• One dark silent night with no moon or stars, two people decided to leave their child Mary at an abandoned hut in the middle of the woods. She was only 5 years old, the two people (her parents), told her they would be back soon, on their journey to get out of the woods they were chased down by an evil spirit and killed. The little girl waited and waited for a long time before she started crying, tears streamed down her dace and that's when she heard it, thump thump thump went the stairs. A noise that rattled the entire hut , it sounded so scary that it frightened the little girl, she ran away from the hut so fast that she wasn't looking where she was going, Mary fell down the ravine and died an instant death. Her spirit couldn't rest in peace until someone took her place, so she waited and waited until a whole year passed by, lot's of rumors had started by then about how creepy and haunted it was, but three stubborn collage kids named Dakota , Richie, and Allan didn't believe in such childish stories, they wanted to check it out themselves and so they packed all the supplies they needed for the long walking trip they were about to take. And they set out on the walk during the mid evening hoping to arrive there just in time, it turned so dark by the time they reach the woods that even with the flashlights they were using seemed dim. On and on they trekked until they reached the little hut where the supposed haunting's were, they opened it up and seeing that is was empty stepped inside to take a closer look.
    The three students put down there backpacks full of stuff and went on a exploring spree, they searched the entire building but didn't find anything except a ton of spiderwebs, an old skeleton and a box of dirty dishes. they soon grew tired and hungry and they decided to meet downstairs in the small kitchen to make something to eat. As they descended the stairs they heard a thump thump thump, thinking of it they thought it was just their imagination so they forgot about it and went to the kitchen. they realized soon enough that there wasn't any electricity so they used a can opener and ate out of some cans with spoons. Growing tired they left things as they were for now and started unpacking their sleeping bags and pillows. As they were falling a sleep they heard it again, the loud thump thump thump only this time they felt the entire hut shake, the boys ignored it and tried to sleep but they just couldn't , Allan got up and went to the stairs only to find that nobody was there. Richie got up to and followed Allan to the stairs he also so nothing, they heard a loud bang and that was enough to wake up Dakota who was snoring loudly, aw come on guys quit making such a racket i'm trying to sleep here. It wasn't us shouted the boys who kept watching the stairs, And that's when they saw her a little child with blood streaming down her eyes, the boys screamed out in fear and ran to Dakota, Dakota wake up man we gotta go , what yawned Dakota? . He didn't have time to get fully awake the boys grabbed him and they all stumbled out the door, this please the little girl finally i can rest in peace as soon as they die, she thought happily. Dakota spat out what's the deal guys i was sleeping, g-g-ghost screamed Allan and Richie, aw come on you expect me to believe that, there are no such things as ghosts. Tell that to her the boys pointed behind him, Dakota turned his head and saw the most horrible site, He saw a little girl with a night gown on , blood dripping down her eyes, and blood soaked skin, His eyes grew wide with so much fear he had no time to talk, he got up with the other boys and together they ran, mind you it was dark outside so they couldn't see where they were going, there was a loud crash and a scream, and then blackness took over, the girls spirit disappeared and she was reunited with her parents. a week later in was on the news that the bodies of the three collage students were found in a ravine in the woods to the south of the collage but the hut was no where to be found. They rumors these days, tell of how the boys seek their revenge by killing anyone who visits the hut on cold blackness nights, and that girls should stay away or they to would have the same fate as the boys did that night, but those are just rumors, right?