• Joke 1: Hey Angel you have some up-dog on your shrt
    Angel:Whats up dog?
    Me:Nothing much you

    Joke 2: Yo mama so stupid i handed her my razor phone and she started rubbing it on her neck!

    Joke 3: You so ugly you make onions cry!

    Joke 4: Yo mama so blackwhen she stepped out of her car the oil leak icon started blinking.

    Joke 5: You so stupid i told you to take bus number 4 and you took bus number two twice.

    Joke 6: Yo mama so tall she did a cartwheel and kicked jesus.

    Joke 7: Yo mama so skinny she hula-hoops with a cheerio and jump ropes with a piece of thread.!

    Joke 8: Yor mama is so old her birthdate was 1312 b.c

    Joke 9: Yo mama so fat whenever she sees a school bus she says catch that twinkie!!!