• Powerpuff Girls Z Chapter 1 : The Story Begins

    (MT)<----- this means they are talking through their minds

    The Story starts in math class.It's lunch time and Momoko was just getting her lunch.She sits by her friends,Momoko's color is pink,Miyako's is light blue,and Kaoru's is lime green.

    Momoko Akatsutsumi (Hyper Blossom)-Hey Guys! People are saying that there are new boys goin to school! We have to go check it out!

    Kaoru Matsubra (Powered Buttercup)-Momoko,you need to stop your obsession for boys.

    Momoko- NEVER! Guys are all I need.Besides Miyako is on a leash.

    Miyako Gotokuji (Rolling Bubbles)- *struggling* New Boys! Let me go Momoko!

    Momoko- Please Kaoru.That leash won't hold together for long.

    Kaoru-Fine.But, I'm not walking that later!

    Momoko-*takes leash off*There Miyako,now act normal.

    Miyako-Ok Momoko.I'll act normal.

    They walk outside then there was a group of people surrounding the new guys.Momoko was starting to get mad because she couldn't get through the crowd.Then she gets a idea.She looks back at the time where Miyako was wanting to meet the new guys badly.

    Momoko-Hey Miyako,do you really want to meet those NEW BOYS.

    Miyako-YES! I want to so badly but people are in my way.

    Kaoru-*whispers to Momoko* I think I know what you are doing.

    Momoko-Oh Yea.

    Momoko taunted Miyako about new boys then she ran as fast as she could and cleared a pathway for her and her friends to meet the new guys.The new guys were nothing but normal guys sporty and gross (they stick their fingers up their noses all the time.)

    Momoko-Sorry guys she is just a people person.

    The new guys' names were unknown but you can tell what there favorite colors are.The guy in the red hat and jacket was probably red,the guy in the blue jacket was blue,and the guy with green jacket was probably green.but right now they will be known as Red,Blue,and Green.

    Green-It's Okay.


    Red-Don't waste your time.

    (MT)Red-Man, that girl with the freakishly long hair is hot but I don't want to tell her anything.

    (MT)Green-That girl with the hat is cute but I'll keep it a secret from the guys.

    (MT)Blue-I hate hot girls that the guys don't want me to like but I'll keep it a secret.

    (MT)Kaoru-Man,that guy with the long bangs is cute but I think I'll keep it a secret from Momoko and Miyako.

    (MT)Miyako-The blonde haired guy is soooo cute.

    (MT)Momoko-The guy in the red hat is soooo cute.

    Miyako-So what's your names?

    Red-I'm Brick.

    Blue-I'm Boomer.

    Green-I'm Butch.

    Momoko-Cool,I'm Momoko and these are my friends,Miyako and Kaoru.

    Miyako-Hello,nice to meet you.


    (MT)Momoko-Brick,that's so wierd but hot!



    (MT)Miyako-Boomer?It sounds like that his parents named him that beacuse he pooped alot when he was little.But hey,it's his name.*sigh looking at Boomer*


    (MT)Kaoru-Butch?What is he a Butcher?

    Then three other girls showed up to Brick,Boomer,and Butch.The first one was wearing a orange t-shirt so we will call her orange.The second one was wearing a maroon wristband so we'll call her maroon.So the third one was wearing yellow leggings so we'll call her yellow.

    Orange-Brick? *excited*

    Brick-Mikyo? *excited*

    Momoko-Mikyo,you know Brick?

    Brick-Mikyo,you know Momoko?

    Mikyo Ohayashi (Strong Banana (me)-Yes Momoko is my is my twin sister.Also,Brick is in my best friend's neighbor.



    Miyako-Boomer,you know Akimei?

    Boomer-Yea she is my neighbor's best friend as well.How do you know her?

    Miyako-She is my sister.

    Akimei Kato (Gentle Brownie)-Yes Miyako.I'm your sister *thumbs up grinning*



    Kaoru-Butch,you know Ushi

    Butch-Yea,she is one of my neighbor's best friend.Are you-

    Ushi Suzuki (Crazy Butter)-Yep her sister!


    Then all of them went for some ice cream with Professor Utonium,Ken,Peach,the Mayor,and Ms.Sara Bellum.

    Professor-So girls,who's your new friends?

    Momoko-Oh!This is Brick,Boomer,and Butch...

    Miyako-...and these are our sisters,Mikyo,Akimei,and Ushi.

    Professor-Hehe,no wonder the girls look familiar !I remember seeing them in the laba couple of weeks ago.

    Akimei-Yep that was us!

    Ms.Bellum-Well you boys look familiar as well.


    Then all of the girls floated up and transformed.

    Momoko-Hyper Blossom!

    Miyako-Rolling Bubbles!

    Kaoru-Powered Buttercup!

    Mikyo-Strong Banana!

    Akimei-Gentle Brownie!

    Ushi-Crazy Butter!

    Professor-Whoa!Your sisters must have got hit by the white lights from chemical Z

    Ken-But Papa....I mean Professor,I only saw three white lights hit only three girls!

    Professor-Momoko,was you and your friends with your sisters when the light hit you?

    Momoko,Miyako,and Kaoru-No i don't think so.