• In a small quiet town,lived a young girl who lives within the town's clocktower.
    No one knew why she would live in the clocktower.
    "Been abandoned for years!" Many say.
    When questioned about it,all she said was. "I am only watching it for a friend."
    This answer didn't satisfy everyone,some of the townspeople endlessly pestered her.
    Others started a web of wild and crazy rumors.
    But despite all of this,the girl continued to flash her bright and cheery smile.

    2nd half: within the tower.
    I sit in my tower,watching the hours tick by,my eyes do not fall nor does my body tire,for I need no sleep.
    I couldn't help but ask myself again, "Why was I made?"
    Am I a toy of sorts? Or perhaps just a puppet? I never did ask him before he left.
    I still remember that day,"vividly?" Is that the word?
    It was a cold night,my creator had packed most of his things ahead of time.
    Before he left,he walked up to me and said,"Don't worry my child,daddy's only leaving for awhile."
    He put on his large soft coat and moved slighty closer to the door, "I'll be back soon,I promise."
    He punctuated his sentence with a light kiss to my forehead and he left,just like that.
    Almost immediantly after that I felt a strange feeling in my chest.
    A deep empty feeling mixed with a sense of loneliness.
    I felt "sad".
    This feeling started small but as time passed the pain grew.
    My life now is nothing but a farce, fake smiles and false emotions.
    I am nothing but a doll who will never feel "true" emotion.
    But even if i pity myself,even if I drown in my own sea of lies.
    I wait for him.
