• Falling into a cloth ridden cart from twenty feet up is no fun endeavor, I assure you. The frail wood broke upon my impactive landing with a loud SNAP! and I was left sore, dazed, and covered in cloth in the middle of the now deserted streets. It took me a few moments to regain myself enough to stand up, though I was still aching, and I scanned my surroundings.
    The marketplace was where I had landed, I knew that already, but I was searching elsewhere. Up along the zip-line I had traversed seconds ago I saw no sign of any pursuers coming from the balcony. I guessed they would be coming after me on foot and that I had plenty of time for escape. How wrong I was.
    A loud whistle rung across the whole market square and I could feel it echoing even in my head. It was a dreadful sound that reminded me of a banshee's scream. Fear was something I was well used to, considering there are alot of things I'm afraid of, but the whistle brought forth a different feeling. A larger, stronger, instinctive fear that I couldn't control even if I wanted to. And then it was over. Gone within moments of beginning, leaving only eerie silence behind, but soon even that was broken.
    Wolves! They sent bloody, freaking wolves! Where do the rich and powerful find these things!? The howling echoed among the alleyways, leaving me confused as to the direction of their pursuit, but I set off at a run through the narrowest pathway. If they wanted to come at me, they'd have to do it one at a time, making it easier for me to defend and counterattack, but I was still looking for another way out. Taking on wolf packs wasn't really my forte. Once again, and not for the first time since the beginning of my servitude for Mr. Crowsen, I was running for my life because of my own bad luck and a really bad man.

    To Be Continued...