Tales of Xalthia
Chapter 20: A Knights' Return
Two months have slowly passed by since the reconstruction of Basilwell began. At first, the reconstruction of the town was slow and didn't make much progress but as soldiers became healthy and were able to move around again, the process began to pick up speed. Even the citizens decided to volunteer their help in order to get the town back to what it used to be. It was a long and steady two months but they managed to finally complete the reconstruction without anymore incidents occurring.
Tsuki and everyone else from the town were all gathered at the newly built town square as they were doing the finishing touches to the town. When they were finished, everyone celebrated. Their town was finally rebuilt and everyone could once again rest easy in the comforts of their newly repaired homes and businesses. In celebration for the completion of their town, the citizens and officials of Basilwell decided to hold a festival. The festival was to be held in the evening and since it was still dawn, everyone had time to rest and get ready for the big event.
Tsuki was resting in the inn, relieved that the town was back to normal. He felt good with a sense of accomplishment, knowing that he had helped put a towns' uneasiness to rest. As he was laying down on one of the beds in his room, he began to reflect on his journey since he first left Eresseas. "Man, a lot sure has happened in the past three months. From the whole Winchester Disease ordeal to the cult from Prophet Castle then to the mines of Briswater and finally to the Menorions' plot to overthrow Eresseas. There's just something about an adventure that makes me excited" he said, staring up at the ceiling.
Ramza was leaning up against the wall outside his door as Tsuki was talking to himself. When he was done, he opened the door and walked into the room. "Why don't you go on an adventure then?" he asked.
Tsuki looked towards the door and saw Ramza standing in the doorway. "Going on an adventure...it would be fun and exciting, but I'm a knight of Eresseas. I can't just go on an adventure on a whim" he said.
Ramza sat down in one of the chairs and folded his arms. "Yeah, a knight can't leave his King and Queen for an adventure no matter who you are or what your position is" he asked. He then fell silent for a moment and looked out the window. After a few minutes, he looked back at Tsuki. "Tell me something" he said.
Tsuki sat up and tilted his head, looking at Ramza. "What's up?" he asked.
Ramza gave him a serious look. When he was listening to him on the other side of the wall, he heard Tsuki say something that made him curious. "This cult that you mentioned to yourself. You know, the one from Prophet Castle? What do you know of them?" he asked.
Tsuki had a confused look on his face. Since Ramza wasn't from Cayhill, he shouldn't know about the cult. "The cult? Honestly, I don't know much about them myself. All I know is that they're an evil band of people who abduct people and use them as human sacrifices for some long dead God. Why do you ask?"he asked.
Ramza stroked his chin for a moment in thought before his shook his head. "I was just curious, that's all" he said. He then looked down at the ground, closing his eyes. "Hmm...so it seems they're active here as well" he whispered softly to himself.
Ramzas' response made Tsuki curious. There seemed to be something that was bothering him. It was almost like he knew something about the cult, but he didn't know what that was. Before he could ask another question, Lynette entered the room.
Lynette looked at Tsuki and saw that he and Ramza had been talking about something. She felt like she walked into a conversation she shouldn't of interrupted. "Oh, sorry. Did I interrupt you guys?" she asked.
Ramza shook his head and smirked a bit. He knew that Tsuki would get curious and ask him what he knows but now wasn't the time to talk about it so he decided that it was time to change the subject. "I came in here to talk to Tsuki about when you two will run off, get married and have kids" he said. Obviously, he was joking but it would help pushing the subject about the cult aside for now.
When Ramza lied about what they were talking about and made up a complete lie, he was caught off-guard by it which made him forget what he was about to ask him. "W-what!? No we weren't!" he said.
Lynette blushed a bit and was a bit flustered by what Ramza said. "Married!? Me and Tsuki!?" she shouted. She didn't know how to respond to what Ramza said.
Ramza couldn't help but laugh a bit at their reactions. He then shook his head a few moments later. "I'm kidding. I'm sure Tsuki is infatuated with Eresseas' Princess" he said, giving him a smug look.
Tsuki cleared his throat and wanted to change the subject and avoided commenting on Ramzas' last comment. "A-anyway, what are you guys going to do when we part ways?" he asked.
Lynette tilted her head, folded her arms and leaned up against the wall before going into thought. "That's a good question. What am I going to do?" she asked herself. She never thought that far ahead so she wasn't exactly sure what she was going to do. "Hmm...I haven't really thought about it. I suppose I could return to Crescentia" she said.
Ramza went into thought as well. His main reason for being in Cayhill was to track down and follow the Shadow Knight but since she had explained things to them, he began to doubt his mission. "Well, I might take a little journey around the country. I still haven't seen much of Cayhill yet" he said.
Just then, they heard a knock on the door. Moments later, Ruko walked in and joined the group. "Talking about future plans, huh? Sorry, I couldn't help but eavesdrop" he said. He then looked at Ramza for a moment. "If you're going to journey around the country, do you mind if I join you?" he asked.
Ramza looked up at Ruko and scratched his head. "Well, that was a sudden request. Why do you want to join me?" he asked. Ruko was one of Basilwells' finest. He was curious to know why he would want to leave the town to journey around Cayhill with him.
Ruko fell silent for a moment. "I'll be completely honest. I've been feeling kind of empty. Unfulfilled, if you know what I mean. I know I helped defend the down and aided in the reconstruction but there's something inside me that I'm missing. When you guys told me about your journey last month, I felt inspired. I wanted to experience something like that for myself. Maybe if I do that, I'll find what I'm missing" he said.
Ramza listened to his reason and nodded. "So, a journey to find yourself, huh? You can join me, I don't mind. It's more fun traveling in groups anyway" he said. He then looked over at Lynette. "You want to tag along with us too, Lynette?" he asked.
Lynette looked over at Ramza and nodded. "Sure! It sounds exciting! To be honest, I didn't want to end this journey. I've grown to like it" she said. She was excited and happy to know that they could stay together and continue their journey. Besides, she didn't have anything to do anyway.
Tsuki smiled a bit as he listened to them as they decided what they were going to do once he parts ways with them. "Sounds like you guys are set to go then. If you guys need anything, you know where to find me" he said. A part of him wanted to go with them but he couldn't abandon his duty as a knight.
Moments later, Alba walked into the room and stood in the doorway. He could see the room was becoming too cramped with people. "Whoa, what's going on in here? Celebrating already?" he asked.
Tsuki shook his head. "No, we're just talking about our future plans. What's up?" he said, looking over to the door.
Alba looked at Tsuki. "I received a message from the royal family. They wanted me to express their gratitude to you for your valiant efforts you and your companions have done for our town. They said they're waiting for your return and wish for your safe return" he said.
Tsuki nodded. "Thank you. I also wish to express my gratitude to you for putting up with us these past two months" he said.
Alba shook his head. "No, it's us that should be doing that. If you didn't show up when you did, who knows what might of happened to our town" he said. He then stared out at the sky through the window. "So, you guys are leaving tomorrow morning then?" he asked.
Tsuki nodded once more. "Yes, It'll take us the entire day getting back to Eresseas...as long as we aren't stopped on the way, that is" he said. His thoughts then went on to the royal family. "I've kept them waiting for far too long as it is. I don't want to delay my return any further" he said.
Alba smiled a bit and chuckled. "I can understand that. From what you guys have told me, it seems your journey has taken a lot longer than it should of been, including this ordeal as well" he said.
Lynette chuckled a bit, remembering all the times Tsukis' mission was derailed. "It really has been a long journey. At least, it's one that we won't be forgetting anytime soon" she said.
Tsuki shrugged and looked up at the clock. "That's true. Let's use today to rest up and relax. I'd like to leave before sunrise tomorrow, if possible" he said. The earlier they leave, the sooner they'll arrive at Eresseas.
Everyone agreed then left the inn to do their own thing. They were on their own and took the opportunity to restock on some much needed supplies and rest. When the evening hours came around, the streets were lined with lights stringed together with several stalls already set up and placed. It was like a full blown festival. Everyone was dressed up for the occasion. Even Tsuki and his companions were dressed up for the festival thanks to Alba's help. Everyone was dressed in kimonos for females and yukatas for males. It made Tsuki feel a bit weird since he's used to wearing chainmail and suits of armor.
Everyone gathered at the town square when the festival started. The four decided to pair up and go separate ways to see the different parts of the festival. Tsuki and Lynette went off to check out the east side of town while Ruko and Ramza went off to the west side of town. Since all parts of the town connect, they would all meet up at the port for the festivals' finale.
After they split off, Ruko and Ramza went off towards the newly built market and residential parts of town. The streets were filled filled with people. Some were even praising the two for defending and rebuilding the city.
Ruko looked at the crowds of people and patted Ramza on the back. "Looks like you have some adoring fans now. Some of them are quite cute. Why don't you go talk to them?" he asked.
Ramza laughed a bit, shaking his head. "I'll admit, they are cute but I have someone special already" he said.
Ruko tilted his head. This was the first time that he had mentioned about having someone special in his life. "Who is it? Where are they?" he asked.
Ramza looked towards the direction of the ocean for a moment then turned his head back to Ruko. "She's...very far away from here and beyond my reach. I will get her back though even if I have to put myself at risk" he said. He felt a bit awkward talking about this person but it wasn't a bad feeling.
Ruko had a curious look on his face. "Did you guys have a fight or something?" he asked. He then realized he was getting too personal in his questions. It wasn't his business. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ask such personal questions" he said.
Ramza shook his head. "It's fine. You can say we had a fight but I don't want to talk about it right now" he said. It was a sore subject for him and he wasn't ready to talk about it to anyone just yet.
They continued to walk through the market area until they eventually reached the residential area. They made several stops at the stalls that were set up, played some games and had some food. Some had some interesting prizes while others had small things like charms.
As they made their way through the residential area towards the port, the two had various different conversations. After several moments of silence, Ruko looked at Ramza with a question in mind. "What's it like to be a knight?" he asked.
Ramza scratched his head, not sure how to give a definitive answer. "Well, each kingdom has different styles and standards when it comes to being a knight. However, there are a few things that remain the same. A knight, regardless of what kingdom you swear your loyalty to, must be willing to go up and beyond the call of duty. A knight must ensure that peace and harmony is well maintained in the kingdom. However, your primary goal is to ensure the safety of the royal family that you are serving. Take Tsuki for example. Sure, he can be reckless at times, but he does his best for the sake of Cayhill, the royal family and the innocent who can't fend for themselves" he said.
Ruko listened to his explanation on what it means to be a knight. It made him think for a minute. "I see...seeing Tsuki's dedication to his country is admirable. It makes me want to make a difference as well" he said.
Ramza shrugged. "So, he basically inspired you. That's a good thing but you shouldn't necessarily follow in his footsteps. Everyone is different, after all. I'm sure you will find your purpose on our journey. It's only a matter of time" he said.
They continued to talk while making their way to the port. Meanwhile, Tsuki and Lynette were enjoying themselves. Since the east side of town had mostly recreational and basic commercial stuff like cafes, there were more people in the east side of town.
As the two walked along, they stopped at several stalls and won some prizes by playing some of the games they had set up. They also had some of the food that was being served. It was a fun experience for both of them because most of the food was from other kingdoms. They eventually decided to take a short break and sat down on one of the benches. As they took a moment to rest, Lynette began to stare off at the sky.
Tsuki noticed that Lynette seemed to be distracted by something. He tapped her shoulder gently to snap her out of it. "Lyn? You okay?" he asked. It was a night of celebration and also the last night they would all be together as a group. He wanted to enjoy the time they had left together.
Lynette looked at him and shook her head. "I'm just thinking" she said. She then looked down at the ground for a moment. "You sure you can't join us on our journey?" she asked.
Tsuki shook his head. "Unfortunately, I can't. I have a duty to uphold. No matter how much I want to go with you guys, I can't turn my back on the royal family. They've done so much for me already" he said.
Lynette knew the answer he was going to give her so it didn't surprise her. He was a royal knight, after all. He dedicates his life in serving his kingdom. "Yeah, I expected an answer like that" she said. She looked up at Tsuki and smiled a bit. "What do you think will happen when you return to the castle?" she asked.
Tsuki shrugged. "I'm not sure. Obviously, I'll have to give a very long report about everything that's happened since I left the city. After that, however, I can't imagine" he said.
Lynette sighed a bit. "I see..." she said. She then stood up from the bench and stood in front of Tsuki, facing him. "I want to thank you for everything you've done. If you never showed up in Crescentia, I wouldn't be here and have experience so many different things. So...thank you so much for everything" she said, bowing at him.
Tsuki smiled a bit and stood up, placing his hand on top of her head. "You don't have to thank me for anything. It's my duty to protect the innocent. Besides, you're my friend. I couldn't sit by and let you get hurt" he said. Thinking back, he has changed a lot since his journey began. He's experience things he thought he would never experience. He then looked towards the ocean for a few moments and looked back at her. "Come on. Let's get to the docks" he said.
Lynette tilted her head and nodded. "Sure" she said. She knew the time to say goodbye was drawing closer and the thought of it makes her sad. However, they didn't have much time left to be together so she stayed strong and wanted to enjoy what little time they had left.
They soon started to head towards the docks. After about ten minutes, they reached the docks where the townspeople started to gather. They soon met up with Ramza and Ruko and after talking among themselves for a bit, numerous fireworks started to shoot up into the sky that ranged in all kinds of sizes, lighting up the night sky. Tsuki and the others watched the fireworks as people watched and cheered. Cheers went on through the night and before they knew it, it was dawn the following morning. After receiving a few gifts of gratitude from the townspeople, they said their goodbyes to Basilwell. Tsuki, Lynette, Ramza and their new companion, Ruko began their long journey back to Eresseas. As they made their journey back through the Cavern of Solace and through the plains of Cayhill, they fought countless monsters and grew closer together as friends. The travel back took about the entire day, just as Tsuki predicted. Finally, during the evening hours, they finally reached the massive gates of Eresseas. Eresseas was the biggest city on Cayhill with a population of over twenty thousand people. A massive city surrounds the castle that lies along the shoreline. Tsuki felt both relieved and overjoyed to finally be back.
Tsuki took a deep breath and stepped forward a bit, putting some distance between him and his companions. "Well, here we are. I'd like to welcome you all to the kingdom of Eresseas" he said. He then turned his head and looked past the gates of Eresseas, seeing the castle in the distance. "It feels like it's been ages since I last walked through these gates" he said. He then turned his head back to his companions. "I guess this is where we part ways. I'd like to thank you guys for accompanying me on this journey. It's been a huge help and I really enjoyed myself" he said, bowing at them.
Ramza shook his head. "You don't need to thank me. It's been a wild ride. You got yourself a nice life here. Always remember that you have friends outside the castle that you can rely and count on. If you need any help, feel free to call me up anytime" he said.
Ruko nodded. "Yeah. We may not have known each other long but you've done more for us than what anyone has done. If you need my fists, send me a message and I'll come running" he said.
Lynette stared at the ground for a moment. She felt her eyes tear up but she shook her head before looking up at him with a bright smile. "Thank you so much for everything. No matter how far apart we are, we'll always be your friends. If you need my healing, don't hesitate to ask" she said.
Tsuki listened to their responses and nodded, giving them a soft smile. "I will, you can count on that. What do you guys plan on doing now?" he asked.
Ramza approached him and patted him on the shoulder. "We're all pretty worn out from the trip back. We're going to rest up at the inn for the night then leave in the morning" he said.
Tsuki looked at Ramza and nodded. "Give them my name. The inn is called the Iron Maiden. It's located in the east part of the city. Just follow the signs and you'll be there. You'll know when you're there when you see a wooden wagon in front of the building. I'll let them know you're coming. It's the least I can do" he said. He then took one final look at his companions. "I wish you all good luck on your next journey. I hope we meet again someday. Goodbye everyone" he said.
Tsuki then turned around and headed into the city, leaving the group. It was difficult saying goodbye to people he's grown so close to but he didn't have much choice. He wanted to stay with them but his position and duty wouldn't allow it. After ten minutes, he reached the castle which was on the other end of the city and walked through the gates as knights and officials welcomed him back home.
To be continued...
- by xXGhostStalker |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 01/21/2015 |
- Skip

- Title: Tales of Xalthia - Chapter 20
- Artist: xXGhostStalker
- Description: Welcome to Chapter 20! In this chapter, the reconstruction of Basilwell has finally been completed after two months since the attacks of both Menorion and monsters. Tsuki and his companions have a night in celebration and prepare themselves for the long trip back to Eresseas! Get to reading, folks!
- Date: 01/21/2015
- Tags: tales xalthia chapter
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