• --WARNING--!
    Little kids shouldn't read this! I know this is based on gummy bears, but seriously... -.- (Read the description to know why kids should not read this short story)

    Once upon a time, there was a little gummy bear named Gum. All the gummy bears in Gummy Land all made fun of poor Gum. They ask him many weird questions and spread rumors about him. They even made fun of his own name.

    "Why are you named Gum?", a gummy bear said.

    "I don't know", Gum replied. He hated answering this question, and he got a bit teary-eyed every time he was asked that question.

    The gummy bears walked away, laughing and snickering.

    Gum didn't understand why he was one of the only gummy bears in Gummy Land to be made fun of. He couldn't take all of the joking or the bullying, and he can't take any more of this horrible pain in his gummy soul.

    Gum then realized what he is going to do. He doesn't like his life, so he plans to get eaten. But how is a gummy bear going to do that?

    He thought this whole plan out, and he wrote this list on a piece of paper:

    1. Enlist

    2. Get sent or go to the Gummy Bear Factory.

    3. Get eaten by human or monkey or something.

    Gum knew that enlisting was the hardest part of the plan. In Gummy Land, there is an Enlist to be Eaten building, where all the old, sick, or sad-of-their-life gummy bears can be sent to the Gummy Bear Factory to be put as a food product. Every time someone enlists, however, they send a notice to the parents or any family member.

    That day was very difficult. Gum knew that he would only get to see his parents one last time, before he could never see them ever again. Throughout dinner (they had sugar for their meal), he acted as if nothing will ever happen to him. Before his parents woke up the next day, Gum went to enlist.

    The next day, the notice was sent to Gum's parents. The notice said this:

    Dear Mr. and Mrs. Gummy,

    Your son Gum enlisted yesterday at Enlist to be Eaten. He is sent today as a food product.

    We are sorry for the loss of your fellow gummy son, but enlisting was his choice.

    ~The Gummy Manager of Enlist to be Eaten

    Gum's mother and father were shocked at the dreadful news, and a tsunami of tears flowed through their gummy eyes. They copy and send the notice to all the gummy bears in Gummy Land.

    All the gummy bears were crying. The truth is, they never wanted to hurt Gum's feelings. But since they did, they had guilt and sorrow in their little gummy hearts. Forever they will remember Gum, the one who got eaten for the sake of his terrible life.

    Even though this happened, nobody knows if anyone had eaten Gum. The next time you get a pack of gummy bears, remember this story of Gum; you might be the one that ate him.