“Argh!” He fell to the floor with a loud crash. The sound resonated through the whole dojo. He was breathless momentarily. He tried to stand up but his whole body was trembling. “You shouldn't try to get up. It was a hard fall you had.” She pinned his shoulders back to the floor careful not to touch his weak points. He didn't struggle. He just stared at the ceiling blankly. “Now, inhale exhale inhale exhale. Yes, like that. Continue doing that until you've regained your composure.”
    The doors opened and a man entered the dojo.
    “D-dad. This is not what you think it is”
    “Tell me then. What am I thinking?”
    She looked sideways. She can't bear the scrutinizing look of his eyes.
    “What am I thinking?” He repeated.
    She straightened her stature and said “You think that I challenged a man far lower than my level. This is not to show off my prowess. This man challenged me and insulted our family.”
    Her father smiled. “Really? Is that true, boy?”
    The young man stood up like nothing ever happened and smiled to them.
    “My sincerest apology, sir. It is hard to attract your daughters attention that I need to go to such measures.”
    He looked at her and gave her a wink. And her face flushed red.
    “Very well. No harm is done. Let us have some tea. I believe you have lots of things to tell us,” then he left the dojo.
    She turned to him and gave him the what-is-happening-here look.
    “Just as I thought, you've forgotten me. I hope this will help you remember.”
    He leaned towards her and kissed her. Then he left.

    “This is all just a dream. This is all just a dream. Father didn't smile. I didn't fight some random stranger. AND NO ONE KISSED ME!!!” She opened her eyes slowly.
    She looked around and was glad.