• You emerge into a world you have not seen in many years.
    It looks exactly the opposite of what your mind seemed to remember of it.
    Instead of rolling hills and lush grassland, it’s a flat plain of nothing but desert, with a red sky stained of blood and death seen around every corner.
    Old dried trees protruding out of the ground jagged and splintered off into many directions. Every once in a while there is a pathetic plant trying to grow in the desert, but eventually it dies of lack of water.
    Then it shrivels into nothingness.
    In the distance you can see the remnants of a once great metropolis.
    Old crumbled buildings falling apart, like a man who has lost the love of his life.
    The streets that were once smooth now cracked and falling into pieces.
    You sigh to yourself, realizing that all your hopes and dreams were in vein.
    There was never any chance that your hopes and dreams would come true.
    Because they came after they were already impossible.
    Then you begin to cry, the warm salty water rolling down your cheeks and falling to the red sandy dirt.
    Splashing, then the red particles of the foreign soil invade your tears.
    Making them become one with the earth.
    You walk to the edge of the dirt covered concrete surface you are standing on, and sit on the edge.
    Your feet barely hanging off the surface of the earth.
    Your tears now falling onto your lap, staining the grey jumpsuit you now wear.
    Knowing that nothing will be as it was before.