It is located in the middle of a forest that has big, scary trees, which creak in the wind. Also when you walk through the forest at night, you feel as though the forest is alive and following your every move.
From the outside the house looks big, black and scary. Abandoned hundreds of years ago. Around the house are a few trees that seem almost human. Each day you will find these trees in a different place every time you look at them. As you walk up the path to the front door you can see dead things and plants as though it was once was looked after, but now forgotten. On the front door is a gargoyle looking doorknob, which echoes loudly, sending blackbirds flying when you knock. Whilst standing under the shelter by the door you can smell the dust coming from inside and the wood. In the corner is a rocking chair that can’t be moved. Every now and again you will see a woman sitting on this chair looking as if she had seen a ghost herself. Also on the outside you can see dirty, broken windows from kids who have tried breaking in. Every now and again you may see the odd light on, but you can’t see whom by. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It could be the old ghost that has caused every one who has lived in that house to either die a painful death or move out. On the inside of the house as you walk in there is a big spiral staircase not far up the hall covered in cobwebs and a red carpet leading to the door. This red carpet leads all the way up the stairs to one of the locked up room. In the room to your left as you enter the house is the lounge. It is one of the biggest rooms in the house. In the room is broken windows and a big shelving unit with pictures of the previous owners still there. The unit is covered in cobwebs and spiders. If you look very closely at the pictures taken in the house the house you can see a white shadow in the background caught by the flash of the camera. On the floor is a rugged old rug, which if you lift up is a trapdoor below. No one has ever gone under there as who knows what may be down there. Some people say there is someone still living down there who never comes out until its dark, when it is dark people say this is the creature or human you see walking round the grounds and round the house. All the other downstairs and upstairs rooms and similar to the first one except they don’t have trapdoors. Downstairs in the basement is the scariest. This room is separate from the one under the trapdoor, but who knows if it may join somewhere underneath considering the whole basement spreads throughout the length of the house. There are all sorts of objects and equipment down in the basement, but no one knows what it is or where it came from. Maybe it was the owner who first bought the house, maybe it’s his/her possessions and when they died they had no one to take it home or maybe there were witches and wizards living here at one point in time and never left.
Someone does still live in the house and has never left and probably has no intention on leaving the house until everyone is so scared of the place, they stop buying and they house gets demolished. People say it is haunted but people say it’s all in their heads. But then where’s the explanation for the man walking/floating round the house and grounds at night turning on lights and not turning them off. What would explain the noises that come from the house and the painful deaths previous owners have suffered in the house.
Spooky House
i did this as my english essay and got a B for it.
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