Today, your good friend and slight crush, Butters Stotch had invited you over to his house. He had asked you today during school, and you happily agreed. Your agreement made the already giddy boy even happier.
It was a few hours after school and you were about to walk to Butters' house who lived a few houses down the street to you. You waved good bye to your mother and told her where you were going. "Don't stay out too late, honey!" she said to you as you walked out the door and you replied with a, "I'll try not to!"
After you finally reached Butters' house you knocked on the door and after a few seconds, the door was opened by the blonde boy himself. He gave you a happy smile, "Well, hiya there (Y/N)!" he greeted.
"Hey Butters," you replied as Butters opened the door to let you in. You waved hello to Mr. and Mrs. Stotch who were watching the news on the televison, Mrs. Stotch waved hello back to you and resumed watching the news with her husband.
Butters quickly took you up to his room and over to his computer, "So, what game are we playing?" you asked.
"Well, I hope you don't mind, but I kind of wanted to play this online game I found." he replied, bumping his knuckles together in the most cute way.
"I don't mind at all! What's it called?" you asked.
"Uh, it's called Hello Kitty Island Adventure," he replied, looking at the ground with his sky blue eyes.
You gave him a small smile, "Really? I think Hello Kitty's adorable! Lets play!" you said happily.
Butters looked up from the ground and gave you a big smile, "Really? You don't care that I like Hello Kitty?" he asked.
"I'm not one to judge, I like Hello Kitty too, she's cute." you replied.
"O-okay, we can play then!" he said happily and clicked on the desktop icon for the game.
Once the game had opened into full screen, Butters logged into his account and showed you his character. "Aww, he's adorable!" you said with a smile.
"Really? I could make you an account too! You know, if ya' want," he said.
"Sure, that'd be great!" you replied, happily.
Butters gave you another smile and for a split second you thought you saw a hint of a blush on his cheeks. He logged out of his account and made you an account, asking you what you wanted your username and password to be and what your email was. Once Butters had finished making your account, he let you have the computer so you could play the game.
A few hours after playing the game Butters' parents came into his room and told you that your mother had called them and that you had to go home. You gave a small frown and nodded, Butters' parents walked back downstairs. Butters looked a bit sad, "Don't worry Butters, I can come over tomorrow after school, if you want." you said.
Butters smiled, "Really? That'd be awesome!" he said happily.
"Yup, I'm sure my mom would let me," you said.
"Do you wanna play Hello Kitty Island Adventure again?" he asked
"If that's what you wanna do," you said with a smile.
"I can't wait to see you tomorrow then!" he said, as he logged of the game and off your account.
You two walked downstairs and Butters opened the door for you. You two walked out, "Uh, h-hey, (Y/N), can I do something before you leave?" he asked.
You looked at him and nodded, "Sure, Butters," you replied. Butters quickly but gently put his hands on your cheeks and gave you a quick kiss. He had a bright blush on his face when he pulled away. You blushed after he pulled away. "I, uh, really like you (Y/N)," he said.
"I like you too, Butters," you replied, with a smile.
Suddenly Butters' father appeared in the doorway, "Butters did you kiss (Y/N)?" he asked in an authoritative tone.
"Well, uh, yes sir," he replied, looked at the ground and bumping his knuckles together.
"You're grounded mister!" Mr. Stotch said as he pulled Butters inside by one of his arms.
"Bye (Y/N)! I'll see you at school!" Butters quickly said and waved to you before his father closed the door.
You gave a small sigh, you were a little iffy about Butters' parents, but at least they cared about him. You walked back to your house and thought about what was going to happen tomorrow at school.

- Title: Butters X Reader - Hello Kitty
- Artist: I Kichi I
(Taken from my DeviantART account, World-Detective-L)
Your best friend Leopold 'Butters' Stotch has invited you over to his house! What'll happen while you're there?
Butters/South Park belongs to Matt Stone and Trey Parker
Story belongs to me. - Date: 08/10/2014
- Tags: butters hellokitty southpark xreader
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