• I slowly walked round the corner, they'd be there. They always were. Then they were on me. Pulling at my hair and ripping my trouses. Their leader stepped up. I braced myself for her stone whip. It came. Harder than usal. They were angry. I kept myself from crying out. To cry out would only mean they would do it again. Their leader stepped up to me and pulled my face up, her sharp tallons cutting my face, I knew what she would say.
    "We dont tell anyone about our little chats do we Bella" she whisped in my ear.
    I wouldnt tell mother. last time somone told about them that boy was never seen again. I ran home and locked myself in my room. I loved my room. it was aqua with a window that had a view of my two horses grazing in the pasture. My bay was called Rosetta, and my black was called Avatar. I ran outside to Avatar and mounted him.
    "Where do you think you're going?" came a shap voice. My mother. "Look at the state of you! you look like you've just come out of a fight!"
    "thats where i have been" i mumbled.
    Ignoring my mother i turned and galloped off. We hadn't gone far when i spotted a banshee in the woods. As i neared her she screamed and became silver. I knew at that moment there was a cockorite...

    I was in the wood with the cockrite. i know what happened. i can tell you... my name is Avatar.
    The girl on her horse screamed like the banshee and she and she became silver.
    I lived to tell the tale. Bella did not.