• Touhou - the Gensokyo Dalek invasion

    Chapter 27 - Unfinished buisness

    *After John had a talk with Shikieiki about the situation, John planned to return everyone back to their homes and help repair anything or any monument or natural habbitat the Daleks had ruined durring their invasion. John is now totally relieved since the Daleks could no longer invade Gensokyo thanks to Eirin's concuction thatbrought them to an end. John was also concerned about Yumemi and thinking about what to do with her since she commited treason against the whole land of Gensokyo. John was thinking about wiping out her memory and get her to start her life over. But John also wanted to help the land recover from the Dalek menace and have their fortresses taken down and have the trees torn down, broken or burned replaced.*

    (Music playing - Argue for and Against/ Touhou SWR)Download

    Kaolla= So John, what are we going to do today? We finally showed those Daleks whos boss!

    Shinobu= I know, and everyone here is gonna be happy with us. Well.... mainly you since you did all the fighting.

    John= Nonsense! You all did great. You had your share of the adventure too Shinobu, there's no reason for you to put yourself down like that. The reason why I did all the fighting is so you wouldn't get hurt.

    Nyamo= But I think you pushed yourself quite a bit. You even took on high level youkai and senitels by yourself.

    Kaolla= John, are thouse more Mon vouchers!? I bet we can use this to get a house or a condo with this!

    John= You just hold your water Kaolla, this isn't just for ourselves. I can think about it, but lets see how things go ok? Unless we find someone who really needs it.

    Shinobu= John has a point Kaolla. We can't spend those wrecklesly.

    *Suddenly, Flandre, Nue, and Koishi stepped out of the Tardis and they were all feeling very chipper and happy.*

    Flandre= This was the best trip I ever had! I got to go to outer space and I didn't need an astronaut suit! Plus I got to destroy allot of things, that was the best fun I had since my danmaku duels. John, we really should go against each other someday!

    Nue= Me too. I want to see how you can go against us. You took on Utsuho when she was brainwashed.

    Koishi= That sounds like fun. *giigles loudly*

    John= Woah.... let's not get carried away. Perhaps we can some day, but right now, we got to get you back home. There's lots to do at your homes like land recovery and repairing monuments and stuff like that.

    Nue= Awwwww

    Koishi= Sounds hard and boring.

    Flandre= I can get my servants to do that.

    John= It's no big deal. Kaolla can now control all the mechanloids the Daleks had left over and can do all the work. Plus we know magic from another world that can also help repair things too. Including regrowing trees in the forest. I also want to fly the Silverblade a bit more. But first, let's go to Hakugyokurou. We need to drop off Yuyuko and the Prisimriver sisters.

    Flandre= I guess we'll be heading home then. *sighs*

    John= You can stay with us awhile longer. How about it? The crew is busy occupying Yumemi's ship.

    Nue= What's gonna become of Yumemi's ship? Are they gonna destroy it or something?

    John= I really don't know.

    Kaolla= Perhaps we can reuse it for something? Why not turn it into an amusement place or something that can be used to make things.

    John= We need permisiion from the court if we were gonna do something like that. Let's wait till later ok? Let's fly to Hakugyokurou.

    *Suddenly, Renko, Maribel, Genji, and Youki boarded the Silverblade and metup with John and his friends.*

    Youki= John, how are you?

    John= Fine. A bit worn from the battles but im doing fine.

    Renko= You sure did a good job on saving Gensokyo from the Daleks.

    Maribel= It's too bad we couldn't recover that space station. It would have been great to doanate it to the university.

    John= I don't think that's a good idea. That place was built by Yumemi's desighns plus the Daleks rigged it with all sorts of devises this world, including the outside world isn't ready for.

    Kaolla= It's not a total waste. I got the Tardis to absorb as much of the ship as I could. You can say I can save it for later. Im gonna have lots of fun making stuff.

    John= That's Kaolla for you, always wanting to tinker away with stuff. And so you may, you little tinker you. *giggles*

    Youki= I sure would like to get back to Hakugyokurou myself. I haven't been there for some time now. I was thinking about going back to my old job again.

    (Music changes to - Searching for friends remix/ By HighwindIV)Download

    *Later, the Silverblade took off and with the Tardis inside it's cargo hold, John flown the ship a bit to give Youki, Renko, Maribel, Flandre, Koishi, and Nue a bit of a ride in the new airship.*

    Nue= It sure does feel great in here. I like it better than the old one. the only thing that's not as good is it's pretty bright.

    Flandre= I came prepaired.

    *Flandre puts on some sunglasses and holds an umbrella, although the deck of te ship is surrounded by a gravaty force field that prevents heavy gusts, unwanted objects, and keeps pasangers from falling out of the ship.*

    Koishi= This ship got some really impressive features too. Most I don't even understand at all.

    Renko= What a nice airship. Although it's my first time actually hearing about one and even beeing in one.

    Maribel= I bet the university would love to see this.

    Kaolla= I helped build it. Rikako helped us build it. Made it from leftover parts of a Galactic Federation flagship.

    Renko= What the heck is a Galactic Federation!?

    Maribel= You seen and heard of things we never had. I bet you and John would be great students at our university.

    Shinobu= Sounds good, but I think we should pass. It's going to be too much studying, especally for John. He prefer hands on training and toutoring. Although we could think about it someday.

    Youki= The land sure looks great up here. This ship is amazing. I see inventions and contraptions I never seen in my lifetime.

    Flandre= The ship even has fully funtional toilets, shower, and even has a kitchen and a big place to store stuff. But the desighn and style may not be of my taste but it's still a great ship.

    Nue= Im with you Kaolla. I bet Murasa is gonna be jealous of this ship. This ship even has automatic doors and something called a computer. I wonder what is a computer exactly?

    Koishi= I think Miss Kaolla had one of those installed in the old airship too.

    *Suddenly, Yuyuko appeared from the main door of the ship and had Nyamo guiding her allong with 3 other girls. Each of the smaller girs were dressed identically but in diferent colors. One of black, whitish lavendar, and red. They were the Prisimriver sisters, Lunasa, Merlin, and Lyrica.*

    Yuyuko= I want to thank John once more for saving us. I want to introduce these sweet poltergeist's to him. Where can I find him?

    Kaolla= He's at the bridge.

    Nue= I don't see a bridge built here.

    Shinobu= I think she means the pilot chamber. You know, a ship's bridge, not a bridge you corss a lake or cliff with.

    Lunasa= I never been on a ship that can actually do all of this.

    Lyrica= I want to meet the guy who saved us. But it's also nice to meet you.

    Merlin= We should play for you sometime to show our gratatude.

    Nyamo= Let's all go up and see him. I'll show you the way. Follow me.

    *Later, the ship flew to Hakugyokurou and it hovered near the area where Yuyuko's palace was, and everyone got off to go inside the palace.*

    (Music changes to - Mystic Oreintal dream ~Ainchent temple/ Touhou Perfect Cherry Blossom)Download

    Yuyuko= My..... how nice it is to be home. The palace is quite a mess.

    Kaolla= No need to worry, I can controll all the mechanloids the Daleks left behind. I had help from Rikako with that so the cleaning will not be a problem.

    Renko= You sure are rescorceful.

    John= It sure was a shame to seen what happened here durring all of that Dalek crysis. But now, the Daleks are beaten and they shouldn't be able to come back ever! It's all thanks to you and everyone who lives in this land. I couldn't have done it without your help, especally when you told me to borrow that spell card of yours.

    Yuyuko= Your welcome to use any spell card you like dear.

    Youki= EHHHH! Lady Yuyuko, that may not be a good idea.

    Renko= Huh?

    Shinobu= Let's not encourage her.

    Yuyuko= Oh so sorry dear. I didn't mean to bring that up again. Goodness me. *giggles*

    Lyrica= So you are John right?

    Merlin= So you were the one to help save us?

    Lunasa= I even heard you threw a great festival for Miss Reimu. I heard it was one of the best festivals she ever had.

    John= You wouldn't believe what I been through compaired to the other girls. I thought Aya was gonna have me skewered. *shrugs*

    Merlin= *laughs* ..... sorry. I couldn't help myself.

    Lyrica= If you ever throw another festival, give us a call. We can play for you anytime you have a festival.

    Maribel= That sounds like fun. We definently need to come this time.

    John= I wonder what Reimu would say about that?

    Nyamo= I think she would be very happy.

    John= Look, I hate to rush, but I got to go and check up on some people. I got places to go to and things to do. I will see if Reimu is up to a second festival.

    Yuyuko= Well, good luck John. You too dears. I will look forward in seeing you again.

    Youki= Im gonna stay here and take care of things from here. Take care of Renko and Marble ok.

    (Music dies down slowly)

    *Later...... the Silverblade flew from Hakugyokurou and flown to the human village where Rikako lived. John and his friends dropped by. Rikako looked very happy to see John, Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo once more. But she never expceted Flandre, Nue and Koishi with them.*

    (Music playing - Cowntdown to die/ Thunderforce 5)_count_down_to_die]Download

    Rikako= John, Kaolla, Shinobu, Nyamo! Glad to see you. Im glad your all safe after what happened up there. John, I heard you beat Yumemi. Thanks so much! Yumemi caused us allot of trouble in the past too. And as for the repairs of the Palanquin, things are going well. Murasa, Shou, Nazrin, Ichirin, Unzan, and Hijiri came by themselves to see me. I also have someone who used to be with Yumemi, her name is Chiyuri Kitashirakawa. She's with the others at the Silverblade hangar. She's been busy working with me for some time. She plans on joining the crew of the Palanquin.

    John= Sure thing. I would like to see how they are. But I need to be brief. I got lots of things to do.

    Kaolla= Were gonna plan another festival, and this time were gonna have more than before!

    Rikako= That's really thoughtful of you. Let's go meet them shall we? Oh, and another thing. Kaolla managed to help me modify the satalite system the Daleks made so we can control their mechanloids and make them work for us. Me and Kaolla repaired allot of them too.

    John= Kaolla told me. Sounds like an exelent idea.

    *Later, at the ship hangar, there was the Palanquin, and the repairs were going great so far. And Captain Murasa was there working as well allong with her crew.*

    Murasa= YO! John! I heard you busted up that Yumei's rig in space. Way to go!

    John= I didn't do it allone. I had help too.

    Nue= I was up there too. I had fun helping Kaolla bust up their fortress.

    Koishi= I had fun too.

    Flandre= Same here.

    Renko= So this is where the Silverblade was built.

    Marble= Impressive.

    Shou= John, you saved us all. Kaolla~chan too. Bishamonten had definently watched over you all. I knew he was there to protect you whether you knew it or not.

    Kaolla= Sure did! *smiles carefreely*

    Nazrin= So, what are you going to do next John? Are you going to keep the Silverblade?

    John= When im done with it, we can store it here untill it's time to fly it again.

    Murasa= I see. So your not gonna let us borrow it?

    John= I think it's mainly for protecting Gensokyo at it's time of need. I don't want to let it fall into the wrong hands of have it used carelessly. It can also be used as a weapon too, plus it contains too much technology for it to be used frequently. I think the Palanquin is the right ship for you.

    Murasa= That's right! I love this ship most of all. The Silverblade is too high-tech for me anyways.

    Ichirin= I think that's a very wise decision. Use that ship when nesasary.

    Unzan= Great thinking.

    Nue= I agree. John here knew what he was talking about. Kaolla had parts from the Tardis, so I have to agree with them.

    Flandre= At least it has a bathroom, kitchen, and a doctors office. It's like you can live in the ship.

    Shinobu= But that's for those who need it close by. Mainly for taking care of the sick and hungry when saving this land.

    ?????= Who is that? Did this guy beat my old boss?

    *A girl in a sailor outfit appeared. She had Yellow eyes and blonde hair with pigtails. It was none other than Chiyuri Kitashirakawa, the ex-employee of Yumemi.*

    Rikako= This is Chiyuri Kitashirakawa. Chiyuri, this is John, Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo. They been protecting Gensokyo and John here defeated Yumemi.

    Chiyuri= Pleased to meet you. I once worked for Yumemi. I too was a professor with her. She had me to give out missinformation to the Gensokyan senitels long ago, and she wanted to capture them for experiments and research, but I now realized that she was far too obsessed in her work. She was the one who created that android maid who now lives at the Hakurei shrine. And I realized that Yumemi was willing to sacrifice too much for her own ends, and we had her banished in Makai. But those aliens called "Daleks" freed her from where we banished her, and she's been working for them since.

    Kaolla= We have her in the Tardis now, but she's in one of those capsules to keep her suspended.

    Chiyuri= Really!? What are you planning to do with her?

    John= I was thinking about wiping out her memory and getting her to start a new life. I want to go over that with Shikieiki over that and see if she approves. I got other places to run. I like to stay longer, but I got to run for now ok?

    Nue= Im gonna stay here and help the crew patch up things. I'll see you arround John. It was fun. You too Kaolla, Shinobu, Nyamo. It was a fun time we had, right Flandre, Koishi!?

    Flandre= Sure was!

    Koishi= Yay!

    (Music dies down slowly)

    *Later, John, Kaolla, Shinobu, Nyamo, Flandre, Koishi, Renko, and Marble went back to the Silverblade and flew to Youkai Mountain and parked near the Moriya shrine where he met Sanae and she looked like she was doing much better. Kanako, Nitori, Hina, the Aki sisters,and Suwako were happy to see him. John and his pals stayed with them for a bit and talked about things.*

    (Music playing - Tomorrow is Feast. Yesterday is not/ Touhou, Mountain of faith)Download

    Sanae= John! Your safe. I heard you defeated the culprit.

    John= Yumemi was more like tricked by the Daleks. They wanted to use hel like the rest of us. And im sorry about the real culprits, they got away.

    Kanako= The "real culprits"?

    John= The Supreme Dalek Council. There were 4 colored Daleks and one Grey, white, and blue one they called the "Captain". They were prepaired to escape as soon as me and my friends were ready.

    Suwako= Im so sorry. At least they can no longer invade, thanks to Eirin. Im sure Mokou, Utsuho, Yuugi, and Mitori deserve some credit too.

    John= What about Yumemi, Parsee and Letty? They became my Shikigami, but I plan to break the pact bond since they probably don't need me anymore. At least for a time.

    Kanako= Well, I think it's very wise if you plan to leave our land. And I have a feeling that you are soon.

    John= I am. But I need to make preperations and I also plan on returning the Tengu treasure sword to Lord Tenma since it's done it's duity. This belongs to them anyway.

    Suwako= What about the danmaku you learned? Are you going to return them too? I want you to keep them.

    John= Im gonna keep those in the Tardis. I don't plan to use them in any other world other than here.

    Suwako= Your not gonna use them in another world?

    John= I think it's best to keep that on the low unless it's an emergencey. Im not going to use it wrecklessly, and I also plan to turn the Silverblade over to Rikako for safe keeping when im done with it.

    Suwako= Sounds like a real wise decision. Im glad we got to meet you. And by the way, how are those crazy faries been lately? They didn't give you allot of trouble lately have they?

    John= Oh no.... they been really good. Even Cirno. Lunar Child had been taking good care of me out of the other 3. She seems to act differently than her older sisters.

    Kanako= You didn't notice?

    Kaolla= She does act funny arround you.

    Shinobu= You don't suppose she .....uhhh......

    Suwako= HMPh! ........ uh..... it's nothing. *blushes*

    Sanae= John, what do you plan to do next? We don't want to hold you up.

    Shizuha= We plan to share our harvest with you.

    Kaolla= Sounds great! Ill take it!

    Shinobu= Kaolla!

    Minoriko= We insist! If you do plan on leaving, we want to share our crops and blessings with you as you part from our world.

    Hina= You really saved our world you know? Let me take away your misfortunes for old times sake.

    *Hina holds up her hand and balls of light shot out of John, Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo and flew into Hina's hand.*

    Nyamo= ......!

    Hina= There. Now these are some nice misfortunes.

    Nitori= It was really fun fighting allongside you. I hope we meet again someday.

    Kaolla= I think about if we run into any creature that needs a new world, or if there is some troubled beeings who need of a new life, I think this place is the place to be.

    John= You know what? One of these days, I think about moving here for good. But one day, if the universe is at it's safest, we might.

    Shinobu= That dosen't sound too bad.

    John= I hate to run off but I need to stop at the Tengu village. I need to see Lord Tenma and see if Aya, Hatate, and Momiji are there.

    Suwako= If you need to them we won't hold you back. See you soon ok?

    Kanako= Bye friends. And John ..... it was fun to have you as a deciple. And another thing.... want to summon the 3 youkai here so you can disable your pact?

    John= Thanks. Glad you reminded me. Here goes.

    *John summoned Yamame, Parsee, and Letty and the 3 appeared before him.*

    Letty= What are we doing at a place like this?

    Parsee= The Moriya shrime?

    Yamame= Nothing much here to be summoned to.

    John= I want to say that even if I didn't depend on you very much, you were the best shikigami I ever had. Now since I plan to leave your world in a few days, I wish to free you from my shikigami pact.

    Flandre= So this means you will never have them as shikigami again?

    Kanako= Time will tell young Flandre.

    Suwako= Im sure John may have new shikigami when he returns. But if he's not careful, HE may become a shikigami himself.

    Flandre= Next time John comes here to our world, im gonna make him MY shikigami!

    Parsee= ......., now im jealous.....eh. *blushes* ... Nevermind. HMPH!

    Yamame= I still had fun. It's been great John. I hope to see you next time.

    *So, John and the others boarded the Silverblade and flew to the Tengu village. John and his friends disembarked from the ship and made it to the tengu village.*

    (Music changes to - Evening Sky/ Touhou, SWR)Download

    John= Now to find Lord Tenma. I hope the crewmen came back home safely.

    Aya= John! Your safe and sound!

    Hatate= Your a bit late comming back to work, but im glad you and your friends are ok. We can't wait to start our journaling together.

    Momiji= Im glad to be able to meet you after what had happened.

    John= Me too, but .... a few days, I am planning to leave your world, to explore other worlds. But that dosen't mean I didn't enjoy this one.

    Aya= Your .... leaving us?

    Momiji= You won't live with us!?

    John= I have to leave. But .... I do plan on moving here one day, but that decision is yet to be made.

    Shinobu= We love it here, and we do wish to move in. But there are others who may need us. Those Dalek Council gang escaped and we need to report it to the Galactic Federation.

    John= We got to make errands in another dimenson too. We need to report that flagship to the proper authorities. Plus I need to see Lord Tenma, and I plan to turn this sword over. Im glad it chose me, and I was happy to wield it. But, it's rightful place belongs in your tengu tribe's hands.

    Hatate= You mean your handing it over?

    Nyamo= Don't you see what John is doing? He truely cares about you and that sword. He's returning it to you. Your people. That sword truely belongs to your people. Not us.

    Kaolla= But were gonna really miss that sword.

    Aya= But what about that shiny airship? Are you gonna turn it over too?

    John= I have too. Im turning that over to Rikako, since she did most of the work on it. The Hakurei airship ended up destroyed by the miasma generator attack. But gladly you won't need to worry about that anymore. That miasma stuff is dealt with for good. I also forefited the pact with Letty, Parsee, and Yamame. Their free now.

    Momiji= So you really are leaving?

    John= Yep. But I do plan to return.

    *Momiji grew teary eyed and ran towards John and wrapped her arms arround his waiste tightly and snugged her face in John's chest and began to cry. John hugged her back but gently and stroked her head and arround her ears.*

    Aya= We will really miss you.

    Hatate= Same here.

    *Both Aya and Hatate took pictures of John and Momiji hugging right before they finished.*

    Nyamo= I don't think that was nessasary.

    Kaolla= I say let this this time.

    Shinobu= *Sigh*

    *Later on, John walked in the building where Lord Tenma lived and John wanted to speak with him.*

    Lord Tenma= John. Im glad to see you. You saved our land. How can we repay you?

    John= Don't thank me, thank the others who helped. I only did all the defending and wished to protect you all.

    Kaolla= Awww he's just being modest.

    Shinobu= John, you complain about others putting themselves down and listen to yourself!

    Nyamo= John.... you plan to turn it over, remember?

    John= Yeah, Lord Tenma, this belongs to your people.

    *John hands over the Tengu treasure sword over to Lord Tenma.*

    Lord Tenma= I see. So you wish to part with it? I see. Wise decision. It served you well but you wish not to keep it.

    John= Keeping it would only be selfish. I don't want to do such a thing.

    Lord Tenma= Sounds reasonable. And what do you plan to do next?

    John= I plan to turn in the airship to Rikako when im finished with it. Then after a few days, we plan to leave Gensokyo and report the spaceship to it's owners. That spaceship belongs to the Galactic Federation and all pasangers of that vessel are all dead.

    Kaolla= The Galactic Federation needs someone to contact them and show proper evidence.

    Shinobu= We can't let the deaths of those people unannonced.

    Kaolla= I was able to recover all the lost ship data, including the names of the crew who were killed by the Daleks.

    Lord Tenma= I been hearing that there is a possible second festival. I look forward to seeing you there. In the name of all the beings and senitels here, I thank you greatly.

    John= I also have a voucher for you. It's to help repair the damages the Daleks made to your village.

    Lord Tenma= No, you keep it. Give it to those who truely need it. And you should drop by to see the foot of the mountain. It's finaly fixed.

    (Music dies down slowly)

    *Later, the Silverblade flown arround the youkai mountain and seen the foot of the mountain fully recovered and next stop was the Scarlet Devil Manson and the Silverblade landed and hovered near the enterance.*

    John= Hong, it's me. John.

    Hong= John, it's been quite awhile. I guess you been really busy. ..... Flandre!? What are you doing with him?

    Flandre= We been having so much fun. Why can't sis come with us some time?

    Hong= *Sigh* I wish...... if you need to go in, that's fine.

    *Later, in the Scarlet Devil Manson, John, Flandre, Kaolla, Koishi, Shinobu, and Nyamo entered and was greeted by Sakuya.*

    (Music playing - Welcome to the Scarlet Devil manson/ Touhou A Summer Day's Dream)Download

    Sakuya= John. Pleased to see you once more. And Miss Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo. and .... Flandre!? Are you running off again!?

    Flandre= Oh no. Im comming home. John and his friends took really good care of me. I haven't had so much fun.

    Koishi= It's true. John was really caring for us.

    Sakuya= I see. If these people protected you both verymuch, then im happy.

    Remilia= Where is Flandre!? She's been gone for days now! Huh!? Flandre!?

    Flandre= SIS! Im home! I had lots of fun! You should have been with me.

    Remilia= ...... John. I wish to talk to you for awhile. I heard you merceylessly destroyed the Daleks. And did you kill the human who sided with them?

    John= She's actually being held prisoner in the Tardis. Were gonna turn her over to the court house when were done with these errands.

    Remilia= Hmmm.....

    Shinobu= John want's to deal with her humainly. He wants to wipe out her memory so she can start her life over again.

    Nyamo= She was used by the Daleks.... but in a different way.

    Remilia= I see. It dosen't matter if we were fitted with a slave crown or tricked polliticly. Is that what your saying? It matters not then. What really matters is that the menace is dealth with and we seen the last of the Daleks. You saved our land, which you also saved my manor as well.

    Shinobu= Miss Remilia.... We also plan to leave in a few days..... were leaving your world for awhile. We need to send an important message to the owners of that space ship that crashed. The one the Daleks stole.

    Remilia= If you ever return, then your free to stay anytime you want. You took care of Flandre for us, you kept Patchouli company and you ridded us those Dalek pests.

    John= Im very thankful.

    Remilia= What ever happened to that sword of yours?

    John= I handed it over to Lord Tenma. That sword belongd to them. I couldn't just keep it. And when im done with the Silverblade, I plan to turn it over to Rikako, since she was the one who built it.

    *Suddenly, Patchouli and Koakuma appeared and they were suprised to see John and his companions.*

    Patchouli= John, im suprised to see you. I been reading the new articles that you defeated those Daleks. I heard you been getting better at the danmaku you been practicing with as well. I was also able to finish some of my personal projects too.

    Koakuma= For some laid back American, I say you did remarkably well. I heard you were leaving our world soon. Will you ever return?

    John= Oh yes. No doubt. After some time, we can return. In the meantine, those Supreme Daleks got away. They left this world for good, but that dosen't mean that they will not invade another world.

    Flandre= John, if your going now, Im gonna go back to the basement and do whatever.See you at the festival! *giggles*

    Patchouli= Hmm.... a second festival huh? I guess I can go this time. I would like to see this new festival for myself too. Perhaps I should participate in one of the events. Let's see.... Festivals for events....

    *Patchouli pulls out a book about festivals and vicoulsy pours over the book.*

    Koakuma= Please excuse us. Sorry if we kept you from your....

    John= Oh, it's nothing. Really. It's always great to see you.

    Koishi= See you later. It's been fun.

    Sakuya= Nice seeing you too Miss Koishi.

    (Music dies down slowly)

    *Everyone else got back on board the Silverblade and Kaolla activated the Tardis and transported the Silverblade to the underworld and flown the ship to the palace of the Earth Spirits.*

    (Music playing - Heartfelt Fancey/ Touhou 11 Subterranean Animism)Download

    John= Ok, let's make this brief too.

    Rin= Yo! John! How's it hangin bro? Huh? You got a new airship? What happened to the one that looked like the Hakurei shrine?

    Shinobu= It got blown up by Yumemi.

    Kaolla= But we got them all now. So your world is saved. No more brainwashed friends or crazied creatures to worry about, and as for the mechanloids, there under our control now, so there just like friends.

    Rin= And you saved our world then? That's great! Huh? Koishi!? What are you doing with them? You know your sister and Utsuho just left the clinic and came back, all fully recovered now.

    Nyamo= That's a relief. Im glad your master and Utsuho are doing well now.

    Rin= You should go see them. We also got more guests than usual these days. Were also getting friendlier with the Oni too since we all worked together. Even that red kappa had been visiting us more frequently. I tell you what, let's go in right now.

    *Inside the palace of the Earth spirits.....*

    Satori= Rin.... we have more guests? We been getting more guests than usuall these days, and it's all thanks to a certain group of humans. John, nice to see you.

    John= It's been awhile. I hope you been better.

    Satori= Been fine...... Ah...... so you plan to leave our world in a few days. You plan to return the Silverblade to Rikako and you already returned the tengu treasure sword to Lord Tenma. And there is also going to be a second festival to honor these events. You don't have to explain anything. It's all here, right in your mind.

    John= Oh.... forgot.

    Satori= You been plagued with worry and concern about us too, and you even had Koishi with you of Yumemi's downfall?

    Koishi= Sis.... I was there.... up in space. It was so incredable up there. You had to see it for yourself. Fantastic!

    Satori= *chuckles* I think I can get all of the sights of it right here. You also have Yumemi on board your Tardis as a prisoner and you plan to wipe out her memory so she can start her life over without knowing what happened.

    Utsuho= John.... good to see you again! I missed out on the explosive action? Oh man, I wish I was there with you!

    John= Sorry if I had to manhandle you when you were out of control.

    Utsuho= Oh, don't worry about it. Your not the only one who had to deal with me. *giggles sinisterly*, and I been hearing you plan to leave soon? If you ever come back, we should go at each other again, and next time I wont loose. By the way, what ever happened to that tengu sword?

    Shinobu= John had to return it. Since we beat the Daleks and Yumemi, John thought it was best to hand itover to it's true owners.

    Satori= A rather wise decision. And that's something I don't need my 3rd eye to see.

    Mitori= John, I heard your leaving soon. Im so sorry you have to go.

    Satori= I know. He's also been worried about the Galactic Federation and their missing flagship that crashed over at Higan. He used one of his courthouse credit vouchers to pay Eirin for the medical bill too. Good work spending them wisely. And as for you Kaolla, thanks on gaining controll of those mechanloids, they been serving me very well lately. Been doing cleaning and repairs for me too.

    Kaolla= Thanks.

    Satori= And Shinobu, I look forward in trying out your cooking at the next festival. And if you have to leave now, I will not hold you back further.

    John= Thanks. I appreciate what you done for me.

    Satori= No, I appreciate YOU for what you did for us. Risking yourself to fight the Daleks and save our people. And I will tell Yuugi you dropped by and wish to meet you at the next festival.

    (Music dies down slowly)

    *The crew walked back into the Silverblade once more and Kaolla used the Tardis to teleport the ship out of the underground world and now the ship flew to the area where Toyosatomimi's mausoleum was located, underneath the Myouren temple, so John parked the Silverblade ner the temple and used the Tards to materialize into their layer.*

    (Music playing - The dream palace great mausoleum/ Touhou 10 desires)Download

    Toyosatomimi= What's this!? Isn't that John's portable shrine?

    John= Miko. It's me, John. Don't be afraid.

    Toyosatomimi= Oh yes, it's you. The one who saved my mausoleum. I thank you on behalf of myself and my staff.

    John= Those Daleks will no longer be any trouble to you at all. I hope you can now live a peacefull life.

    Toyosatomimi= Well, there's just one other thing that concerns me. You are aware of that me and the Myouren group have some sort of disagreement. The reason why we worked together peacefully was because both our monuments were being invaded by the Daleks. And I also sense one of your desires that you wish to end conflict with any group against another and try to excorsize peace. But.... Something tells me that this deed of yours might end up getting you into trouble. Something tells me that incase you ever attempt to get involved between me and Hijiri, I want you to be warned. It's best not to get involved and incase you do, I advise you to choose your side well. Someday, the side you choose might gain you great power or great pain.

    John= Thanks. I will take that into concideration. nd how are the others doing? I hope they been well.

    Toyosatomimi= Nosey are we? Well, they been taking it easy and this Kaolla Su friend of yours, she seems to be the one responsible for bringing the mechanloids under control. I suppose I can let theis little peace treaty last for awhile longer.

    John= May I ask what do you wish to do with ....

    Toyosatomimi= I say again, think twice before you get involved.

    John= I also like to let you know I will be leaving this land soon. I plan to run errands including the one of the Galactic Federation corp and I need to let them know about their missing ship.

    Toyosatomimi= I see. And I suppose you plan to have another festival with that Hakurei girl? She and her witch friend got involved with me and my plans for ressurection, but since you saved our land, I need a way of rewarding you. You do plan on returning do you?

    John= Yes.

    Toyosatomimi= Good. Then if you come back a stronger person, I could teach you Taoism and teach you how to be a proper saint.

    John= I will think about that. Well, thanks for your time.

    Toyosatomimi= It's no rush really. Just be careful out there, wherever you travel. *giggles*

    (Music dies down slowly)

    *The Tardis transported back on board the Silverblade and it took off once again, this time it returned to Makai, the demon realm where John, Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo helped Shinki and her maid Yumeko return to their home and helped the other beeings return home which they too were kidnapped. Their palace was as good as new and the Dalek cargo was moved into the Silverblade by the mechanloids.*

    (Music playing - The Mines of Narshe~ remastered/by Tobimadarauchiha)Download

    Shinki= I thank you people so much for what you did. I really thank you for rescuing me and my maid. Name your price, anything to reward you.

    Kaolla= Well, do you think you can come to the second festival?

    John= KAOLLA!

    Shinki= *Laughs* That's very sweet dear, but since my absence, I am needed here and I need to attend to my people. These Daleks had caused such a ruccus here, im going to have to get things in order and I will remain busy untill then.

    Yumeko= John, you and your friends were such great help, saving every part of Gensokyan nations from Yumemi and the Daleks. Your crew had also helped us greatly, you deserve our gratatude. Now what happened to your sword?

    John= I returned it to the right people. That sword belongs to the Tengu, I can't just take it with me on my other travels. I go from one dimenson to another, that sword belongs here in Gensokyo. It wouldn't be right to just keep it forever.

    Shinki= John, I know how you feel, but even when that sword gets a new master, it will still remember you forever. And .... you were right to return it. Now about that airship,... you do plan on returning that too?

    John= I plan to turn it over to Rikako. She was the one who put most of the work in it. And I also need to turn Yumemi over to the authorities.

    Yumeko= Do be careful, she might escape you know.

    Kaolla= Don't worry, that Tardis isn't just a plice box you know? It's like an actual police box that can also carry prisoners, especally Yumemi. She's not going anywhere, trust us.

    Shinki= I also believe you have other places to go too. Don't let us be an obstacle of yours to do what you need to do.

    John= Your no obstacle, believe me, We do plan on leaving Gensokyo, but that also means we do plan on returning.

    Shinki= No obstacle? Are you sure? *giggles* When you return, I like to see your hoaned skills one day. We may even challenge you someday so don't let those words drive you to overconfidence.

    John= I'll keep it in mind. Thanks for your time.

    *So once again, the Silverblade slowly takes off and leaves the demon realm of Makai, now what other places and lands will John visit before dealing with Yumemi and her war crimes? Will Shikieiki agree with John's idea of wiping her memory and starting anew, or will she disagree and just send Yumemi to hell instead?*

    To be continued .......