• Gerard's fast footsteps echoed in the empty hallway, getting louder every time he took another step. His feet, only covered in plain white socks, slammed against the cold linoleum tiles. Gee heaved in shallow breaths as fast as he could. Sliding across the newly waxed floor, he was stopped in front of a tall ivory door.

    A soft gasp left Gerard's lips as he opened the door, and his breathing became stammered. The church like room was filled with people, lined up in the front where the lectern would be. Taking small steps, Gee walked past a set of flowers that greeted whoever came in. Gently letting go of the ivory door, Gerard fell to his knees and covered his face. His soft crying only added to the noise.

    Frank greeted Gerard, who was still on his knees with his face covered. He placed a hand on his shoulder and bent down so he was level with Gerard. "It's okay," Frank whispered. "He's in a better place." Gerard looked at Frank, his eyes were raw and pink,