• The Tale of Little Saur

    Once upon a time, there was a little dinosaur. This little dino's name was Saur. I know, totally unoriginal, right? Well, it was even worse for the little Saur – why? Because back then, "saur" was the equivalent of the name "Richard" today. And these days, Richard is shortened to "d**k". So everyone would tease him by calling him "Sa". For those of you who don't know, "Sa" means "d**k" – you see the problem?

    So little Saur was teased practically all his life – even his mother sometimes teased him! Then again, nobody knew that he hated it…

    Well, after a while, people began to realize that little Saur wasn't very happy. Everything he said was half-hearted, everything he did was done with a blank, uncaring expression, and even his scales began to take on a grayish look.

    Even though they knew he wasn't feeling very good, nobody did anything about it. Eventually, Saur stopped looking like a dinosaur at all!

    That's when the news media took action.

    Saur looked like no other animal on planet Rawrth. He was small, gray-green, hopeless when it came to rawring, and basically was such a nobody, that he became a somebody.

    Saur was called up to be interviewed on the most widely acclaimed news show anywhere – Dino Talk. He walks up to center stage, sits, hunched down, next to the news reporter, and waited. He had no idea that this would be the day that he made dino-history.

    The reporter wasted no time in starting. "So, Mr. Saur, welcome on to Dino Talk!"

    "Thanks." Saur's little voice was heard by everyone, but just barely.

    "What exactly...are you, Mr. Saur?"

    His next comment was his claim to fame.

    "I'm a dinosaur…so, like, Rawr, and stuff."

    The dinosaurs were laughing right up to the moment the meteor hit (which was several hours later) – they never even saw it coming.