An untold story about the swords rumored to have been Gods.
Part 1
Before even the soul society existed, there were soul reapers with incredibe powers. the names of the Zanpakuto's of the soul reapers is the only know fact about the first four soul reapers. the oldest Zanpakutou was known as the taker of souls, or Umbra, which was said to be the Grim Reapers very soul. The second was known as the destroyer, or Perses, which is said that Perses is infact the first soul to have been wandering the earth, and the first soul to fuse with a sword. The third was known as the life giver, or Myou, which is said to have been created by God himself. The youngest of the first four Zanpakutou's was the creator of elements, or Azula, said to be the very soul of the Earth. From these Zanpakutou's powers was the gift of power and tradition for the later generations of soul reapers.
(names of the soul reapers have been replaced by their swords names for less confusion)
the following is how the four soul reapers met
It all started with in the world of the living during the spring. The oldest soul reaper known as the taker of souls(Umbra) was traveling around the world looking for souls to set free/take. During his travels he found a soul that was possessing humans to destroy towns and create chaos. When Umbra found this soul he saw something he had never seen before. What Umbra saw was a man trying to resist this soul from possessing him. So when Umbra saw this, he took action and took the rouge soul and that of the man. After taking the souls and upon starting to continue his journey the man from which Umbra took the soul of started to glow. Umbra saw this and watched to see what was going to happen for this has happened only once before, when Umbra confronted the Grim Reaper. When the light dimmed down another man was standing over the dead body. This man carried a katana, whereing the simular clothing as Umbra. Before Umbra could act, the man spoke.
"I must thank you, that soul that was trying to possess me needed to be stopped, and you helpped me convince him. but not only did you help me stop Perses you also allowed him to agree on helpping others."
With those words Umbra knew what had happened, the man had convinced the soul to become his companion, and this companion he obtained called itself Perses, the destroyer.
Part 2
A month has past after Umbra met Perses*. Umbra had decided to let Perses join him on his travels to search for souls**. Since Perses had only transformed a month before he did not know much about why he had no memory of his life before the incident, and so he followed Umbra confused wanting answers to who he really was and what his purpose was. But because Umbra took his soul, Umbra knew everything about him and what he could do. The power that one could possess when a unstable soul murges with a soul of a living man.
The only way to keep Perses' spiritual pressure low enough to keep him calm was for Umbra to absorb his spiritual pressure***. At this point Perses knew what Umbra was doing and strided in his own way to control his spiritual pressure enough to where he won't lose control. Throughout the following 3 months Umbra absorbed less of Perses' power. After the fourth month Perses was able to completely hone his power. Upon controling his spiritual pressure, Perses had sensed something but because he had became a soul reaper just 4 months ago he had no clue what it was he was sensing. It was when Umbra started running toward the direction Perses had sensed the presence, did he realize that Umbra knew what it was.
When Umbra and Perses had reached the point in which they sensed a pressence it was midnight but they found a town flourishing with life. Perses was worried because the look he found on Umbra's face was a confused look.
"Whats wrong? I have never seen that look on you" asked Perses.
"Their dead.... Their all dead" Umbra muttered.
"Dead? but their are souls in their body, hw are they dead?" Perses questioned.
"That is what I want to find out" answered Umbra.
Before Perses could ask another question Umbra disappeared before his eyes****.
After leaving Perses "Hmmmmm.... I know someone is here, and I know you can see me, show yourself!" Yelled Umbra.
"And who might you be Devil" mysterious voice.
"Devil!? I am no devil.... show yourself" Umbra exclaimed.
"You do the devil's work do you not?" mysterious voice.
"Devil's work? I do not follow th...."Umbra said.
interupts"You reap souls do you not?" mysterious voice.
"How do you know that?" Umbra confused.
And with that question the mysterious person came out of the darkness. As the person stepped out Umbra fell to his knees.
"My name is Myou. I am the right hand of God, and you will be punished for crimes against God".
*from part 1 of first encounters
**it is unclear what the main reason Umbra travels the world
***Umbra's powers allow him to take souls from others, and because Perses still has a soul he can absorb parts of his soul to keep him from losing control(this is challanging because Umbra takes the full soul not parts)
****the first time Flash Step is used
Part 3
"Where did he go.... I have never seen anyone move that fast before" Perses thinking
As Perses walks through the lively town at midnight he starts to notice Umbra's Presence. As unsure as he was of Umbra's presence he went to where he though Umbra was.
"Any last words? DEVIL!" Myou proclaimed.
Umbra remained silent as if he was frozen solid. After waiting a few seconds Myou laughed outloud and grabbed her sword. Myou then pointed the sword at Umbra's heart.
"You know you should be thanking me for this, Once I kill you your soul will no longer be in the control of the Devil" Myou explained.
Upon saying this she stabbed Umbra in the heart. When the sword was removed from Umbra, he fell to the ground and layed there almost lifeless. As soon as Umbra seemed dead Myou started to walk away and stopped.
"Would you like to join your friend young one?" Myou laughed.
Perses appeared running as if in a rush, and stopped to see what he had never wanted to see, the man who had helpped him dead on the cold ground. Tears came down Perses eyes, but not just of sadness but of anger.
"Why?Why?Why would you do that to him?" Perses cried.
"I do not think you would understand young one, one who does the work of the devil must be punished" Myou preached.
"Devil's work!!!??? The only one doing the devil's work is you" Perses still crying,"You will pay for what you have done".
"Will I now, I would like to see that Young one" laughed Myou.
Perses drew his sword and pointed it at Myou. Perses' sword glowed a blood red color and when Myou saw the sword she stopped laughing. Perses slashed infront of him creating a flying boomerang-like looking energy at Myou. Myou jumped out of the way only to see that whatever the energy touched was obliterated.
"Sooo you want to die as your friend did, very well young one" Myou whispered.
Myou drew her sword again and when she did the sword turned white with a bright blinding light. When she swung her sword at Perses the ground beneath him started to open up. As soon as Perses looked down at the ground only to see white figures coming from beneath and they started to surround him.
"Don't even bother fighting it, it's useless to even try" Myou laughed.
Screams of pain and agony could be heard from where Perses was surrounded. When the Screaming stopped, the white figured returned to the ground, leaving Perses injured*. When Myou saw Perses laying on the ground, Myou shethed her sword and started to walk away again.
"I Thought I said you would pay for what you have done" a voiced boomed.
Myou turned only to see Perses standing up, with his eyes closed. Perses' body had been surronded by a red light as if all his power was being pushed out of him. Once again Perses pointed his sword at Myou but different. Perses' sword's light was even greater now it was like a fire was occuring on the sword. When Perses opened his eyes he swung his sword obliterating everything in front of him including Myou**. absolutly nothing remained infront of him except the ruins of the town he was in.
Perses shethed his sword and started to walk towards Umbra's lifeless body, only to fall, unconscious next to Umbra.
*injured to almost the point of death because of being cut inside the Myou's attack
**Perses' attack didn't take the shape of anything it just created a shockwave destroying everything
Part 4
"Wake up" mysterious voice. The shadowy figure is standing over a body. "I said wake up Myou, you can stop faking it now". The shadowy figure then kicks the body of Myou hard to where she wakes up.
"argggg.... hu.... what just happened? Myou asked still lying on the ground.
"O come now you know what happened" laughed the shadowy figure." What was the last thing you can remember Myou?".
As the shadowy figure continued to laugh Myou noticed something.
"Y....Yo...You... How is this possible" Myou answered scared
"You should be thanking me for this you know" laughed the shadowy figure.
"Thank you? Why should I thank you" questioned Myou.
"Well I saved your life from that attack, well I did in a way" shadowy figure still laughing.
"How? And why?" Myou confused.
"How about this you agree to alittle proposition and I will explain everything to you... How does that sound?" the shadowy figure whispered into Myou's ear.
"Proposition?" Myou thought to herself, then she said"Fine, what is this proposal of yours?"
"Glad you took the offer" shadowy figure spoke.
An hour later out in the middle of the destroyed town
Perses is still on the ground, unable to move. But when he wakes up he sees Myou standing over him.
"Get away from me!" Yelled Perses still unable to move his body.
"Why would I do that? I am here to help you ok just chill out young one" Myou said.
"Help me? Your here to finish me, admit it! And why can't I move?!!!" screamed Perses.
"I had to do something to ensure You don't attack me when im healing you Little one" laughed Myou.
"Stop calling me young one! My name is Perses and leave me alone" Perses exclaimed.
"Just SHUT UP Perses!!!!!" a voice boomed.
Perses then turned his eyes in the direction of the voice only to see a sight that would make him cry.
"Your alive... It's a miracle" Cried Perses
"Of Course I'm not. What part of being able to take souls do you not understand?" the Voice echoed.
"But you were stabbed in the heart, how did you survive?" Perses asked.
"Fine I will explain it to you again... As the taker of souls I can willingly take and reject the souls that are assumed to be killed.... That is why you didn't die when Myou attacked you and that is why Myou didn't die when you attacked her. The same includes me I can reject my own soul from being taken away, but for me it is at the cost of forfeiting a replacement soul to be taken" voice explained. "Just relax and let Myou heal you she won't harm you anymore trust me".
Perses closed his eyes and did what the voice told him to do.
Several hours later
"So it is true that you can control if a soul is to be taken or not. I guess you don't worship the devil, I am very sorry" Myou muttered.
"Well how about this why don't you start over by asking my name instead of assuming my name is devil" asked the voice.
"Ummmmm ok. My name is Myou... And you are?" Myou asked.
"Nice to meet you Myou my name is Umbra". Umbra answered,"How is Perses healing anyway?".
"He should be healed to perfect health right now, he just has to wake up" Myou explained.
"Well hopefully he won't think you are an enemy now" laughed Umbra.
Myou is looking down at the ruins of the town.
"Do you really believe that this plan i going to work?" Myou asked.
"No, I'm not sure it will work, but it is the only plan i have to stop them...." Umbra responds in a low voice.
"What plan are you talking about? And who are 'they'?" Perses asked out of no where. "is this the reason why you saved her life?".
"Yes, she played an important part in our future" Umbra answered.
Part 5
"Why her?" Perses asked, "Am I not good enough for this plan?"
"You are young one" responded Myou.
Getting iritated "First off, IT'S PERSES!" yelled Perses, "And second how come you won't tell me this plan if I'm part of it?".
"Because...." for a brief moment Umbra pauses"....I don't know how you fit in the plan".
"Wha..What kind of answer is that?" Perses sarcasticly, "How do you..."
"We're moving out" interupted Umbra.
Umbra starts to walk west of the ruined town, while Myou and Perses are still confused why he started to leave.
"OOOO, He's pissed at you now" laughed Myou starting to follow Umbra.
"Shut up, Witch" snapped Perses following behind Myou.
"Excuse me? Mind repeating that little brat" Myou insisted.
"You heard me... Witch" laughed Perses unaware that Myou stopped infront of him. When Perses started to walk by Myou, she threw her elbow at him and hit him in the face, knocking him down and giving him a bloody nose. Myou then continued to follow Umbra.
"Owwwwwww!" screamed Perses getting up off the ground, "What was that for?".
"Maybe next time you speak to an angel, you will think before you respond and be respectful" Myou snapped back at Perses.
"Angel" Perses smerked,"Aren't angels supposed to be beautiful?".
Upon hearing this Myou became furious. she was about to hit Perses again but then she looked ahead andsaw Umbra still walking. Myou then began calming down.
"I hope you do fit into his plan, because if you don't I WILL kill you" Myou calmly responded. Before Perses could even respond Myou dissapeared and reappeared next to Umbra.
"Are you quite done messing around" Umbra said, " Because where we are going teamwork maybe needed".
"He started it, you know" Myou said trying to look like she had nothing to do with it.
"I don't really care who started it" Umbra scolded, "All I care about is that you two work things out".
The group then continued on their journey silent, without even talking to each other. It was until they were able to seea giant golden gate.
"Is this the place?" Myou asked Umbra.
"The source of wierd energy is strong here, soo i suppose" Umbra answered.
"Wierd source?" Perses asked wandering, "Like what?".
"A presence that attracts the energy of everything around it" Umbra described.
"Like absorbing the energy from the earth, right?" Myou suggested.
"I guess we could say that" Umbra agreed, (thinking to himself)"But still i sense something else there"
Part 6
As the group starts to walk towards the gate Myou draws her sword as if she is was expecting a battle. To them all they saw was a gate that wasn’t protecting anything but empty wasteland. As soon as they are only steps away from the gate, it opens without warning. What the group saw was a garden full of life inside the gate lines.
“How is that even possible?” Perses asked, “There’s nothing behind it, and yet somehow there’s a gigantic garden inside past the gate that we can’t see”.
While Perses rambles on about the gate to himself, Umbra and Myou enter the garden only to find one path surrounded by flowers, rocks, creeks, trees, and animals. As soon as they started to follow the path, they notice it leads to a stairway that seems to rise over a mile up.
“Is this source of energy up there?” Myou questioned.
“Only one way to find out isn’t there” replied Umbra. Umbra starts to climb the stairway.
“I was afraid of that” whispers Myou. She n=then starts to climb the stairs only to whisper again, “I hate stairs, they take forever to climb”
Meanwhile outside the gate…
“Though it is a nice gate, i mean look at the detail...” Perses rambles. Perses then notices Umbra and Myou climbing a stairway, “Wait for me guys”. He then runs after them.
By the time Perses reaches the stairway Umbra and Myou are already halfway up. Still running after Umbra and Myou, Perses notices the nature around him and stops again.
“Wow, that is a cool looking flower” Perses inspects, “Maybe there is more around here”, he then starts to look around the sides of the stairway looking for another flower.
Almost at the top…
“Are you even tired yet?” Myou exhausted, “We have to have climbed about a million steps”.
“No… Are you tired?” responded Umbra reaching the top.
“No…Pant… Not even a little bit” Myou lied while laughing.
As soon as Myou made it to the top she noticed two people sitting as if they were in meditation. Myou then looked at Umbra only to see him walking towards them.
“Wait… What if they are not friendly?” Myou exclaimed.
With that Umbra reached the two people and sat in front of them facing them. Myou then threw a moody sigh then also sat down in front of them.
“Why have you come here, Reaper” one of them said.
“Which one of you created this garden, may I ask?” Umbra said calmly.
“Azula” Responded the meditating person tipping his head toward the other meditator.
“She did all this?” Myou interrupted.
“As the guardian of this garden I have no other reasons to answer you anymore.” he responded “Please leave this garden, Reaper, you are not wanted here”.
“What did you say your name was again?” said Umbra still calm.
“It’s Inyou the guardian of Mother nature’s garden” said Inyou.
“Well Inyou, if I don’t leave?” Umbra responded.
“I will force you to leave, Reaper” Inyou growled.
Part 7
“I will force you to leave, Reaper” Inyou growled.
After Inyou said this it became quiet and nothign was making any noise, there was not even any wind.
"I like to see you try that, Inyou" laughed Umbra, still sitting.
"Fine, I will!" Inyou grinned back at Umbra. But as soon as he was getting up another voice chimmed up.
"Theres no need for that Guardian, I will handle this" Azula smiling. As soon as she stood up Myou stood up along with her.
"What do you think your doing Myou?" Umbra laughing as if he knew what she was going to do.
"I will fight her, for one reason it would be fair if I fought her. And two I owe you for saving my life, this should make us even" Myou replied, "What says you?".
"Fine by me, mind only using skill, no powers?" Azula still smiling.
"Fine" Myou snickered.
Both Azula and Myou walked a few feet away from Umbra and Inyou, and both drew their swords.
"Hmmm, I wander whats going on up there" Perses talked to himself. Perses then started to continue to climb the stairs, and when he reached the top of the stairway he saw Azula and Myou getting ready to fight.
"YESSSS. CAT FIGHT" screamed Perses, causing Myou to grab her face with embarassment, "And who is that beautiful lady your fighting Myou?".
Before Myou could even answer Perses was next to Azula asking her what her name was.
"It is Azula, nice to meet you" Azula smiling even bigger now, "If you don't mind could you sit with those two please, I have some buisness to attend to"
"Anything for you" Perses sounding lovestruck. Perses walked to Umbra and Inyou and sat down, still lovestruck.
Myou and Azula both point their swords at one another, but when Myou does so Azula disappeared. upon missing where Azula went Myou had a worried look in her eyes, but yet had a determined look. all of a sudden Azula appears behind her and slashes knocking Myou down with a bleeding back.
"If you want to live, you are going to have to be faster than that" smiled Azula.
Myou then got back up and when she faced Azula, she disappeared again. When she saw her disappear again she was not worried anymore, rather she was scared, because she could not see where Azula goes to strike.
"Look up" Azula smiling. Upon hearing this she looked up only to be kicked hard by Azula forcing Myou to the ground.
"Yes you can do it Azula" Perses yelled, only to cause Umbra and Inyou to look at him wierd.
"You know she is you enemy right, kid?" Inyou asked.
"Don't care really" responded Perses. Umbra then reached over and touched Perses head causeing him to fall back.
"What did you do?" Inyou wandered.
"Honestly I took his Spiritual Pressure causing him to feel the emense pressure from the battle, therefore he cant stand up" Umbra explained.
"If you stop now you won't get hurt anymore" Azula smiled at Myou still hurt from the last attack.
"Well then you apparently don't know me that well, because I never give up" Myou laughed. Myou than stood up and pointed her blade at Azula again.
Part 8
Azula and Myou have been in a battle of skill for 10 minutes now and to what has happened Myou is the only one getting hit.
"I don't understand, wh ydo you insist on fighting, you obviously can't touch me" smiled Azula, "Just give up".
Myou ignored her and got up again still pointing her sword at Azula. Now Azula starts to walk towards Myou and stops only a few feet away from her sword. She then pauses to look at the sky and she sighs with disappointment.
"Why won't you give up anyway?" Azula whispers to Myou, "Is what you fight for that important to you?"
Finally Myou spoke to her but as if she was out of breathe and about to fall,
"Y...yes... it is" Myou faintly responded.
"Very well, if it is that important to beat me then I have no choice but continue" Azula smiled.
Azula then turned away from Myou and started to walk back to where she was before she talked to Myou. all of a sudden when Azula blinked she saw Myou in fround of her facing away looking like she slashed. Azula looked down at her cloths only to see that there was a cut in her clothes. Myou turned around only to see Azula looking down. When Azula started to look up at Myou, Myou saw something different, she noticed that Azula was not smiling anymore. Azula had a angry look on her now as if she was furious.
"She really should not have done that" Inyou mentioned.
"What do you mean, whats gonna happen?" Umbra asked curiously.
"She was playing around before but now that your friend cut her, she is not going to be as nice as she was" Inyou responded.
"That does not matter anyway, because as long as Umbra's here no one will die, right?" Perses said still laying on the ground.
"No, one of them could die" Umbra said under his breathe.
"What do you mean one of the can die? Perses now sounding worried, "Azula could die?".
"Not just her, but Myou too, I am not holding any souls with me at the moment" Umbra said sounding alittle worried.
"Thought you could win by a cheap shot did you?" Azula now grinding her teeth.
Azula then disappeared and appeared infront of Myou. She then slashed at Myou and when she hit her an explosion happened making the ground around them break and fly everywhere. When Azula moved back she saw Myou still standing, and upon seeing this she disappeared again and attacked from behind, only to cause another explosion. But this time Azula noticed that Myou used her sword to block her attack.
"Fine!" yelled Azula in anger, " If you won't let me hit you then I won't hold anything back".
Part 9
"Your saying you were just playing with me?" Myou panting.
"Yes, and if you thought that was hard then your in for a quick death" Azula growling with anger now.
After saying this Azula disappeared and appeared five feet behind Myou. within seconds Myou fell to the ground with her side sliced and bleeding profusely, leaving her side completely red. As Myou started to get up slowly with her injury, Azula appeared next to her. She then stepped on Myou, pushing her back down on the ground.
"She's going to die, Reaper" Inyou muttered, " You going to do anything about it?"
"True, it would seem thats the outcome right now, but still it would be wrong to interfere" Umbra responded almost sounding heartless for Myou.
By now Myou is spitting out blood from her mouth, almost choking on it. But under the choking a faint cry could be heard from Myou. Azula lifted her sword up high getting ready to stab Myou but stopped. Asazula was about to strike she saw Myou crying. As much as Azula tried to ignore the tears that were falling off Myou's face she couldn't. So instead of stabing Myou she struck the ground next to Myou. By now Myou had closed her eyes preparing to be killed. when she heard the sound of the blade hitting the ground she slowly opened her eyes. When she opened her eyes she saw Azula's blade infront of her face, and no longer felt the pressure of her fooot on her back.
"W...Why?" Myou asked still choking on blood.
"To be honest I don't know why" Azula responded, "It just was I couldn't bear killing someone helpless, I guess".
After that she helped Myou sit up so that she would stop choking. Myou was still confused on why Azula didn't kill her. While watching Azula help up Myou the three men looked at each other then at the girls.
"O come on finish her Azula, kill the witch" Perses yelling still unable to move.
"Really, you have a problem... Who is he again?" Inyou snapped.
"Inyou's right Perses you need to stop" Umbra added, "Though didn't you say she was going to kill Myou... right?"
"Yea that is what happenes to anyone who causes Azula to get angry" Inyou mentioned.
By now Azula was helping Myou stand up and was bringing her over to the others. Everyone was still shocked to see what happened.
"Lets just say it was a draw ok?" Azula whispered to Myou before reaching the others.
Myou looked at Azula still confused about how fast her attitude torward her had changed. by the time they reached the group Azula was smiling again at everyone.
"What happened Azula why didn't you finish her?" Perses begging for an answer.
"Thats not important, whats important is why you are here" Azula smiled.
it went quiet fast and when it became quiet everyone started to look at Umbra.
"We need your help with a urgent matter" Umbra started, "Creatures that are unseen by any living souls except to us, is attacking the souls taht can't see them".
"What creatures?" Azula curiously asked.
"Well only me and Myou have seen them so far" Umbra added, "But Myou calles them Hollows"
"Hollows, Why hollows?" Azula asking now interested in the topic.
"Because when you look into their eyes, theres nothing there" Myou interupted still having trouble breathing, "As if they are hollow inside"
Part 10
"So the reason why you are here is to convince me that there is a creature out there doing your job?" Azula smiling.
"Not so much as doing my job" Umbra responded, "It is more like eating them".
"And you want me to help you in some way?" Azula continued, "What could I possably do to help you?"
"Well for starters we need the power of the elements o create a pathway between a new world" Umbra mentioned.
"You expect me to create a pathway between an unexisting world to this world?" Azula laughed, "Your insane, the power of all elements can't create anything without life".
"Well thats where Myou comes in" Umbra points out, "She can create life out of nothing".
"Ok, I will give you that but where exactly is this world that you claim to want to connect?" Azula still laughing.
"It does exist yet" Myou interupted, "Thats the second phase of the plan"
"Wait, your expecting me and her to create a entire world by our selves?" Azula now acting serious now, "Did you not think this all the way through?"
"Thats the thing, it takes more than just two sources of energy it takes more than that..." Umbra mentioned, "In fact its going to take all four of us at maximum energy to do it"
"Maximum energy?" Azula now confused, " Are you telling me that all of us combined need to get stronger just to create an entire world?"
"Exactly" Umbra now smiling, "Are you in on this tough challange, Azula?"
"Before I answer you, do you have a way to achieve this maximum power?" Azula now excited to hear the answer.
Umbra then stands up and continues to show a big smile. Everyone starts to look at Umbra wandering if he was gonna say yes or no. While they were looking at him, he was looking at the sky whichj was a deep blue color without a inch of white for miles. Finally Umbra looks at them with a happy look.
"Do I have a way to do that?" Umbra smiling, "I infact do have a way and its called achieving one's Ultimate Being"
"Ultimate Being?" Azula muttered to herself, "Sounds interesting and fun, I'm in"
"Inyou, would you like to help out?" Myou asked.
"No" Inyou said plainly," My job is to protect this garden, and until this garden moves, niether will I"
"Don't even bother with convincing him guys" Azula uttered, "I can't even convince him to help me out"
So the three left and went back where they came from, along with a new ally, Azula. As they reached the golden gate that once showed them the world of life they noticed that it was closing. as they rushed outside trying to avoid getting trapped in the garden they noticed that when it closed the gate disappeared, leaving the flower that Perses had saw before. After seeing this they started to move north to the mountains. In the lead was Umbra followed closely by Myou, then there was Azula following with Perses right next to her looking at her with eyes showing love(almost like a stalker-like look to him). As they continued they started to bond more and became friends that relied on each other more occationally when needed.
Ultimate Being.... What does he mean by this? Whats this training that Umbra is talking about anyway? Find out on the new series of parts Origin of the God Swords- Ultimate Being.
Also exclusive to the King of all Realms: Origins razz rofiles(profiles about who the characters are)
Created by Relmking
Help by Real Itachi Uchiha
- by -French x Inhale- |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 10/03/2011 |
- Skip

- Title: Origin of the God swords
- Artist: -French x Inhale-
Origin of the God Swords-first encounters part 1-10
for bleach fans - Date: 10/03/2011
- Tags: relmking firstencounters bleach
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