COLLEGE YEAR chapter 1
“OH my gosh these bags are heavy what did you pack?” says my dad carrying my bags into my new room. “stopu76yxz t5r4q being to old and maybe you’ll be able to carry it.” I said helping him. “Okay honey I guess it’s time we let you go and get unpack.” my mom says giving ma a good bye kiss and hug. “Don’t worry, okay I’ll come visit every weekend I promise.” I said giving him a bear hug. “So when’s Kelly coming?” my dad asked. “He said after he’s done packing.” I said giving him a good bye hug. “We’ll miss you.” they said. “I’ll miss you too.” giving them my last hug. They leave and I’m all a lone because I have no room mate. I have the same room when I went to the 4 weeks of college so does Derek but he didn’t came yet. I go text:
Where r u?
Look behind you
I turn around and I see Derek. I run up to him and give him a hug. “ I haven’t seen you in along time and you haven’t text me at all, I’m mad at you.” I said turn around facing my back at him. “I’ve been very busy I’m sorry.” he said to me. “Well sorry is not gonna help, you owe me breakfast tomorrow.” I said to him. “ Fine we can go to star bucks and I’ll pay for whatever you want.” he said trying to make me smile. “Good, now you can help me wit unpacking and I’ll help you.” I said opening my bags. “Fine.” he said getting some hangers.
We finish hanging up both of are clothes and decided to get lunch. “ I wander what today’s theme is going to be?” Derek asked. “ I don’t know hope its Mexican night.” “ Yea me too.” I texted Kelly to se if he was coming but he texted back and said that they lost his application so he has to refill it out before he can go into his room, so I guess its movie night. We get to lunch and I drop my mouth open and I saw Maci. The last time I saw here was at the graduation: I saw Maci smiling and Kelly had went up to her>“ What are you doing here?” he asked. “ Well that’s’ not a good way to say hey to your ex.” she said. “ I’m serious what are you doing here?” he said. “ I just wanted to be here for your graduation.” she said trying to get closer but Kelly backed up. “ I told you we are over, OK.” he said walking away. “ Wait I thought maybe we can get back together.” She said. “ I’m sorry but I’m with Angela and I’m in love with her.” he said while he kept on walking. Kelly left Maci there but I felt like she was coming to do something bad.
“ So where do you want to sit at?” Derek asked. I see Maci walking up to us so I quickly grabbed Derek’s hand and moved to the line but she caught up with us. “ Hey Angela, I haven’t seen you in along time.” she said. “ good to see you Maci.” I said lying and trying to get my food. “ Who’s this?” she says pulling out here hand toward Derek. “ I’m Derek.” Derek says. Derek couldn’t help himself he’s to nice to hurt anybodies feelings. “Maybe we should hang out sometime.” Maci says looking toward me. “ Yea sure, Maybe some other time.” I said paying for my food. “ Okay bye.” I said walking away with Derek. I didn’t bother to look back at her.
We get to he theater room to eat are food and watch a movie. “So who Was that girl?” Derek says putting on a movie. “ This girl that went to my old school but I think she’s trouble.” I said to him while starting on my taco and nachos. We finish are food and put are trash away. We had time to go walk around the time square so I got my backpack and went out with Derek, but not that going out like bf and gf.
We walk on Broadway and they had a movie playing it was ’Mary Poppins’. It was funny because Derek kept on picking on Mary’s voice. We get out and headed to an art museum. It was so pretty and they had a lot of paintings that I never got to see before. I was getting sleepy so we decided to go back to the dorms. Derek decided to sleep in my room on the couch since we live right in front of each other but at 5 in the morning he would have to get up and leave because the dorm’s manager will come and check on us. “ So what do you normally do when your alone?” Derek asked while closing the door. He was wearing blue and black pajamas. “ Well if you we’re a girl we would talk about painting nails and who’s cutier: Jacob or Edward from twilight. I would pick Jacob.” I said teasing around. “Okay then I guess we can talk….” Knock, Knock. “Hide behind the door.” I said to Derek. “come in.” I said. Maci was at the door, why me, I said to myself. She closes the door and see’s Derek at the door. “Well hello again.” she says to Derek. “hey.” he said being shy. I could tell Derek liked Maci but maci was a bad person but still I didn’t want to make Derek sad so I just kept my comment to myself. “ I guess your having a slumber party without me.” she says. “ Fine Maci you can come just go put on some pajamas.” I said to him, I mean her. “ goody” she’s says walking out the door. “Derek I know you like but be careful okay I still don’t trust her.” I said to him. “don’t worry okay.” he said giving me a kiss on the forehead. “ now let me go put some cologne so I mess good.” he said leaving out the door. My phone vibrates.
Hey babe I miss U so much <3.
I miss you more
No I miss u more
Okay that means you’ll think about me in ur dreams tonight.
I always do. So wat u up to?
Well Derek is gonna sleep in my room tonight on the couch and u won’t believe this
Maci is too!
Yup Derek likes her and she decided to just sleep over
Wow I wish I could be w/ u
Me too but I’ll see u inn the morning rite?
Yes I promise
Well goodnight
Goodnight <3
I felled asleep before both Derek and Maci could even get here. I wake up I at 5 to wake up Derek an my jaw drops. Derek’s arm is around Maci’s body and they both are sleeping to together. Oh my gosh what do I do. “Derek, wake up.” I said whispering to him. “What?” he said. You got to go before the dorm manager comes.” I said to him. He wakes up and Maci wakes up too. “ thanks but I got to go, bye.” she says giving a kiss to Derek on the cheek, and out she goes. “ what was that?” I asked Derek. “oh it was nothing.” he said but I can tell he was lying.
“well bye.” he said. I get ready because Kelly is going to pick me up. During the summer me and Kelly hanged around. I get to the front steps of the college and wait for him. “hey babe.” Kelly says when he sees me. “hey!” I said giving him a kiss. “So where do you want to go for breakfast?” Kelly asked. “Umm how about Starbucks, I’m in the mood for a iced coffee.” I said holding his hand. We get to star bucks and it was filled with college students. “Two iced coffee’s and two banana nut muffins.” Kelly said to the cashier. I go find us a seat close by a window. This reminds me of when Derek had took me and Gaberial to get a snack, and Kelly was with Maci and I saw them kissed. “Here you go.” Kelly said passing my iced coffee and muffin to me. “So how’s your roommate?” I asked Kelly.
“He’s okay, but he does love the girls and cars.” he said. Taking a sip of his iced coffee. We talked and talked until it was time to get to are first class. “Well I’ll text you later okay?” he said “okay.” I said giving him a kiss. I get to my first class and it’s Creative writing. I find a seat and pull out a note book. “Do you mind if I sit here?” a voice said. I look up and it was this fine boy. “Yea, sure.” I said moving my bag out of the way. “ I love you to okay, I promise I will call later.” he said on the phone then hangs up. “it was my niece.” he said to me. “ Oh I have a cousin that I love to death to yesterday he was crying cause he had to leave.” I said back. “oh my name’s Kyle.” he said shaking my hand. “My name is Angela.” I said shaking back. The teacher comes in and assigns us I first assignment. We was suppose to write a diary entry about ourselves and talk about are emotions then are partners will have to read them and give us comments about it. “So what do you have next?” I asked Kyle. “Umm lunch.” he says. “ME too, I’ll walk with you.” I said to him. We get to the cafeteria and find a seat next to a window. I see Derek come in and I waved my hand to let him see me but I realized that he wasn’t alone. Maci was right next to him. I was turning red and I think that Kyle had seen me because he asked me was I ok? “ I’m okay but I don’t like that girl who’s next to my friend.” I said taking a sip of sprite. “Hey.” said Derek. “Hey this is my friend Kyle, we have the same classes.” I said motioning him to sit down. “ Cool me and Maci have the same classes too.” he said. “Yea it’s so weird cause I never expected us to be in the same class.” Maci said smiling at Derek. That was weird, Derek was saying anything but I got him later on tonight. My phone vibrates.
Hello babeJ Kelly texts me.
Classes is so retarded and I only went to one.
Lol I understand but I met a new friend who has a niece like Gabe.
Cool I’m eating lunch w/ the gang
Aw I wish I could be thereL
I wish you could too I miss you
I miss you too
I’ll talk to you later
Ok <3
Ugh I hated not having Kelly here with me. “So what should we do tonight?” I said. “ We should go see a movie or go to the mall.” Maci said. “ Sure.” Kyle and Derek both had said. “Okay after classes will meet up in the front of the college.” I said getting up. Kyle also gets up because we both got the same classes. “Bye .” I said to Derek. He just waved back because he was listening to what Maci was saying. ”Kyle you never told me why do you go to this school.” I said to him. “ Well actually my mom wanted me to go to Harvard to be a doctor but really I sneaked over here because I want to be hip hop dancer, so my mom thinks I’m studying my brains off.” he said. “ Wow, but what happens if she figures out?” I asked. “Well then I will just have to beg her to let me go here.” “Aw I hope you can stay.” I said reaching to are next class. Classes ended and I get to the front of the college but I hear giggling. I hide behind the wall an I look to see who it was. It was Derek and Maci! Omg! They were so close together then they kissed each other. How can they do that? They just met each other. “what you doing?” Kyle said coming from behind me. “ I can’t believe what I’m seeing.” I said to Kyle showing him. “ Wow.” “I know and I can’t believe he didn’t tell me. I know I don’t like her but he’s my best friend.” I said. “ Well we can’t just stand here.” he said. “ Hey you guys ready?” I said walking towards then. They quickly move away from each other. “Yea.” they both said. We take a taxi to the mall. We walk around but I notice how close Derek was to Maci. I know this sounds like I’m obsessed but Derek is like a big brother to me and I don’t want to see him get hurt. “ It’s bugging you.” Kyle said. “Well kind of but if he likes her then I guess he can go out with her but I wish he would have told me.” I said. My phone had rang. “excuse me.” I said answering the phone call. “Hey babe.” Kelly said. “ Hey.” I said. “So what you doing?” he asked. “ Well at the mall with Derek, Maci, and Kyle.” I said. “That’s nice as long as you are happy.” he said which made me happy. “You should come over after dinner to hang out for a little bit”. I said. “Okay I’ll invite the gang.” he said. “Bye.” I said. “Bye.” he said. “Sorry.” I said to Kyle. “It was my boyfriend.” I said. “It’s okay but I think we are going to the movies.” he said. “Where’s Derek and Maci?” I asked. “They went to buy the tickets.” he said. “thanks for waiting.” I said to Kyle. We get to the AMC theaters. Derek was waiting for us in the front. We go inside and find are seats. We was watching a comedy which was really funny. The movie ends and we head back to school because it was dinner time. We freshen up before we got to the cafeteria. I wanted to confront Derek about him and Maci but I decided to do it later when he sleeps over. I head to the cafeteria and the cafeteria as decorated as a Indian theme which was one of my favorite themes. “Hey.” says Kyle getting in line with me. “Hey.” I said back. “Where’s Derek and Maci?” he said. “I don’t know they should have been here by ..” but before I could finish my sentence I see Derek very I mean very close to Maci, but I turned away before they could see me. They get in line with us and we all find a table to eat at. “It’s pretty how they decorated the place.” said Maci. “Yea it’s pretty.” I said trying to make a conversation. ………………………………...........................................................................................................................................................................................................THE END………………………………................
Chapter 2
Ugh class was a drag today but luckily it was dinner time. I go with Brandon to the cafeteria and wait for the rest of the gang to come. I see Sam, Mayqueen, and Dustin come through the doors but Ryan and Hailey wasn’t there. “Hey, where’s Ryan and Hailey?” I asked. “Well Hailey said that she got in a big fight with Ryan and she doesn’t want to eat with us if he’s there.” Sam says. “Well I guess will bring them something back.” Brandon said. “Oh yea do you guys want to see Angela cause she invited us to go see her.” I said to the gang. “ Yea!!” they all said. After we ate we all went to see Angela. Knock, Knock. Angela opened the door. “Hey!!!!!!!!” Angela said giving me a hug. I gave her a kiss, finally!! I’ve been waiting forever to give her one. She gave hugs to everybody but stopped when she didn’t see Ryan and Hailey. “Where’s Hailey and Ryan?” she asked. “Don’t ask.” we all said. We Walk in and Derek, Maci, and I guess the boy Angela had met. “Oh this is Kyle I met him in chemistry.” she said introducing him to us. “And you guys know Derek and Maci yea whatever.” she said in a not so nice mood. It was kind of awkward since Maci was there but I swear she was always stare at me when I held Angela’s hand. WERID!!!!!!!
“It’s good to see you guys, I missed you guys so much lately especially Kelly.” Angela said. “We missed you too.” said Sam. “It’s been hard without your help with homework.” Sam said while we all laughed. It was good hanging out with the whole gang even tho Maci was there. It was past curfew so we all had to leave. “Talk to you guys later.” Angela said. “I love you.” I said to her. “I love to too.” she said. I gave her along kiss before I finally left. I get to my dorm and went straight to sleep. ………………………………...................................................................................................THE End………………………………....................
Chapter 3
I wanted to cry because they left but I had guests. I heard a ring on my laptop. It was Gabriel he wanted to talk to me. I quickly answer it. “Hey.” I said. “Hey Angela what you doing?” He said back. “Nothing just hanging out.” I said. “I just wanted to say hi, I have to go to sleep.” he said. “Well okay I love you.” I said “I love you to.” He said back before I turn the chat room off. I really wanted to cry because I missed Gabriel a lot. “Well I have to go because I have to send a email before I go to sleep.” Kyle said. “Yea I’m a go too.” Maci said. They both left. “Derek I have to ask you something.” I said to him. “Yea, sure, what is it?” he said. “Well are you and Maci a thing?” I said. Sitting down on the bed. “Wellll….” “You can tell me Derek I’m your best friend.” I said. “Well yea we are but I wanted to tell you but Maci said not to because you would try to ruin are relationship.” HE said sitting by me. I was so angry why would he believe that, we were friends before they even met. “What?” I said. “Don’t worry I told you know so forget about it.” he said. How can I forget about it, I was so mad but Derek was my best friend and I couldn’t say anything. “Well are you still sleeping over right?” I asked. “Well.. Maci wanted to hang out with her.” He said. “Oh well that’s okay I’ll call one of the gang.” I said trying to sound cheerful. “Okay bye.” he said giving me a kiss on the forehead like a dad would to his little daughter. He left my dorm and I was all alone. I couldn’t go to sleep all I could think of is what Derek had said. I knew this was Maci’s plan to destroy me but Derek would never believe me. THE FOLLOWING MORNING. I wake up and get dressed for class. I knock on Derek’s door to see if he wants to come with me but he left a note on his bed saying he already went with Maci. I felt like I was losing my friend already.
………………………………...THE END………………………………................
Chapter 4
My alarm goes off as I wait get ready to go to class. Zach already left with this girl he had last night. All I can say that is was not comfortable sleeping with loud noises coming from the other side of the room. I’ve been thinking a lot about Angela lately. I really love her and I wanted to do something for her. I know!! I’m going to do a surprise party for her just for fun. I get to American History and sit by Ryan. “Hey, So how are things with you and Hailey? I asked Ryan while getting out a notebook. “I really don’t know but she’s been trying to make me jealous by flirting with other boys, like that even bothers me.” he said. “Stop lieing to yourself because you know your jealous.” I said to him. “Yea, your right I don’t know what to do.” he said back. “Well just talk to hoer or maybe take her out to dinner so you can solve things out buying flowers will help.” I said giving advice. “I’ll try that.” he said. The teacher walks in as we get ready to take quick notes. After classes I head to my room to call Angela. But I walked in at the wrong time because Zach and I guess his girl were making out. I decided to go to the art room which seemed like a good idea cause nobody was around. I was looking at all the pictures made by students. “Do you like?” a voice said from behind me. It was a girl I never seen around school, she looked cute. “Yea, I really like this one.” I said pointing at a picture that look like the sunset. “Yea that’s my drawings I made.” she said. “You drew it?” I asked. “Yep, won third place.” she said. “Oh by the way y name’s Kelly.” I said to her. “My name is Gabriella.” she said. She smile at me and left the room. I forgot to call Angela and went to my dorm instead.
- by cookiegurl15 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/31/2011 |
- Skip

- Title: College Year
- Artist: cookiegurl15
- Description: Well this is a story i wrote which is suppose to go to a previous story i wrote but it will take for ever for my to type everything so i decided to put this on here because it in my computer already so i hope you guys like and if not then oh well.
- Date: 03/31/2011
- Tags: college year
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