• Axel sighed as he leaned back against the rough brick building. The school day was too long. He pulled the cigarette away from his mouth and let out a long breath of the smoke. He closed his eyes and rested his head of bright red spikey hair against the building. At eighteen years old he thought he would have his life together already. He shook his head slowly with a dry chuckle. Right. Together.

    He looked up when he heard the telltale sound of crunching leaves. He narrowed his eyes to see down the field, a small blonde figure making its way towards him. He sighed. He really did not need a lecture right now. He extinguished his cigarette on the ground beside him, flicking the bud away. He closed his eyes again, only opening them when he heard someone sit down next to him, a weight settling on his shoulders.

    “I miss you…” a small voice murmured.

    Axel sighed, “I know..” he replied quietly.

    There was silence after that for a few long moments before he tipped his head to the side letting it rest against the blonde spikes of his friend.

    “I miss you too Roxy.”

    Axel felt the boy take in a breath at the emission. He could understand why. He was never one to be honest about his feelings. He licked his lips slightly.

    “You smell like smoke..” the small voice stated.

    “I just smoked.” He sighed.

    The boy next to him huffed,

    “ I thought you were quitting.” He accused.

    “I was. s**t happens goldilocks.” He replied with an eye roll.

    He felt the warm body next to him move away, he reached out, taking the small hand in one of his own. It was tanner than his own but almost half the size.

    “Don’t go…” he whispered, locking acid green with wide ocean blues.

    “Never…” the blonde whispered, settling back down, in the redhead’s lap this time. Axel let out a soft breath at the familiar warmth and weight of his friend. He pulled the small body into his own.

    “Promise me…” he whispered, sounding more vulnerable than he would have liked.

    “Pinky…” he felt whispered against his chin before small lips placed a soft kiss there. He smiled.

    “Such a kid.” He teased before he took those small lips in his own, cupping a delicate jaw.
    He felt the blonde take in a breath against his mouth as he kissed him slowly. He was taking his time with the blonde. He didn’t want to scare him off.