• A plate of red velvet cake sat on the table. The tempo of the beeping went on. She sat there holding her hand, whispering sweet nothings in her ear. “Happy birthday my love.” The woman stroked the other woman’s cheek. One of them was in a coma, the other one was waiting. She was waiting for her love to return. “I love you darling, don’t ever forget that.” A sad smile splayed across her face as she stood up. “I’ll be back in the morning.”

    Just then the eyes of the coma patient fluttered open then closed. “Huh?” She looked down and saw that glimpse of life. “NURSE!” She let go of the lady’s hand and ran out of the room to find a doctor, a nurse, anybody. She came running in with a doctor and nurse right behind her. Already the patient was trying to rip the breathing devices and tubes off of her. “No, no, no. You don’t want to do that! Give it a while sweetie and then you can get those off.” She put a hand on the girl’s forehead and the girl stopped and looked up, there was no recognition in the woman’s eyes. “It’s alright Yukiko. Soon we’ll be home, and you won’t have to deal with this.” Ryo said calmly. Yukiko looked up at Ryo with a confused look on her face. “Who are you?” She tilted her head, ignoring the doctors that were examining her. They stopped when they heard this and looked up at Ryo. “It seems that she has amnesia.” Solemnly they said.
    “I brought your favorite cake, Yukiko. Red Velvet. Don’t you remember?” Ryo said, trying to get her to remember. “It’s your birthday, would you like to celebrate?”

    Yukiko continued watching Ryo, with a frown on her face. “It’s my birthday?” She said quietly. “Why am I here then?” She looked quickly to the cake and back. “I’ll pass on the cake also.”

    It’s like she’s changed.
    This is not the girl I’ve waited five years for.
    She’s different.