• Elizabeth's face felt sore from smiling so much, but she just couldn't stop. She would finally be reunited with her beloved. After this past long, slow, gruesome month, she just couldn't bare it any longer. She had to see him. So many people had said no to her, telling her that she couldn't see him, ever again. Well, she had had just about enough of it. Denying someone their god-given right to see the one they love most is like denying someone the right to breathe. Cruel. She slipped into her best dress, the long, flowing black one with the blue sash tied just above the waist.
    As she patted on soft, pink blush, she thought back to all the people who had not let her and her love be together. She was ashamed to say that she had such evil thoughts about those people. For instance, she had felt such hate towards that wretched woman, Mrs. Joneson, when she had actually grabbed Elizabeth as she tried to walk out the door. The rage toward Mrs. Joneson had just welled up within Elizabeth. It almost scared her how furious she was. Then again, could you blame her? She and Victor had been seperated for so long, and right after their wedding, too. They didn't even have a chance to go on their honeymoon.
    She put on her thick winter coat and headed out into the night. The cold air made her fingers numb and face tingle, but she payed no heed. The thought of being in Victor's arms again kept her warm. She soon arrived at the rusted black gates. The racket they made when she opened them startled her and she looked around nervously, fearing someone had heard it. When she was reassured by the silence of night, she continued her trek to her husband. The path was covered with dead leaves that crunched beneath her velvety-blue shoes. The moon glowed bright, casting a soft, white light onto the cold ground. Finally, she had reached the tall marble building. It was small and rather pretty. A nice place to spend the rest of eternity in. She picked up a stone and repeatedly bashed the heavy lock on the door. It broke, and she tossed it away. A loud crunch rang through the night when it hit a gravestone. She opened the door and stepped inside.
    "Victor?" she called out, frightened that he wouldn't answer, that she was still alone. Her soft footfalls echoed as she walked further into the cold room.
    "Victor, darling? Are you there?" she asked. A large block filled the middle of the room. She approached it, hoping, praying that he would be in there, still sleeping. Only sleeping, and nothing more. She wouldn't believe the awful lies those people tried to force into her mind. She just would not. She struggled to push the stone slab off. It gradually opened more and more, throwing light into the hollow stone bed. There he was, still as handsome and wonderful as Elizabeth remembered him. He was even smiling. Obviously, he was just as happy to see her as she was to see him again.
    "Oh, Victor!" she cried out as she climbed into the stone casket with him. Her arms wrapped around his cold neck. Her warm, soft lips pressed against his cracked, dry lips. She found a chip in the underside of the covor and pulled it back over the sarcophagus, concealing the two lovers within. Elizabeth couldn't see, but she still found Victor's hand, his bony, skinless hand, and held on tight. Though the air grew heavy and hard to breathe, Elizabeth was happy once again. Noone could keep her and Victor apart any longer. He didn't say anything, but she knew he was happy as well. They would have their own happy ending, the one they always wanted. Her eyelids began to grow heavy, and her heartbeat slowed. She closed her eyes and laid her head on Victor's chest. With her last breathe, she whispered "I love you", and fell asleep for the rest of eternity.