• ( Audio Recording No. 5c Sierra playing )

    [Redacted]: Will his information be useful?

    [Redacted]: We've had reports that he was caught in the incident in [expunged] village. He's 1 of 10 survivors out of the 100 living there. Plus I've known him and his family for a few weeks now.

    [Redacted]: Hmm well to go through something like this at his age, I hope you can get anything from him.

    [Redacted]: Send the survivor in.

    * Door opens and 10 year old boy was brought in sitting down quietly looking at both researchers *

    [Redacted]: We won't ask you for your name, but, we'd like to ask you a few questions in regards to what happened at [expunged] village, if we remembered correctly that's where you lived right?

    * Child nods anxiously fidgeting around in his chair *

    [Redacted]: Calm down, you're not in trouble or anything, you can trust us.

    * Child calms down slightly but on guard *

    [Redacted]: Kay, how about we start with what you've seen when the [expunged] attacked.

    * Child retreats to himself and cringes in fear *

    [Redacted]: I know this is tough, but, we need your help to find that thing that hurt all the villegers. Please.

    * Child shakes his head furiously then covers his ears *

    * uninteligable whincing *

    * Researchers whispering to one another as the other moves to comfort the child *

    [Redacted]: Don't worry, that thing is not gonna be able to come after you anymore, we'll protect you, you just need to believe in us. We won't ask you what you've seen, so we'll cut this short.

    * Calm Researcher grabs a chair and sits beside the frightful Child *

    [Redacted]: Do you know where the monster went?
    * Child nods *

    [Redacted]: Can you tell us where?

    * Child shakes his head *

    [Redacted]: Can you show us where?

    * Child motions his head on the table as if drawing something *

    [Redacted]: Hand him a pen and paper.

    * Child draws a landmark on the paper *

    [Redacted]: Okay are you sure it went there?

    * Child Nods *

    [Redacted]:That's good kid, this'll help alot. *sighs* I know you're parents got hurt really bad when that thing attacked the village, both my parents died when I was a young kid too. But me and my friends are gonna make that thing pay for what it did to your mom and dad okay, believe us, we'll hunt it down and hurt it the way it did to your mom and dad.

    * sobbing *

    [Redacted]: Okay kid the man behind the door will help you back to the other villagers who came here with you okay.

    * Researcher stops as Child grabs hold of her sleeves *

    Child: Please stay with me...

    [Redacted]: Okay, I'll bring you back to the others okay? Okay, I'll leave the rest for you to handle.

    [Redacted]: Sure, I'll be okay.

    * Both leaves the room together *

    [Redacted]: What do you think Prof. [expunged]?

    [Room intercom: It's only one lead and a small hint at what happened at [Expunged] Village, We, I haven't informed the king nor his advisors about this incident yet since it's not a major incident..]

    [Redacted]: [Expunged] village was also close to one of our towers and we haven't gotten word from them.

    [Room intercom: I know where you're going with this. I wish I can jump to the conclusion that the our people are being targeted but this is only one incident close to one of our towers. It ain't coincidence that the attacked happened. Get me more solid evidence.]

    [Redacted]: I'll try to get as much from the other survivors, I just hope none of our guys were there when the village was attacked. The scenery there feels like that anime where all those monsters killed everyone in that little town. Jesus, Japanese cartoons sure know how to stick to ya even though it's a few moments.

    [Room intercom: I'll double security at the towers and outposts close to any neighboring villages. I know one of your close friends are in the village not so far from [Expunged} village.]

    [Redacted]: Thank you sir.

    [Room intercom: Get me solid evidence to determine whether this is a threat..]

    [Redacted]: Yes sir.

    ( End of recording )