• Vanya was breathing calmly and her mind was blank. The new sun rising from the east pierced through the evergreens. Warm rays of sun cocooned Vanya’s back like a soft fluffly blanket on a chilly winter day. The thick musky smell of dampened earth and moss covered rocks lingered through out the forest. ‘Chamomile, mint, lavender…’ She thought to herself. With nimble fingers, she plucked them gently from the rich dark soil and then placed them into her wool woven knapsack. ‘Surely these herbs will make an excellent tea for grandmother.’ As Vanya was kneeling to pick up another wildflower she heard a rustling sound in the nearby bushes. She, with her bow and arrow well equipped, advanced toward the bush with caution. With swaying feet, Vanya danced gracefully around the thickets of thistles and blackberry bushes. ‘A ha!’ There it was again! With one foot she quickly pushed away the bushes and what her eyes gazed upon made her sick. ‘A HUMAN!’ She screamed in her head. Her elven clan, Arauka Sul (Swift Wind) had a very long history with humans… Long story short, they didn’t get along. ‘But…’ She took another look. The boy was around her age, 14 or 15. His brown hair was matted and dirty; his amber eyes glassy and distant. Clothes tattered to the point of being thread bare. He was bruised and scratched with very pale tan skin. She lowered the bow and put it on her back. She knows the consequences for associating with a human. But this was an exception, from what she saw, he didn’t look human at all. Vanya took a knee besides the boy and took out her water canteen.
    “What is your name?” She murmured softly to the boy.
    “Ale-Ale... Alexander…” He then coughs blood. Quickly, Vanya took out her black handkerchief. “Th-thank you” Vanya simply nodded.
    “Here” She slowly she poured the cool refreshing water into his dry, parched mouth. Drinking gratefully, the boy closed his eyes and sighed with deep relief.