family of each animal. We have ability to live forever, although if we get sick enough, or wounded enough, we can still die." he explained. "So, what are you? You know, as in status?" I asked. He mumbled. "Don't even think about that, now just say it." I told him. He sighed "A priest! But, don't go thinkng we're like other priests! We can get married, have kids whatever. Being a priest only means you have a lot of power. That's all." he said. "Priest of cats? Sounds funny. But, okay." I smiled. "Wait, you believe me, just like that?" he asked, amazed. "You may be perverted and an idiot, but you're not a liar." I told him. He smiled a bit "Anyway, I think I can take off the bandages now." he said, starting to take them off. "Let me help you." I said, helping him take them off. "Hey, Sayomi?" he said. "What is it?" I asked. "I want you to be my girlfriend." he said flat out. I blushed to my roots "Wha-what?!" I gasped. He looked at me seriously "Well?" he asked. I nodded my head "O-okay. I'll be your girlfriend." I said, still blushing. He smiled and kissed me.

    Next, Cat's paw 10