“The Real Image of Death (T.R.I.O.D)”
Chapter 1: What I Saw, Is Real.
They say 2012 will be the end of the world. But we already past it. It is still a mystery when will the world end. We don't know maybe it's today,tomorrow,the other day, the day after tomorrow, next year, or next month. No one knows. (*-_-)
But you when do you think our world will end?
Well this had happened December 04, 2012. 12:00 am
At the unknown man's home. (^0_0^)
Dad you can't just die!!!!! How will I survive... I will do everything to make you alive!!!! Hey! Wait. What's that in the newspaper? "A Scientist made a living dead alive". Wow!! This is what I’m going to do.–Kid :'(
And the boy went to the scientist.
Hey there! --Kid
Hello there kid what can i do for you? --Adah
Umm... can I talk to Mr. Qwertitsky the famous scientist? --Kid
Oh. Ok sir. Wait here... -Adah
Adah went to Mister Qwertitsky, the scientist.
And called him right away...
(Oh, finally dad you’re going to be alive)
Mr. Qwertitsky there is a boy looking for you at the lobby. --Adah
Ok Adah let him in here. --Mister Qwertitsky
Ok sir. --Adah
Sir Qwertitsky said you can come in, but be careful he is on a serious business. --Adah
Ok ma'am. --Kid
( ' O ' ) Wow! Nice place. –Kid
Hey! Kid. --Mister Qwertitsky
:O Whoa! Mr. Qwertitsky? --Kid
Umm... Yup I'm him. --Mister Qwertitsky
So, can I ask you for something, I'll pay a big money? --Kid
Ok kid what's it? --Mister Qwertitsky
I want you to make my father alive! --Kid
Ok chill kid, I will do the work. -- Mister Qwertitsky
This man will be alive!!!
(Presses the button.)
Daddy Marlke! You’re alive!!! – Sanjie :'-)
Sanjie!!! My son!!! -- Marlke
What's going on..
Ugghh! Argghhh!!! (@_@)
Dad! Your being a beast! – Sanjie
Go now son... --Marlke
Arghhh!! UGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
No! I won't I'll Stay here!!! -- Sanjie
The Dad became a....... you know a zombie... (@_@)
ArrghhhhhhH!! RAWRRRR!
Ahhh!!! -- Sanjie
*bites sanjie*
Ah!! Ouch, it hurts you know! – Sanjie (' '?
Arghhhhhh! Ughhhh! UGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!
And Sanjie, became a zombie too...
Whoa!!! What a horrible film!!!!! -- Rigby ~~~ ( )/~~~
Ok I need to close this. I need to go early to bed. So, I won’t be late. For tomorrow.
Chapter 2: The Unseen, Became REAL.
December 05, 2012 8:00 am
Then the next day had come.
*Yawn* I need to take a bath and go to school -- Rigby
Rigby had taken a bath and had thoughts: What if it happens in real life? (^.^)
He went to Brooklyn Town University at a certain place in US.
Hey! Yow!! Got new news with the zombies... HAHAHA!!!! -- Giorgio (p_-)
Hey! Quit it. Men! I need to go to my classroom. I'll be late bro! -- Rigby
Ok go on men be careful bro. “The zombies coming” O_O -- Giorgio
And then Rigby went to his school, while Giorgio a boastful friend of Jairuise.
Had just been smoking around the street.
He is not really on studying. (- _ - )
He is more on enjoying his life.
After I had walked in class I had paused for a moment, because I had saw my one and only crush Dinah Jinny Maude Mehetabel Walburga, she is so gorgeous. How I wished we be together someday, My world stopped as I saw her, this is not puppy love, I really fallen for her. I know all about her, but I’m not a stalker ok! =^_^=
It’s her hair and eyes and her I only see in this moment, I don’t know how did I like her, but my heart says it’s her only. Well now I have to go back to class I’m super late.
I’m a 4th year student in this school.
At the classroom.
Mr.Ty Keegone!!! Late again in class!!! 3 executive late! -- Ms. Zairaine
Oh! ma'am. I'm so so very very sorry again. Please give me another chance. Pleaseeeeeee...
-- Rigby (. .)
How many times did I give you chance! It's enough mister?!! You’re going to the guidance now!!!
-- Ms. Zairaine > smile
Ok ma'am. As you said – Rigby o/o
Wow! What a tough day. He had in school. Seeing everybody staring at you, as you are being scolded with the teacher. Then the teacher had start discussion. (-_-)!! Shamed
Hey! Mr. Zomboy. What a tough day men! – Kuri (^.^)
Hey! Kuri, Hello there. I'm not really on jokes this time! – Rigby (- " -)
Mr. Keegone!!!!!!!!! Please keep silence! You’re so disobedient and disrespectful child!!! -- Ms. Zairaine
Oh! Sorry ma'am! – Rigby
After a long discussion it's our favourite time. Snack Time!!!
CHOMP! CHOMP! CHOMP! ( ^o^) _U~~ Tea Time!!!
Hey! Mr. Keegone! Yow men! – Giorgio
Men you smell cigar again. Maybe you will get caught men. – Rigby (=_=)
Of course not! You, won't say it bro. – Giorgio (. _ .)
Hey! Hey! Hey! Giorgio my man and Zomboy the zombie freako!!! -- Kuri
Kuri the gay! Quit calling me Zomboy! Or I'm going to smash your face at once. b***h!!! – Rigby (o | o)
Hey! Did yah just called me a gay!!! Hah!! Man!! You called me a gay!!!! – Kuri >:<
Yes! I did. Look at you long haired man. And look at your nails polished and you look like a woman!!! a** hole!!! You are Bully Sheet of paper -- Kuri
Mr. Keegone again!! Hearing your foul mouth in this canteen!!! And your bad habits again!!! -- Ms. Zairaine
*Oh! s**t.* Sorry ma'am! I won't do it again. I was just shock and so so mad. Sorry ma'am. My apology.
-- Rigby
That was best for you dumb dork jerk head zomboy kiddo freaks. Hahaha… Shame on you. You been scolded all day of this whole year on our fourth year class. FREAK!!! – Kuri
Will you cut it out Kuri you started this now you keep on fighting on me. – Rigby
Quit on blaming me Keegone!!! Just get out of here or I’ll punch your nut face. – Kuri
And you Mr. Giorgio Butler! You’re not in class again!!! -- Ms. Zairaine
Ma'am I had this small bussiness to attend on, it’s for our family. They needed me there. So, I need to catch up with it. – Giorgio (~_~ wink
Make sure you have that little thing on you. Or you and Mr. Keegone will both be on guidance this day! Do I make myself clear in here? -- Ms Zairaine
Yes! Ms. Sanchia. – Both Giorgio & Rigby
And Mr. Kuri Archibald! Your hair is long again like a girl! And quit going on some fight ok! Or you three is on guidance! -- Ms. Zairaine
Yes! Ma’aam as you wish. – Kuri
Don’t you answer back like that Kuri!!! – Ms. Zairaine
Alright. Sorry. -- Kuri
At the end of snack time was a long discussion again and again and again... And after all this tough day. They went home. But meanwhile. What was that? Oh! It’s on the movie “The dead and life" by Mr. Qwertitsky. Wait it’s a dead body over there! It is really true Mr. Qwertitsky is making a dead come to life.
Finally my machine is done. This machine will make my great father alive!!! -- Mr. Qwertitsky
Mr. Qwertitsky the media is out to interview you and take footage of that machine you've invented.
-- Adah
Ok tell them to come here and I'm ready for the footage -- Mr. Qwertitsky
The media had come in and took footage of this unusual event. Now we all are seeing this event. Mr. Qwertitsky and Adah had set the machine and place the subject. Now this is going to be a little interesting.
I Mr. Manus Qwertitsky going to make this dead alive and you and everyone here on US. Will have an immortal life. And no one will be afraid to die! -- Mr. Qwertitsky
Now the machine had worked and as we all expected it had been alive. The dead is alive!!! This is creepy. All in the US had seen this footage, all but not our fellow Rigby. He is busy doing his homework. What a hard day with him.
Ah!! How will I solve this math equation!!! -- Rigby
Oh meanwhile her mom called him for dinner.
Rigby, son come down now! Dinner is ready!!!! -- Mother of Rigby
Coming Mom!!!! -- Rigby
He went down. But when he went down he saw something on TV.
Dad! What’s the news all about? -- Rigby
It's about this insane scientist. This Mr. Qwertitsky. Doing footage about a dead being alive. Bringing his great father to life again. -- Father of Rigby
Federico Hon! Let's don't say mean things to people -- Mother of Rigby
Aubrey! What I say are not mean things. It's all true. That scientist is insane. He just wanted to be famous and to be a rich star. -- Gericault
Ok stop! Dad and Mom. Stop arguing about this stuff!! Let's just enjoy our dinner! -- Rigby
Ok son. I was just explaining to your mom -- Gericault
It's just a conversation honey not an argument with your dad -- Aubrey
So, they had eaten dinner. After dinner, when Rigby parent's went up to their room. He had sneaked. And try to watch the footage of Mr. Qwertitsky.
Wow! I have thought of this being real. Zombies chasing and eating people. Oh! That will be so brutal, but the fun thing is everything will be free. Yeah!!! – Rigby (^o^) / Yeah! Yeah! Lame! In your face zombies! Mhm! Mhm! Mhm! Mhm!
He has thought of that idea in mind. But didn't wonder how hard it will happen, if that happened in real life. Do you want it to happen in real life? Me no! I don't. It's really terrifying. So, Rigby had gone to sleep and this is what happened to the footage of Mr. Qwertitsky.
ArGHHHHHHHgghhhh!!!!!!!!! (@_@)
Whoa!! What was that sound Mr. Qwertitsky -- Media (Exclaimed)
Don't you worry people! It's the sound of immortal life!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA -- Mr. Qwertitsky
Ok we will believe you Mr. Qwertitsky, because you’re the scientist, but is that part of your experiment? -- Media (Shocked on what they have seen)
Well it is part of it! Hihihihi… -- Mr. Qwertitsky
ArghhhhhhHHHHH RARRRWWWW!!!!!!!!!! (@_@)
Mr. Qwertitsky the dead is like Frankenstein mourning all night! -- Adah
Don't worry Adah everything is going to be fine just stay foot. Ok! Easy ok. -- Mr. Qwertitsky
Ok sir but are you sure about this? – Adah (-" wink
Yes! I am sure thing of this. I am Doctor Qwertitsky. The boy genius!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
-- Mr. Qwertitsky (^ u ^)
ArghHH RAWRRR ARGHHH !!!!!!!!! (@_@)
The dead had come out of the machine. He looked like a rotten veggie on my salad. All green with this blood all over his body. Eyeballs are coming out of his head. This is it the dead. What we all call Zombies. The dead great father of Mr. Qwertitsky.
Arghhhhhhh!!!!!! (@_@)
At last my great father is alive! ALIVE!!!!! HAHAHA!!! -- Mr. Qwertitsky (~o~)
Yes sir we are successful of our experiment! -- Adah
This is amazing Mr. Qwertitsky. We can't believe this thing! --Media
After this event had happen. A horrible thing occured on the Mr. Qwertitsky's place.
ARghhhh!!!!!!! (@_@)
Great father you’re alive!!! -- Mr. Qwertitsky
Come here Mr. Qwertitsky my great son! -- Great Father of Mr. Qwertitsky
Ok Father! -- Mr. Qwertitsky
Mr. Qwertitsky had hugged his great father. But a horrible thing happened. The great father of Mr. Qwertitsky had bit him on his neck.
Ouch! Why did you bit me! Stop that! -- Mr. Qwertitsky (- _ - )
Arghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! O_O
Then Mr. Qwertitsky had become a zombie! Then Adah had also been a zombie all in the place of the scientist got scattered and many had been infected and became zombies!!!
Chapter 3: My Childhood Friend.
December 06, 2012 7:00 pm
Rigby was researching about Mr. Qwertitsky. Because he wonders about this scientist and wanted to know him better.
Opens my laptop. (._.)
Open Google and searched about Qwertitsky the scientist who invented the dead to life. (^.^)
As I searched his biography I have known him as Dr. Manus Qwertitsky Reece a German scientist. (- _ - )
I scroll down the mouse and the page I saw his Bio and history and all. Hmm... Not interesting but wait. What’s that picture? Who is the man with Mr. Qwertitsky.
Oh! Mr. Qwertitsky 1980 conference in China hall together with what is so called his great father. (-" wink
Ok wait another tab.
Ok I’ll type this old man with Mr. Qwertitsky.
Ok now search.
Mhhmm… Great father… Qwertitsky… Dr. Yue Tea Ming Leeyoung a Chinese scientist. This was his great father. So called teacher for him. He considered him as his father. And family. It’s a great scientist and teacher on China. He teaches him and had been working together in years. Whoa!!! (~o~)
Mr. Tea had died together with other people on a plane crash going to Germany and had fallen off on a forest. So Mr. Quwertitsky here had searched all over to find the body of his great father after that he saw the body and try to revive it. ( 'O ' )
So they went to Germany for footage to prove a machine that can revive dead people and then Mr. Qwertitsky used it the machine to make his great father alive. A brilliant idea. (^0_0^)
They wanted to also prove zombies are no harm. Really, I mean this one’s not right, but oh well ok. ( 'O ' )
But they have made it wrong the machine may be wrong. It can be harmed. It can be the one to kill us. As they made people, I mean dead alive. (=_=)
I’ll close my laptop now, now I know all about them. Oops what’s this footage that they had taken on TV? Wait I think haven’t watch this yet. I’ll click it. (. .)
The video has no likes. Hmmm… I wonder? (?_?)
Wait I’ll play it. Loading….~*
Wow the man had been bitten by the zombie in the machine. Wow! It’s coming near. The man had been kinda act weird. What are they saying Arghh!!! Mhmmm… What the it’s scary! My! GG… What em I saying GG… Whoa!!! I have paused it. Quick move huh? They roar like wild animals. Wait… I’ll play it again. Oh! Hmm… I knew that old guy. Mr. Tea! The great father of Mr. Qwertitsky is alive. Hey! Yow. GG... Whoa… So, it’s true what I said they do harm now they are going to kill us. I can’t say it I’ll be called insane I must do a plan on this. Wait I’ll make my plan quick before it gets us all eaten. ~>o)~~~
Rigby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- Aubrey
Oh wait coming!!!!!!! -- Rigby
How what plan can he make. What will our young man do? What will happen? What’s the plan? (. .)~~
Stupid mother of Rigby!!! X( grrr… Let’s find out in the story.
What is it mom???? -- Rigby
Phone for you honey. -- Aubrey
Who is it mom? -- Rigby
She said. She was your childhood friend Kara Francois Villard. -- Aubrey
Kara Villard????? Who??? -- Rigby
Just answer this honey ok. -- Aubrey
Ok mom. – Rigby
Rigby and Kara had talked with each other.
Hello Rigby remember me? I'm Kara Francois Hansen Bronwen Villard! -- Kara
Yes I can remember you; we were like brothers and sisters. How are you there? What country it is again? Oh right in Europe. What country again? – Rigby
Yes it is on London. I’m ok. hahahaha. How are you there? Oh I forgot. I will go back to states to visit my grandpa and grandma in my mother's side. Our flight is this night. 7:00 pm. I'll be there soon. See you Rigby. What is your address in there again? -- Kara
I'm ok. My address is the same address I gave you before. It’s on US on Los Angeles, California. Just call me if you arrive so, I can visit you there in your grandma’s home. -- Rigby
Ok. No need to visit me here. I will be the one visiting you there. By the way I wondered if you can let us sleep there for one to five nights at your home. -- Kara
Oh well. I'll say it to mom. Maybe I’ll text you. Is your number the same? The 09136452771 is that your number still? -- Rigby
Well yes it’s still that number. Ok tell your mom don't forget ok. Text I as soon as possible ok. Bye. We will be late for the flight. Bye Bye Rigby... -- Kara
Ok bye too Kara.... See you here. -- Rigby
Toooottttttt....toootttttttttttt...tooottttt....Dropped call… AWFUL!!! (-_-)!!
Rigby went to the kitchen. To his mother...
Grabs an apple in the basket on the table…
While eating it…
Mom can I tell you something? -- Rigby
Ok son. What’s that thing all about? Is it about school or your allowance again honey -- Aubrey
Well. Not about that mom it’s about… You remember Kara Bronwen Villard? -- Rigby
Yes! I do she is the girl you used to play with in the park. I was like sister with her mother Cezanne.
-- Aubrey
Yup. Mom. So, she told me they would come on states soon. They had gone to the airport today. She said maybe they could stay here for a one to five nights. -- Rigby
You know son. You don't have to tell me that. I'll let them stay here as long as they would like too. Your dad will be happy about this. -- Aubrey
He had texted Kara. Kara was very much happy about this.... And now another character in the story…
After days passes.... Finally Kara and her parents Cezanne Villard and Ross Villard had arrived at Los Angeles California in US.
They went to the Keegone’s House.... And they all got chit chats and have a nice dinner with each other... The carrots are great and pumpkins too... Matching the turkey... So yummy...Like a Birthday Party Event....All are happy... The night was being late all needs a fine rest... The parents where in the other room... Kara was in the room with Rigby....
Chapter 4: A bite of your FLESH.
December 10, 2012 10:55pm
This day was too awful it’s dark and scary. It was night and rain poured so hard. Lighting and thunder bolts occurred. Rigby can see the flash of thunder in the window. He can't sleep this night. He can see Kara having a nice dream. Maybe, because she was so tired of their flight. So, He went up to bed and went to his cell phone and put on the earphone. He played his favourite song Monster by the Paramore. Then later on he opened the laptop and opens the lyrics of the song. He then watched YouTube. He watched his favourite film: " The walking dead".
Now while he is watching. The song was like this (Plays the Song Monster by Paramore).
Play the song on the beginning to get how scary and think of the rain is hard thunder occurred and it’s dark all over…
You were my conscience
so solid now you're like water
and We started drowning
not like we'd sink any further
but I let my heart go
it's somewhere down at the bottom
but I'll get a new one.
Come back for the hope that you've stolen
Thunder Occurred: BABBOOOOMMM!!!!!!!
~~~ ( )/~~~
I'll stop the whole world
I'll stop the whole world
from turning into a monster, and eating us alive
don’t you ever wonder how we'd survive?
Well now that you're gone the world is ours
Then suddenly the very loud thunder occurred: Bam!!! Bang!!! Boom!!! Bomb like!!
I'm only human
I've got a skeleton in me
but I'm not the villain
despite what you're always preaching
they Call me a traitor
I'm just collecting your victims
They're getting stronger,
and I hear them calling
(Flash came out of the window on the room.)
I'll stop the whole world
I'll stop the whole world
from turning into a monster, and eating us alive
don’t you ever wonder how we'd survive?
Well now that you're gone the world is ours
(Rigby put it on loud speaker. Loud sounds.) (^ u ^)
Well you found strength but solutions I liked the tension
and not always knowing the answers when you're gonna lose it, you're gonna lose it.
(Then let’s skip and play here)
I'll stop the whole world
I'll stop the whole world
from turning into a monster, eating us alive
don’t you ever wonder how we'd survive?
But now that you're gone the world is ours
(A large sound of thunder with matching light of its flash occurred. Plus watching the walking dead and it’s attacking a human.)
Rigby was shocked ---->>>> 0 O 0 !!!!!!
He had hit the earphone socket...
And had made a loud noise on his phone.....
The sound was like where throwing a party it was loud, very loud.....
And Kara got awakened... Of the loud sound on his phone…
Hey!! What was that sound!!! -- Kara
Sorry! Kara I can't sleep so, I just watched in my laptop and listened to music. But I was shocked of the Thunder Sounds so, I had hit the earphone. And tada you’re awakened. -- Rigby
That’s ok!!! Why can't you sleep then? – Kara
Nothing… I just don't know.... Go back to sleep again… I’m fine -- Rigby
Ok if you’re not feeling well just tell me ok -- Kara
Ok -- Rigby
Kara went back to sleep, but Giorgio on the other house was awakened by the loud speaker sound of Rigby. He threw something on the window of Rigby.
Hey bro!!! What was that thing!! Are you ok out there!! Hey!! Bro!!! Men!!! Ok out there!!!!! -- Giorgio
Rigby opened the window....
Yup I’m ok over here!!! Sorry Giorgio!!!! -- Rigby
That’s ok men!! But make me sleep for a while dude!!! -- Giorgio
Ok!!! Sorry!!!! -- Rigby
The bush seemed to be moving......
Scratches..... The bush keeps on moving........ (o)*_ _ _*(0) Ohh!!!
What's that thing moving out there? Can you hear that Giorgio!!!???? -- Rigby
What the noise in the bush near your home? -- Giorgio
Yes! Men! Come on Let, Check it out!!! -- Rigby
Ok Bro!!! Let's see what the hell that thing is!!!!! -- Giorgio
So, they had gone downstairs.... But Kara’s dad was on the kitchen... He was drinking coffee....
Hey! Rigby where are you going? I heard the large sound on your room how’s it going in there? -- Ross
Ummm.... It’s ok Mr. Villard I was listening to a sound then a loud thunder made me hit the earphone. Sorry Mr. Villard -- Rigby
Ok be careful... Next time and what made you go down this night? – Ross
Just looking what’s in the bush. I have heard a sound. – Rigby
Ok, let’s go check it out. I’ll go with you; maybe it’s just a cat or something weird or maybe the wind blew on the bushes. Come on Rigby. –Ross
Bam!!!! Bam!!! Bam!!!
What was that sound......
Hey!! What was that Rigby???? Who is knocking so hard in the door? -- Ross
I don't know Mr. Villard... Maybe it’s Giorgio my friend... He is a little to active men...Wait I'll check it out.
-- Rigby
Wait I'll go with you! Let's both check that thing out... I’m gonna scold your friend. -- Ross
Ok Mr. Villard! -- Rigby
They checked what was that sound was, but found nothing but saw the dark street and no sign of people outside.... The sound has occurred again...
BAM!!!! BAM!!!!! BAM!!!!!! And thunder sounds occurred and a blast of the wind blew off…
But this time they looked at the window... And guess what they saw!!!
A man knocking loudly at the door... It was all black as a shadow.... You can't know who it is...... You will know it’s a man by how the shadow looked liked.
Mr. Ross Villard had opened the door and.........
He started on screaming....... AHHHH!!!!!!!! He had shouted..... Rigby tried to pull the hands of Mr. Villard..... But the man was strong he had pulled Mr. Villard away.... The sound was heard upstairs.... Ms. Cezanne Villard and Rigby's Parents went down even Kara..... They had said what that noise was and where is my husband.... He told me he would drink coffee.....Rigby was liked an innocent kid starring on them and saying nothing at all... Not a single sound he had made...... He was on trauma or on weird scenario.
Hey Rigby!!!!!! Are you ok!!!!! Hey!!!!! Speak up!!!! Rigby!!!!-- Kara
He was like nothing was existing in that place...... Rigby never speaked.
All he said was "HE IS GONE".... And saw a shadow of an unknown man. (-" wink
They all told him who is gone it is my husband, who took him?... What happened to him.....?
But all he said was "HE IS GONE"... I haven’t saved him… (Cried)… :’(
They took him back to bed and wait until the day rises...... He is back to normal…
The day had risen. They talked to him what happened last night. But he can't remember a thing. It was like he got amnesia too. All he said was when Mr. Villard opened the door he screamed loud and an unknown man took him. He tried to stop the man. But when he tried to stop it. He notices the man. Was having a red eye and smelled like a rotten rat combine with rotten egg it smelled like a horrible smell or some kind of strong bad odour. He was shocked and can't speak up that night. That’s what he said and explained to them.
They were all shocked on that thing he had told. They said don't you fool us. But Kara tried to believe Rigby. But she really can't. It’s like a story, a movie. No one can’t believe it except of him. Except of Rigby.
Giorgio knocked on the door..........
Rigby!!!! Bro!!!! It's Me Giorgio!!!!! -- Giorgio
Oh! Wait men. Coming! -- Rigby
He opened the door and saw Giorgio.
Hey! Sorry men I haven't come in your house last night!!!! -- Giorgio
That's ok Giorgio!! -- Rigby
I haven't come, because I saw a strange man knocking at your door... I saw it took your uncle Villard... I followed it and saw how he bites and ate your uncle.... It was like a cannibal man..... -- Giorgio
Really!!! Maybe it's ah--aaah ---aaah ummm… Z...OOOO...MMM...BIE!!!!!!!!!!! -- Rigby
Men!!! That zombie thing is not real!!! It’s only on your ******** mind!!!! Will you stop this non-sense man? You’re freaking weirdo again bro! Come on zombies! How? I mean how they came? It’s lame! Worthless man. You’re on that imagination again. Let’s stop it ok. Bullshit!!! -- Giorgio
Lets's go to school now Giorgio it's Monday and where going to be late again. Let’s not fight. I know I’m freaking out man. Sorry. Maybe let’s go to school and just study and this will be all like a dream bro. – Rigby
Ok Men!! As you said!! We need to be not late or else another alibi to Ms. Zairaine again!!! She will be so mad at us again.... Better keep going get ready for school men.... I hate it when she is like a machine gun ratatatat… -- Giorgio
They had change their clothes take a bath and even eat breakfast and etc. When they are done they run to school together......
Chapter 5: School of the "DEAD".
December 11, 2012 7:15am
This is where Rigby and Giorgio went to school... Are they gonna be late again? Find out. (~o~)
Men where here already... I'm sweaty and wet... I looked like I just had worked out on something hard Bro!!!! -- Giorgio
I smell like a gym busters... Hahahahaha!!!! Yeah!!! Sweaty but healthy!!! Hahaha.. Wish we made it on time pal!!! Let’s go to school now... -- Rigby
Quit laughing bone head. We are not still sure if we did it. Let's take a rest first man. I'm so tired... -- Giorgio
Ok bro!!! But we’re going to get late now!!! Let's go... Ms. Zairaine will scold us again... -- Rigby
Ok bro!!! Better be tired than hear that woman’s mouth. I’m so tired of her!!! -- Giorgio
They went to school they are still not late..... Yeah! Yeah! In your face Ms. Zairaine. Mhmmm mhm!!!! (^ u ^)
Mr. Keegone and Mr. Butler you’re early... that’s better you learned your mistakes... Keep it up you two.... And everything will be good. -- Ms. Zairaine
They both said happily thanks ma'am!!!!!!
Thank goodness were not late. Bro! -- Giorgio
Your right men! hahahaha!!! -- Rigby
They went to their classroom.....
Hey Zomboy and Giorgio de espanya! -- Kuri
Hey bro! Sup!!! *Knuckle hands* -- Giorgio
Hi Men! Can you quit calling me that!!! -- Rigby
Ok Ok chillax!!! Rigby the rascal man! -- Kuri
Hey their Rigby, looking you got a work out hahaha… Sweaty man -- Kailee
Hello their Kailee looking great – Rigby
You make me blush Rigby. You... -- Kailee
Hey Rig--bey!!!!! -- Greggor
Hey Greggor long times no sees men!!! Hahaha – Rigby
How long time no see, you are always late. By the way man. Congrats! You’re not late. Let’s throw a party. Hahaha. – Greggor
Hahaha. Yeah man! Well maybe. Hahaha. – Rigby
After their conversation Ms. Keziah had went in the Class......
Good morning Class!!!!!!!!
Good morning Ma'am!!!!!!!!
Rigby was still thinking of what happened last night... Thought it was a zombie... He thinks about it..... He thinks that the video he watches… The zombies had invaded in their town/city.
Mr. Keegone.... Mr. Keegone!!!!
Oh Sorry ma'am! What was it????? -- Rigby
Oh I was asking about what is the answer in number 1 equation... -- Ms. Marmaduke
It's 2x squared... Ms. Marmaduke. That’s my answer. -- Rigby
That's correct your being good at this Mr. Keegone keep up the good work... -- Ms. Marmaduke
Thanks ma'am... -- Rigby
Wow! Our character is doing a good job. After those tragic events. (´~`)
After a long discussion it is break time... YEAH!!!! *_* Star…
Chimp…Crunch…Chomp… >O< Yummy…
Hey! Bro! What do you think of that thing we saw last night -- Giorgio
I have thought of it. It looks like some kind of zombie... -- Rigby
Have we talk about it before quit it bro. ******** G... dammit!!! Well ok I’ll calm. What if it is a zombie what will you do? Are we ready for this event...? Huh? Tell me man? What? Are you? -- Giorgio
I don't know but I’ll make a plan prepare for it now. Maybe design weapons and armour and also how to make a protective house for the zombie apocalypse. I’ll be thinking about it man. -- Rigby
Ok good idea man. I’ll help you out on this. We need to prepare man. So when do we start bro? -- Giorgio
We do it when I have the design and plan about this. I’ll tell you man, when I’m ready. -- Rigby
Ok bro. Just call me. I’m just your friendly neighbour dude. Ha ha ha… Kidding bro, but really I’m your neighbour. -- Giorgio
They had chatted and chat with each other. But suddenly a loud noise on the 4th floor was heard. The shout of the school Principal. It's Mister Reuben the school principal. All had been shocked. And thought what the noise all about was. Someone had bitten him.... He was bleeding... As they took him downstairs on the stretcher and ambulance came too.
Hey bro!!! Did you hear that? Someone had bitten the neck of Sir Iseulte our principal. The same thing happened to your uncle Villard... What do you think it is? Isn't it the cannibal that bites neck or vampires...? Maybe werewolves or some kind of a beast maybe. Or the zombies you’re talking about. -- Giorgio
We don't know Giorgio, but how will those come in school... Didn't the guards saw it.... -- Rigby
Yes! Your right let’s see and ask the guard about this. Let’s figure it out. Like spy man. -- Giorgio
They went to the guard.....
Haven't you seen any suspicious thing went inside here.... No the guard said... But we saw a people that is like ragged and smell so bad... Why did you let it in? We just thought maybe it’s a beggar or something... Oh ok then..... Or maybe an insane person… It can’t harm… and we can’t take the smell… If we argue with this person… O_O
Wait men!! -- Rigby
Why bro? Anything that bothered you??? About what the guard said? -- Giorgio
The guard said a ragged man who stinks a lot -- Rigby
Yup! So, who cares of that man...? The man maybe is not a cannibal or beast...Like the Giants that attacked Odyssey on One Island... Threw rocks at the ship... The story of "The Adventures of Odyssey... Maybe it’s not them. Maybe I think your right it’s the zombies. -- Giorgio
Yes maybe it is zombie. Come on man!! The smell is like the smell of the man that you saw bite my uncle... The guys smell is like that. -- Rigby
So, He is the suspect....? -- Giorgio
We don't know but we need to find it out -- Rigby
Ok where are we gonna look for that guy men!!??? We have a wide school. -- Giorgio
I don't know but maybe he is still here. Let’s check it out bro! -- Rigby
They went around the school to see the suspicious man that bites neck and kills people......
Hey!!!! What are you two up to...????? -- Kuri
Were solving a mystery! -- Giorgio
Yes! Are you two being....? Detectives???? – Jan
Sort of like that Mr. Jan Sydney Ghent Pozzi – Rigby
Cool then well good luck on solving it Rigby. – Jan
Thanks man. -- Rigby
Detective Conan's Bodyguards hahahahaha -- Clio----> O ~ O
Not exactly – Giorgio ------> +__+
Oh well! Just kidding you two freaks. -- Clio
Hey! Guys. What are you talking about out there? -- Dorcus
Some kind of investigations that are a conversation... Yeah rock n roll!!! A big joke only man. Well nothing Gideon Cuthbert. Just some issues with what happened to the principal. – Giorgio
Right man, but speaking about the principal… -- Dorcus
Hey! Haven’t you seen the beggar in the faculty room...? He had gone there. Marcellus saw it -- Diggory
Yes! I do saw it stinks like Stinky Pete yucksss!!! And it’s filthy dirty dudes. -- Diarmid
Really? The beggar that stinks it's him... Let's go straight from the top!!!!! See you later guys!!!!
-- Rigby & Giorgio
Why? Are those guys on the hurry? -- Zachariah
I'll follow them!!! -- Kuri
What are they talking about??? -- Ulrick
I really don't know, but I'll go with you Dan – Theodore -----> biggrin
Let's follow them!! Come on Theodore Oddyssey A. M. Beardsley. Let’s go! -- Kuri
So, Giorgio and Rigby had gone to the faculty room in a hurry!!!
Kuri and Theodore followed them.....
As Giorgio and Rigby was running at the stairs... Two girls were holding a book and were walking... Suddenly they bump on these two girls.... The books had scattered on the floor.... O_O I knew this two boys are trouble… I knew they were trouble… Hahaha…
Sorry girls!!! -- Giorgio
I'm Sorry, here are your books. -- Rigby
Hey! Wait. You’re Rigby? Right! -- Kaitlin
Yes I am, hey wait you’re Kaitlin Bonaparte! One of the classmates of Giorgio's cousin Antoine Piet! – Rigby
Yes! -- Kaitlin
Hey! Giorgio. -- Choelie
Hey Choelie Picasso! -- Giorgio
Well we got to go now, seeya again girls!! We are on a super hurry. Emergency and also a serious matter. -- Rigby
After that they had run again......
Finally reached the faculty room at 3rd floor......
They saw the beggar that stinks a lot...
It was heading to the faculty door.....
Knock Knock Knock!!!!!! On faculty’s door… >*_*<
One of the teachers went out to see it... It was Mr. Clitzford... The English teacher....
Hey! What do you need??? You’re knocking so hard!!! Said Mr. Clitzford
All it had to say was.....
ARGHrrghhhhhhhhhhhh RaaaaaHhhhh GGHhhhh .................................
Then Mr. Thorneberry went out and told Mr. Clitzford to tell the man to get out...........
But the man had gone in forcedly.........
Hey!!! What you think you were doing?????? Shouted Mr. Thorneberry........
The teachers inside had screamed loudly!!!!!!
Giorgio and Rigby tried to run at the door....
The door was closed.........Shut CLOSED.........
They tried to go in........ But they saw the man........
It had turned into a............a......a.........a............ahhh???????????
LIVING DEAD!!!!!!!!!! ------> X _ _ _ X
It change its form to human to a dead.
All had shouted they had tried to fight but........
Mr. Thorneberry got bitten at the hands..........
And later on turned into a "ZOMBIE" too........ Mr. Thorneberry is…
Theodore and Kuri had arrived there.............. They saw Giorgio and Rigby...... Starring there…
What happened in their guys!!!!! -- Kuri
Bro all in their are all zombies!!!!!! -- Giorgio
My Gosh you mean all!!!! I can’t believe this things!!! – Theodore
Yes!! Mr. Clitzford our English Teacher.... Mr. Thorneberry the teacher in History...... Ms. Marmaduke our math teacher... Ms Zairaine is in their too.... She is our adviser and also our Science teacher..... And lastly Mr. Valerius the Religion teacher..... -- Rigby
What the hell!!! You got to be kidding us!!!! -- Theodore
Men! We saw it in our bear eyes look at in their... See!!! -- Giorgio
Yes!! This can't be going on.... Let's go downstairs and tell this!!! -- Theodore
Yeah!! We need to tell everyone to go home... Remember Principal Reuben had been bought to the hospital.... Because of that zombie!!! -- Rigby
Wait!!! Wait!!! Bought to hospital!!!! My!! He will be a zombie and bite all people there!!!! b***h!!!! Let’s go to the hospital to warn them!!!! But we may be called insane. I don’t care I’ll try to save them all. Let’s warn all students here to go, there are zombies!!! Bulls hit!!! My cousin and your crush and the others let’s save them! -- Giorgio
Yeah!!! Your right Giorgio! Let’s go and do it. Don’t freak out man. I’m ******** scared now dudes. – Kuri
Nik is right come on guys let’s make a video of this to show it... Maybe they will believe us!! – Theodore
Hey! Hide guys the door is opening now they are coming out... Let us hurry and warn people... So the people won't be infected... Let's go!!!! – Giorgio
Guys all I thought was zombies are fake, now I’m encountering them. -- Kuri
They had run downstairs and tried to warn the students in their some believed some didn't..... Poor to those who didn’t believed…
Dinah Walburga and Antoine and the other of their friends had managed to go out of the school. Some died, some got infected. What did! What did Mr. Qwertitsky made? He made a very large and big challenge to our characters and made a problem to all people on the entire world.
The bitten zombies had scattered the university.....
While the four gentlemen were running....... Theodore, Giorgio, Rigby, and Kuri… They saw the zombies scattering the gate.
So, they took something to smash on the zombies. Gladly Giorgio got his guitar and Rigby got some skateboard. So they used it and managed to escape and went through the hospital where the principal is.
But it was too late. The principal had been zombie and now people run off the hospital and some had been a zombie.
They just went home......Kuri and Theodore… And Giorgio and Rigby… Hopeless… Didn’t save the people… He still hasn’t made the plan… That’s what we are telling it’s too late…
This was a very tough day and will be more tough as we go along... As the zombies begin to scatter the world... The Earth...... Hahahahaha!!!!! Muhahahaha (^o^)/
Just kidding!!!! But it’s a little true --> smile smile hahahaha hihihihi huhuhuhu hahahaha smile smile smile wink hahaha wink
Are you ready for the next chapter better be this is the part where they will be some exciting parts in these coming chapters........?
I had cutted Chapter's 6 - 10 to see the full story search it on wattpad.com. Thank you.
- by MyaLLSeAsOnCRUSH |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/19/2014 |
- Skip

- Title: T.R.I.O.D. (Chapters 1-5)
- Artist: MyaLLSeAsOnCRUSH
- Description: This story is about a young man who loves zombies alot. He believes that zombies are real. Will he make it and save the world?
- Date: 02/19/2014
- Tags: real image death zombies
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