• NOTE: I made these up and I did not copy. Btw, there's a possibility you might die if you do some of these.

    1. Follow him around and keep singing Justin Bieber songs.

    2. Everytime he says 'hn' start screaming. xd

    3. Keep calling him weasel.

    4. Show him KisamexItachi y@oi xd

    5. Keep asking him if the dots in his eyes are commas.

    6. Slap his butt. XDDDD

    7. Glomp him everyday at 3:02 pm.

    8. Tickle him. rofl

    9. Write an 'L' on his forehead when he's sleeping. XD

    10. Frequently ask him if he's going to be single for the rest of his life (Well...there's Kisame...)

    11. Write 'I love Kisame' on all his belongings.

    12. Draw a smiley face on his head band. biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin

    13. Do everything he does.

    14. Read ItachixKisame FANFICS to him.

    15. Lock him in a room with Deidara. XD

    16. When he's asleep, give him a mohawk.

    17. Act like a total fangirl around him.

    18. Tell him that he let Sasuke live because he had forbidden love towards his brother (grammar pwease? XD)

    19. Sniff him.

    20. Tell him all the Itachi items Kisame has.

    21. Read him this list. rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

    Please comment and rate! Well, don't do it if you don't know who Itachi is. sweatdrop