• CH.1
    Out in a dry, dusty, mountainous region outside of the U.S…
    The sun had just gone down and the heat of the day faded and left the sky a nice purple. A rumble in the distance shook the dry, cracked dirt of the entire region… “INCOOOMIIING!!!” shouted a worker on the bottom floor of the big metal headquarters that was alongside a rocky mountain. About 30 enemy battle tanks were rushing towards the big facility that housed hundreds of armed fighters. He ran towards the alert button and smashed it, the alarm sounded and red lights flared in every sector of the facility. Snipers rushed to their points and waited silently for their prey to come within range. The enemy tanks continued to advance, one of the privates in the watch towers noticed the tanks were pulling little trailers. “Warn everyone that those tanks are hauling soldiers to back them up!!!” the private desperately told the corporal. The corporal rushed to the communication line and warned the main facility. Kai rushed to his post in the same watch-tower. He peered through the variable zoom scope of his L96A1 sniper rifle and looked at the incoming tanks. “200 yards till they’re in range.” He told the corporal who was right next to him. “Good” the corporal replied, “Keep a sharp eye on ‘em”
    Loaded with a MK4, RPG, and a china lake, Melina stands on the second floor, Her long blonde hair with dark blue highlights waving in the wind of the lookout post. She stands there motionless, lost in thought. “Something on your mind Melina?” a voice asked from behind her. She turned her head and looked at the young man who was standing behind her. “hmm…of sorts” she replied. It was Jordan, an experienced combatant with the frame of a professional fighter and long dark brown hair, and one of the few people on the Elite Forces in the facility. “Just because we’re on the elites, doesn’t mean we can’t be scared” he pointed out
    “I know, it’s just...even after all the battles…all the spilled blood, I still don’t see why we can’t just end this war. It’s been going on for too long now.”
    “I agree, but you have to understand Melina, no sacrifice-“
    Melina cut him off mid-sentence.
    “I know, I know. No sacrifice, no victory. I’ve heard it before, but I’ve sacrificed enough already”
    She grows silent; her eyes lock in one direction as she loses herself in her thoughts again.
    “His death wasn’t your fault” Jordan said softly as he put his hand on her shoulder. A single tear falls from her sky blue eyes.
    “If it wasn’t for this war, then I’d still have him” she said softly.
    “The only thing you can do now is avenge him Melina, don’t let him die in vain... The enemy is close now.”
    “Then let’s give them a warm welcome” Melina replied with a cocky smile as she cocked her china lake grenade launcher.
    “Now that’s the Melina we all know and love, c’mon let’s go”

    “Incoming enemy tanks will be in range in about 45 seconds.” Kai shouted to warn other snipers in the 2 and a half story tall, steel watch-tower. Just then the general came on the announcer and said” Attention all sniper nests: when enemy is in range, fire!”
    The siren stopped blaring, the red lights stopped flashing, and the entire facility remained silent… Kai was looking through his scope, focusing on the incoming enemy, trying to aim inside of the tank’s small viewing “window”. The heat of the night forcing a single drop of sweat to run down the side of his face. Hearing his own heartbeat he holds his breath…slowly pulls his finger back, squeezing the trigger. He fires the first shot of the battle which pierced the head of one of the men piloting the very front tank.
    After hearing the first shot ring though the air, Melina and Jordan slam the open buttons to the facilities big, iron storage doors. Tanks began rolling out of their hangars and out into the open.
    “Follow me.” Melina told Jordan as she took off running. “Ha, I betcha’ Kai was the one who fired the first shot.” she added.
    Jordan chuckled, “I wouldn’t bet against it.”
    “Wow, you’d never think that Kai would be an Elite by the way he acts. He treats war like some kind of game.”
    “Well he clearly knows how to beat the game then.” Jordan said in laugh.
    Melina scoffed as she slowed to a stop in front of an average sized, bolted, steel door. “What are we doing?” Jordan asked. Melina just gave him her usual cocky smirk and opened the door. Lights flicked on instantly and revealed an enormous steel hanger which was housing a B-52 bomber. Jordan’s brown eyes widened as saw the plane. “Mommy’s back!” Melina shouted to the plane with a smile on her face.
    “Whooooaaaa, you pilot this thing?” Jordan asked in astonishment.
    “Hell yea, this is my baby girl. flew her in over 20 missions and she’s still standing.”
    “Cool, but there’s one small problem, we are out of bombs to drop on the enemy remember?” Jordan said.
    “True, we have no bombs, but we have mines”
    “Melina, how the f-“
    Melina cut him off again and said with a wink “With skill and precision”
    Riding on the top of an armored truck that’s cruising on the front line, Wayne holds on to the huge M60 machine gun that’s mounted on top of the truck. He aims the gun at an enemy tank’s window and squeezes the trigger. 20 rounds a second comes spewing out of the gun, and after 6 seconds of firing the tank came to a slow halt and blood poured out the view hole. “WOOOOO!” Wayne shouted. “Now that’s how you win a war!” he added. “Just stay focused up there Wayne” a soldier yelled from inside the truck. Wayne looks around, as if thinking.
    “Hmmmm, How heavy is this gun?” Wayne shouted so the private could hear him over all the noise of war.
    “Mmmm, about 50 pounds maybe? I don’t know for sure, why?”
    “Watch this!”
    Wayne warmed up by stretching his arms.
    “Wayne are you gonna try and pull the gun off the truck!?”
    For a normal person this would’ve been impossible but Wayne was 285 pounds of sheer muscle that had the body to slam a bear and the arms to tear it apart. He yanked the M60 right off the roof of the small truck and hopped off. He waits… then about 30 men rush out of in between two tanks and towards him, firing bullets. Then Wayne squeezed the trigger. As he was firing, causing a bloody mess, he yelled “can ya smell what the man is cookin!?” after all the enemies finished falling to the ground like bowling pins he said in a cocky, jokish tone “Now, who wants to kiss the chef?!”
    Melina was in the cockpit of the B-52 Bomber with Jordan in the seat next to her. “Did you load the mines?” she asked him.
    “Yes, but I still fail to see how you plan on dropping them without them going off”
    “Remote detonation, duh. The new mines I had you load while i checked the plane wouldn’t blow up even if you shot it with a cannon”
    “Ohhhhh, ok I see now. But what about OUR men who will be in close combat with them? You’ll blow them to smithereens.”
    “Jordan your so naïve. Commander Q.C knows about my plan and once I give him the signal he’s gonna give the order for our forces to draw back…then we fly over and BOOM! There goes the enemy and we keep our men, simple”
    “That might work” Jordan said with a tiny bit of worry in his voice.
    “It WILL work; even Q.C agrees that it will work. Don’t worry Jordan; everything will go as planned, ok?
    “Ha, that’s what you said in Cambodia”
    “For the last time, that explosion wasn’t my fault.” She said in a laugh.
    “Mhmm, suuurrreee. Just get this baby up!” Jordan said with excitement.
    “No promises”
    “Jordan I’m kidding”
    “Oh don’t scare me like that Melina, please”
    Melina chuckled. “Why not, it’s funny.”
    “TO YOU!”
    “Yes I know” She said in a cheerful smile as she started up the plane.
    “YEA-UH!!” Kai shouted as he realized he had fired a bulls-eye and the first shot of the battle at the same time. The other snipers let loose and soon there was gunfire all around. Friendly tanks soon began rolling onto the field and caused chaos.
    A single shot was fired at the tower, the bullet bounced against the walls 3 times before piercing another sniper in the spine. It was the one right next to Kai, and someone who he had also fought beside for years. Although he wasn’t an Elite like Kai, he was one of the best. Kai tried to help him but he knew that once the bullet hit him, it was already too late. The eyes of the wounded comrade glazed over and there was a brief moment of silence from Kai. After about a minute or so, Kai bursted with anger and grabbed the RPG that was lying next to his now dead friend. He took one aim at the tank that had its turret aimed at the tower and said “This is for you Matt.” And with fire in his eyes he shouted “BON VOYAGE YOU SONS-OF-B’S” the missile bursted out of the RPG and was heading straight towards the same person in the tank that killed Matt. Kai shut eyes tight as he heard the explosion of the missile and tank.
    Shots fired from, and at, every direction. As every minute passes more people fall to the ground and lay in their final resting places. Blood sinking into the ground. The war was far from over.